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by  Carol Armbrust 4/21/99

 A routine is an easy crutch which is devoid of thought
    into which I lowered myself for much of seven years.
    It's a simplistic way of dying without the complications
    of suicide, safely 
    squirreling away within the folds of subcultaneous storage,
    an idea of escape.

But a routine can be a prison that frees the soul to wander
    aimlessly to come upon the emotion-sucking, black hole of
    an empty heart
    pumping sluggish unwarmed blood into a numbed brain.

My routine kept me sane.... kept me from throwing blame,
    carving gashes of time out of the unplanned schedule of
    a span of seven years

A  routine made up of seven years..... "just go to work,  just
    pick up your child from school,  just fix supper, just take a 
    shower, just go to bed,  just don't think,  don't think,  stop crying."

A familiar place, a routine, with boundaries, reststops, and a
   solid yellow line- do not pass...  stay on the right side all the way

But the routine thinned out,  wore itself useless and sputtered to a stop.
   Seven years is a long time to sit on a couch.

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Last changes made 4/21/00