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English Club Tea
May 5, 2000

From left are Club President
Holly Hoffman, Dr. R. Theisz,
Dr. David Joplin, Spearfish's
Children's librarian, and Dr. Scott
Simpson. The professors were
asked to recommend the English
Club to their future students.
Quinten Youngberg and
Kent Meyers enjoying a
bit of conversation and
refreshments at the Tea
sponsored by the BHSU
English Club on May 5,
Dr. William Bogard enjoys
punch and talks with Susan
Joplin at the BHSU English
Club Tea. The food service
department allowed us to
use the Silver punch bowl
to add a classic look. Lemon
bars, cookies, banana bread
brownies, crackers and dip
made up a lovely spread
of goodies to eat.
Spearfish children's librarian
receives a children's version
of Shakespeare's play "The
Tempest" from the club's
secretary, Carol Armbrust.
Dr. Bogard (retired 1999) receives
retirement gift from club
Secretary, Carol Armbrust.
The carved wooden frame
surrounds an excerpt from
Ralph Waldo Emerson's
"Nature." Dr. Bogard taught
American Literature at BHSU
for over 30 years.

and last but not least.......

Newly elected Vice President Tera Burnham gives Dr. David Joplin a plaque in appreciation for his four years
as BHSU's English Club advisor. This is Dr. Joplin's last semester
as an English professor at BH. He is going to California to teach
at a college near Berkley.
Dr. David Joplin poses for a quick picture
with Tera Burnham, the BHSU English
Club Vice President. English Club
members raised money to purchase the
plaque at their Bake Sale during the April
26th, Shakespeare Day, commemorating
Shakespeare's birth and death, which acc-
ording to records occurred on the same day. We are sorry to see Dr. Joplin go. We'll miss his enthusiasm for English Lit.