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The New Eccles Hall School

Year 10 Go wild in France…


What give you the right to misjudge me

And put me upon the wall

Acting as if you understand me but the

Reality is you just don’t know me at all

Sometimes I cant help but wonder if this is how

It is meant to be

But if you look deep in your soul you will

Always have a reminder of me.

Carl Akojayia


Do you feel isolated?

Can you not feel the calm rain?

No, its dark, quiet.

Where is the fresh colour?

Where is that bright light?

Could it be in the calm rain tonight?

Now all I feel is relaxing wind. Its on my face.

Where are we going

To the rocky hill or towards that bright light?

Golden it is. Let me touch it

To see I have been blessed with this gift.

Carl Akojayia



As I was walking through the mountains

I felt it was peaceful, quite new.

The mountains are very peaceful

The rivers are silvery

The villages are quiet, sleeping village.

The mountains are windy calm

The view is very peaceful quiet

The land is golden green

The mountains are very rocky mountains

Clare Pye-Watson



Mountainous is the local landscape,

Wet and grey on one day,

Hot and golden drying the sodden,

The river Gushing through gully and gorge,

The wind whistles and wheezes through the wooded hills,

and flows over the concealing camouflage of bushes,

The isolated Islands of villages tucked away,

They all see the same sunny or steel grey day,


On a mountain top you see the lot,

A rushing river,

A scatter of secluded settlements,

And over the lot a big green and grey distance,

Filled with tall mountain tops,

And far away a peasant spending his day,

All in the summer sun and shine,


And as I say another day,

The rain will beat the sun away,

Turning gold to grey,

And mountain peaks turn into big grey  streaks,

The rushing river roars as it receives more rain,

Sounding like an everlasting pane,

The rain will go the clouds will part ,

The landscape now filled with natural art.

Henry Sanders



As I walk through the green grass

Listening to the wind

Whistle through the blades of grass,

I see the rivers trickle through the hilly mountains.

Me, walking all alone in this isolated area.

As I stumble over the rocky hills

Noticing wooded areas inside.

Relaxing in this rural place

So remote from all life, pleasant and quiet.

I’ve never been to a place with so much delight.

Left to find my way back

With so much might .

This is the place where I must live and help people.

Think less of me and more of others .

Seeing the rain creeping in, a lovely rainbow with so many colours.

Staring down into the deep deep valley seeing cars passing by.

James Dove




There’s a person I know that makes me think of France


As  I  look  in  her  eyes  I  see  the  fresh  crisp  air  above  the  hills

When  I  see  her  hair  I  think  of  the  tall  wooded  mountains  above  our  heads.

I  see  her  skin

It  reminds  me  of  the  lush  fresh  rivers  that  flow  gently  down

In between  the  valleys  and  green  meadows  of  the  hills

I  hear her  voice  that  sounds

Like the  rivers  crashing  against  the  rocky  rigid  sides  of  the  streams  and rivers

The  wind  in  the  trees  so  golden  green

When  I  see  her  red  hot  lips

They remind  me  of  the  lush  green  plants.

I  see  the  golden  light  from  her  face.

There’s  a  place  I  know  far  away  only  noticed  in  her  face.

James  Long 



As I walked across the silvery, slow stream

I can hear the water rushes by.

The golden sun burst across the cold, calm rocks.

It makes me feel fresh and calm.


As I walked across the hilly mountains

The   calm, cool breeze brushes across the grass

As the little stream  rushes by me.

The horses are merry in the fields.

It feels so calm and right.


As I walked across, a can blows and rattles across the dark grey street.

Children laughing, people talking.

The quaint little houses in the distance

As the world rushes by.


As I drive across the windy roads,

The car bends and twists.

The unexpected pitfalls on these narrow roads.

The road is hilly and very sad.

I feel tired and disappointed.


As I climb across the rocky wall,

The sun shines on the calm, cool, silvery stream.

I feel calm and cool at last.

I am at peace.

Off I go to start a new day again.

Katie Stock




The Countryside around the Bridge


On the bridge I stand

Watching the silvery river flow

As it hits the rocks it changes its colour to a bright white

Then it reflects the overhanging mountains as the trees sway from side to side

Then the sun comes out and the silvery river shines bright gold like a light shining through glass

Then we take a relaxing walk home to start a fresh new day tomorrow.

Lee A. Heath





As I was walking through the gorge

I saw a quaint group of cottages.

A noise from a garden far down in the valley.

It was a bunch of English kids.

Drilling trees and cutting wood.

I go a little further.

They’re building a playground for everybody’s good

L. A. R. Jennings




In St. Bonnet de Montauroux

The morning’s calming colours are calling.

As you look out of the slightly bent windows

You can see the rocky , rugged ridges.

Look down and view the relaxing rolling river.

And then you prepare for the tiresome day.

Liam Lambert




As we drive around the winding twisty swirling roads of the mountains

Getting closer and closer towards

The bright blue skies, evergreen trees and

golden rivers closing towards the house

The lovely little isolated house

Upon the hill within the little village

Of St.Bonnet.



Dull dark browns

Sharp bright greens

Vast deep gorges

Light blue skies

Isolated hidden villages

Shiny golden waters

Bright crisp sunshine

High colourful hills

Rural rolling landscapes

Endless peaceful lanes

Quiet remote homes.





St. Bonnet

There is a quiet, peaceful village

Standing on a rock hard mountain

Volcanic stone houses emerge into the peaceful, clear air.

Rivers meandering through the valley

Bright with water like silver

Wild, windy weather swiftly swirling through the trees.

Neil James Hughes




Under deep depths, dead and daunting, lies a village

Once  hustling and bustling. Never seen a scandal,

now deep down preserved in pleasant purples, golden greens and belised blues.


A height of human progression permitted by a certain profession

But the cost for this enhancement

Disappears in one second

For tomorrow we advance again and again

Philip McLintic



As I awake the quiet isolated town comes to wake from their peaceful sleep

I can hear the silvery river slipping over the broken rocks

The creatures hiding in the rural scenery

The golden shadows flicker from the bars in the door come relaxing.

The smell of fresh rain tapping mud is very pleasant.

The green scenery waves from side to side

On top of the mountains by the bridge.

The light blue skies reflect off the chipped rocks .

Refresh and hope to start tomorrow positively.

Simon Shayes



Rivers meandering

From side to side.

Waterfalls gleaming

A crisp white glide.

Rural villages nestling

Calm and quaint.

Church bells echoing

For every saint.

David King

