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English Club Projects and Fundraisers
Spring 2000

Wm. Shakespeare's
The Tempest as
re-told by Bruce Coville
and illustrated by
Ruth Sanderson
Between 11:00 am and 2:00 pm on Shakespeare Day, April 26,
the English Club held a Bake Sale fundraiser so they could buy a
children's version of The Tempest for the Spearfish Public Library.
The Bake Sale was a resounding success and we even had money
left over enough to purchase a plaque of appreciation for our club
advisor, Dr. David Joplin, who is moving to California. We then
held an "Afternoon Tea" May 5, where we awarded Dr. Joplin the plaque in appreciation for his four years as the English Club advisor.
We invited all of the other English professors and put on a nice
spread with coffee, punch, hors d'oeuvres and desserts. Pictures of
the event will be forthcoming.
Shakespeare Day received as well a response as could be expect-
ed. Almost all of those who signed up to read, did so, with some
awesome interpretations held forth. Thanks to Dr. Salomon for
allowing us to co-sponsor the event.