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English Club Newsletter Volume I, Number II ___April 14, 2000

Minutes of meeting 4/12/00

Darcey started off the meeting asking for reports
from committees:

The Elaine Perry at the Spearfish library says that
the book that we ordered for the library came in-
we just needed to go in and pay for it and then they
can put it on the shelves with the English Club design
ated at the donor.  It was decided that Carol would
go pay for it and then the club will reimburse her for the cost of the book  -

The English Club Tea is now confirmed for May 5th
at 3:00 p.m. on third floor of the Student Union.

      We will be inviting all the English
professors to the event.  The purpose of the Tea is
to show our appreciation to our English professors for
their past cooperation in telling their students about
English Club events and meeting times and
hopefully the professors will recommend the English
Club to next semester's students.  This will also
be a chance to say good luck to Dr. Joplin who
will be leaving the club as advisor.

The Bulletin board project as reported by Holly
- We have the blessings of Dr. Salomon who is
assisting us in securing the spot on the wall
just above the shelf to the left of Salomon's
office.  (Later, I went and measured the wall
and ordered the Bulletin board from the college
bookstore- and it will be here in a couple of
weeks - the cost is $ 76.00 dollars plus tax
and it will be 36" X 48."  We are allowed to
pay for it with our Club's Ace card -said incoming
senate president, Allen Godsell.  We just need
to get Dr. Salomon to get Dr. Theisz's approval
and the forms filled out to ask the physical
plant for a work order.  They will put it up
for us)

Reminder that we will have one more scheduled
meeting at noon next Wednesday April 19th to
nominate and elect officers for next semester
and firm up plans for the April 26th Shakespeare
Day and coinciding Bake Sale. We will also
finish planning the English Club Tea on May 5th and
the "Open Mic" May 12th at the Common Grounds
at 7:00 p.m.  (This open mic will include music
and the club will receive $50 for hosting the

One more thing- Tony Crunk will be here on
Monday April 17.  Check the Jonas bulletin
board for specific dates and times for his
book signings and speaking engagements.
-Secretary, Carol Armbrust

P.S. I will check on when the English club
Web Magazine will be hooked up to the BHSU
Home page.

April 17 & 18 -Tony Crunk here.
Check posters for times.

April 19 - 12:00 MEETING Wednesday
nomination & election of all
officers for
this Fall 2000

Come ready to nominate and elect.
This meeting
is your only chance to vote- please come.

April 26 -Shakespeare Day -
Open Air
Reading from 11 am until 1 pm
under Skywalk
on BHSU Campus.

April 26 -English Club 1st annual
Bake Sale to benefit the Spearfish Public Library.

April 30 -at 2:30 p.m. in the Multi-purpose
room in the Student Union- BHSU
Concert Choir will give their annual
Spring Concert

May 5 - at 3:00 p.m. in one of the
conference rooms off the Multi-pur
pose room 3rd floor Student Union.
English Club Tea- invitations are ex-
tended to all English Professors and
prospective English Club members.
Homebaked desserts, lemonade, tea
and coffee will be served.

May 12- starting at 7:00 p.m. the
English Club will host an OPEN MIC
at the Common Grounds, Spearfish.
The English Club is asking-that
all readers and singers do their
own original poetry, short-short
stories, and acoustical music. This
OPEN MIC opportunity is being
given to us by the Common Grounds,
who will donate $50 to the English
club treasury for hosting the event.

To Post an event on this schedule-
Please mail the English Club at:
Member Poetry Corner

Not Quite Defeated !
by Donna Jones 4/17/00

"Listen beyond my words!"
I say in vain
to the man with the deaf heart.
Frustrated attempts find no receptacle,
no like apparatus to translate.
Nightmares of speech
Blasted toward glazed eyes
Covered with the permafrost
That traveled up
From the crack-frozen spirit.
Bruised but not beaten,
I will desist.
Other fights, I can win.

Advisor's Corner:

Dr. Salomon

This fall, Dr. Joplin will end being the
advisor of the English Club. He served
as English Club advisor four years in a
row (since 1996) and has been very
supportive of our efforts over this last semester.
We thank Dr. Joplin & we will miss him.
We wish him luck in his future endeavors.

Dr. Salomon has volunteered to take over
as English Club Advisor. His office is
located on Jonas first floor across
from the candy machines.
Please contact him if you have
any concerns about the English Club.

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