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On November 8th, 2000
at 7:00 pm
the BHSU English Department presented :

William Johnson
Idaho's Writer-in-Residence
Excerpt from Out of the Ruins book cover:
"Johnson pledges his allegiance to the indescribable joy we find in creation.
He uses even the most homely objects in his poems- a worn out pair of work
boots, a collapsed barn- to embody the past and unite it with the present."

By Bill Johnson from his book
Out of the Ruins:

"Out of the Ruins"
Once each year I come back to the origins,
moss-warped slats of the porch
where a bent nail groans its elegy
and vines of a leggy rosebush bolt
through cracks in the tongue-and-groove.
Rust-gleams deify a sagging gutter
and the hallway is a grotto of charred boards
furbished by soot and morning-glory.
An appletree leans through the back door
like an ambush, the last words
of a century my breath can't escape,
deciduous, say, or winter. In the cracked sink
moss has wised up years after the dripping
stopped. I squint down into the cellar
through a tangle of bent pipes
to concrete bulging through spindly weeds,
the trickle where a seep runs
slick with algae, a stain
like gangrene claiming a wound.

Bill Johnson speaks to students
about the process of writing during
Dr. Sharon Strand's Advanced
Writing Class.

William Johnson, who was born in Portland, Oregon, lives in in Idaho with his wife and three
children. He has been Idaho Writer-in-Residence since 1998 and will be until 2001.