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Black Hills State University
English Club Newsletter

Volume I Number I ******************** 31 March, 2000

Minutes of Meeting 3/22:
1. Shakespeare Day flyers are
made but Dr. Salomon requests
they not be put up until week of
April 17.
2. See Dr. Salomon to volunteer
for the Reading Council/Council
of Teachers of English Conference.
3. Web Magazine Committee-
Volunteers include: Holly Heintz,
Erica Raabe, Donna Jones, Darcey
Roberts and Carol Armbrust.
4.Next meeting is April 29 -noon
in the Marketplace.

Minutes of Meeting 3/29:
1. Reminder that if you signed up
to help at the Holiday Inn or at
Jonas for SDCTE or Reading
Council, try to be there on time.
2. Assignments for Open Mic
on April 8th.
Holly Heintz will M.C. and bring
her music stand.
Kelly at Common Grounds has the
sign-up sheet
Carol Armbrust will bring her
microphone, amplifier, and variety
of guitars.
Still needed: an easel for any art
or photos being displayed and we
need to create a release form for
those who submit their original
work to the Web Magazine.
3. Open Mic flyer was discussed.
Suggestions for design and wording
was decided upon and flyers will be
put up this week.
4. Web-zine committee gave report.
Exact wording for automatic appear-
ance of the advertisements was dis-
cussed and it was decided to put up:
"This website is being graciously pro-
vided to us by who is
also responsible for its advertisements"
to be put on the web site's entrance
page. Carol Armbrust told members
that she will get the site up and running
this weekend and asked for members
submittals asap.

Upcoming Events Calendar:
April 2 -Daylight Savings - "Spring Forward"
by setting clocks ahead one hour.

April 3 & 4 -Jazz Festival on Campus. BHSU
choir sings "Blue Skies" at 5:00 on Monday
& at 4:00 on Tuesday in Multi-Purpose Room
in Student Union.

April 5 -Wellness Fair at the Donald E. Young
Center from Noon until 7:00 p.m.

April 7 - English Club meets at NOON in
Marketplace in Student Union. Agenda will con-
centrate on OPEN MIC

April 8 -Open Mic at the Common Grounds
starting at 6:00 p.m. BHSU student original
works are eligible for the English Club Web

April 11 -Carol Armbrust goes to Chadron
with the Black Hills Singers- Good luck Singers
luck in the Regional Competition.

April 12 -Noon meeting of the English Club in Marketplace.
Committee meeting at 3:00 pm

April 15 & 17 -Tony Krunk here?

April 19 - 12:00 MEETING Wednesday
nomination & election of all officers for
this Fall 2000

Come ready to nominate and elect. This meeting
is your only chance to vote- please come.

April 26 -Shakespeare Day -Open Air
Reading from 11 am until 1 pm under Skywalk
on BHSU Campus.

April 26 -English Club 1st annual Bake Sale
to benefit the Spearfish Public Library.

April 30 -at 2:30 p.m. in the Multi-purpose
room in the Student Union- BHSU Concert
Choir will give their annual
Spring Concert
Next Meeting's Agenda:
April 7th - meeting will firm up
plans for the April 8th OPEN
MIC at the Common Grounds.
1. a report from Holly Heintz
concerning visiting poet Tony
Krunk's schedule.
2. Special announcement from
Carol Armbrust.
3. call for volunteers welcoming
committee for Joplin's visiting
poet, Bill Johnson in October.
4. The club must decide what to do
about the need for a Club bulletin board
Advisor's Corner:
This fall, Dr. Joplin will end being the advisor of the
English Club. He served as English Club advisor
four years in a row (since 1996) and has been very
supportive of our efforts over this last semester.
We thank Dr. Joplin & we will miss him.
We wish him luck in his future endeavors.
Poetry At Large goes here: Letters to Editor
and Letter from Club President
goes here


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Latest changes made: 4/21/00