Introduction and Site Guide

This catalog is a list of all known and available commemorative license plates produced by the Disney Company worldwide.  Just like Disneyland and the other Disney theme parks, this catalog will never be complete, as there will always be license plates that haven't been discovered.  As of this edition of the catalog, there are over 830 different license plates that have been produced.

Disney license plates offer collectors miniature works of art, which are rather inexpensive if you purchase them from the theme parks and resorts.  Lately, they have lacked public demand and have been limited in being released, making them difficult to collect.  Currently the only Disney property creating and selling license plates on a semi-regular basis is Walt Disney World.  All of the other theme parks release them for a special occasion or have discontinued them all together.

Most of the license plates are made out of aluminum.  However, it appears that the stamped aluminum plates are being replaced with flat, non-stamped, plastic license plates.  Those license plates that are not made of aluminum are noted in the plate listing in red lettering, with the type of material they are made of.

The license plates have been organized into twenty major categories.  Each of the categories represents a different theme park or type of license plate.  Each license plate listing is accompanied by an image of the license plate, if one is available.  Most of the license plates were imaged while still sealed in their shrink-wrap as they were sold.  The shrink-wrap tends to distort some of the images and causes the real colors of the license plate to change shade when scanned.

Several of the license plates have a silver mirrored background or areas which when scanned, images black. This changes the "look" of the license plate. Plates which have mirrored areas are noted in the catalog. Several of the mirrored plate images have been enhanced to show the detail on the plate, thus eliminating the "black" on the image.

Please note that I do not sell Disney license plates. This is an informational catalog, not a products for sale catalog.


What can you find on this web site?   Hopefully the following information will help answer that question, as well as others you might have.   You can always send your questions, comments and suggestions to me at: Webmaster.

Looking for images of Disney license plates?   Check out section 2 Disney License Plate Catalog.   Here you will find images of most of the cataloged plates.   The plates have been categorized by theme park and type of plate.   Can't find the plate you have in the catalog or you have a different version?   Send me an e-mail with the information and I'll add it to the catalog.

Section 4. Catalog Notes has information on the catalog numbering codes, availability of plates, plate ID numbers, types of plate attachment holes, my terms of plate condition and other information about the plates.

Look for places where you can purchase current plates, under section 5. Resources.

Section 6. Disney Property Opening Dates is part of the historical data you can find on the site, but provided mostly to help keep track of new park and property openings for the release of new plates.   Not every new park or property gets a plate, but this section will help you know what might be coming out.

You can find a list of plates in ".PDP" format and my want list in ".DOC" format under sections 7. Disney License Plate List and 8. Disney License Plate Want List.   The want list also notes which images that are missing in the catalog.

Trying to track down a plate and can't find it in the catalog?   Look in section 9. Alphabetical Index of Disney License Plates.   I have every plate in the catalog listed here.   Some of them are listed several ways with different titles to aid in finding them.

Looking for a list of plates?   Section 10. Printable Checklists of Disney License Plates has all the plates in the catalog listed in one of several checklists.   The primary checklist has all the known plates listed except those being issued in the current calendar year.   The supplement checklists have the current year releases, as well as those newly discovered plates not previously listed in the catalog.

I have written a brief history of Disney plates in section 11. Brief History of Disney License Plates.   This is subjective information since little factual information exists.   Based on my knowledge of my collection and what I have learned from other collectors.

At the request of fellow collectors, I have included several sections on unique Disney plates.   They are Disney License Plate Frames;  Autographed Disney License Plates;  Disney Bicycle License Plates  and  Disney Property License Plates.

Looking for other Disney license plate web sites?   Section 15. Links to Other Disney License Plate Web Sites lists those sites that I know of.

Another feature to the site is DLPC News.   Here you can keep current on the site updates and changes to the catalog as well as new plate releases.   If you are interested, I can add your e-mail address to the DLPC News Group and you can get the new issue by e-mail.

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