When Two Lives Cross 

             Chapter One: "Did You Say, 'China'??"


            Kurama easily dodged Yuusuke's blow, then jumped straight up as the other boy went for his midsection. Gracefully somersaulting over him, Kurama landed behind Yuusuke and tried a sweep, which was quickly blocked.  "You'll have to do better than that." Yuusuke said in a cheery voice.

            "You asked for it." Kurama said, flashing him a sunny grin.

             It was another typical day of practice in Genkai's temple. The sun was shining, birds were singing, and the sounds of battle were filling the air.

            Yes, to the eyes of an outsider, it definitely was just another typical day. Or it was, at first.

             Out on the large garden, the two combatants moved in a synchronized, almost practiced manner. A closer inspection though, would reveal that although they appeared relaxed on the outside, parries and blows being exchanged were quicker than the eye could follow, and well thought out.

             Not too far away, another duo were having problems of their own, mostly because unlike Kurama and Yuusuke, these two hate each other's guts. 

             "Hey!" Kuwabara yelled, startled, as Hiei quickly blurred out of  view. He spun around in a circle, trying to land a punch at his unseen opponent.  "You little shrimp! You're cheating! Show your face right now! And die!" 

             Genkai didn't know whether to laugh or pound her head against  the wall in frustration. None of them were taking practice seriously anymore. Kuwabara was stomping on  the ground, waving his hands like a madman. Hiei WAS cheating. Even Kurama and Yuusuke had their guards down, laughing and joking with the other as they fought.

             Shouting at them would probably be useless too. She had done so twice in the past hour, to no avail. They had all looked at her as she scolded , reminding them about the importance of being serious in a  battle, even though it wasn't technically a real fight. They listened patiently, and when she was done, Kuwabara just kept on stomping, Hiei just kept on cheating, and Yuusuke and Kurama just kept on laughing and talking.

             Genkai sighed. < Men.>

             Just then, Keiko marched into the garden, her face as red as the color of Kurama's hair.

             < Uh oh.>

             "Yu-u-usuke!!" Keiko roared, as one would expect a girl like Keiko to roar. "You idiot!"

            Suprised by the girl's unexpected (and loud) entrance, Hiei tripped and reappeared, accidentally shoving Kuwabara, his momentum causing him to fall backward onto the ground.

             Yuusuke looked up, startled, at the exact moment when Kurama scored a blow on his shoulder. "Yeow!" he jumped back, rubbing his injured arm. "Jeez Keiko, what now?"

             "Didn't you forget something?" Keiko moved to stand in front of him, hands on hips.

            "Forget?" Yuusuke's mind was a blank. He didn't forget closing the ramen shop. He didn't forget going to school. Those were the things that Keiko would most likely yell at him for not remembering. "Forget what?"

             "Oh say, something about meeting in front of the ramen shop an hour ago?"

             Yuusuke frowned. Then blinked, remembering. "Oh. Ohhh.........."

            "Ohhhhh???!! You made me wait for you for a whole hour, made me sweat under the hot sun, and the only thing you can say is , Ohhhhhh???!!" Keiko began pounding on him. "You wretched ingrate! Stupid! Stupid!"

             "Hey wait, lemme explain......"

             "Stupid, stupid......"

             "Hey, shrimp! You're supposed to be fighting, you moron!" While Keiko was busy massacring Yuusuke, it was Kuwabara's turn to do the roaring. "Not running away from me!"

             Hiei glared back at him. "I do *not* run away from anybody."

             "Oh yeah? Could'a fooled me! Shrimp!"

             Not even Hiei can let anyone get away with calling him shrimp twice in a row. He bared his teeth. "It's not my fault you're a slow piece of sh....."

             The last thing Genkai saw before closing the screen of her temple was Kurama going back and forth between the two parties, trying to act as mediator and failing miserably despite his best intentions.



             "Ja Ou En Satsu Kokur-"

             "Hiei, don't you dare!"

             "Stupid, stupid......"

             The screen slammed shut. At least she couldn't hear anything anymore.

             Sighing again, she paced the room. It wasn't as if the four weren't good fighters anymore. They were obviously stressed, what with the Sensui episode just over, and the occasional missions that Koenma was so fond of sending them. Not that they didn't act like this most of the time. It was just getting worse nowadays.

             < What we all need> Genkai decided, < is a vacation.>

             Heading towards her desk, she opened the bottom drawer and began rummaging around. A few moments later, she managed to find a large world map. Spreading it over the table, she scanned the countries, searching for a suitable location.

             All the cold countries were out. She could just imagine everyone with stuffy noses. Boys, she discovered, caught colds quite easily. Even Hiei, Koorime or not. Florida? Too crowded at this time of the year. Canada? Maybe. Europe? Too far. Everyone might grow restless and do something stupid on the plane, like start a fight or possibly throw up. Hawaii? Genkai tried to picture everyone in grass skirts and leis, doing the hula. She couldn't, but that didn't stop her from laughing out loud.

             She wanted a place not too far away from Japan. Somewhere where it's not too cold, and not too hot. Somewhere large and interesting, with beautiful sceneries. Somewhere like...

             Her fingers moved past Australia, Philippines and the Pacific Ocean, coming to rest on a spot in East Asia.

             China. Perfect.


             "I have had it!" a young red-haired girl slammed the door of the Tendo Dojo shut and huffed towards the bathroom. "I hate being a female!"

             Ryouga smirked, already sitting on the table. "Kind off gets to you, doesn't it?"

             "Oh, hello Ranma." As usual, Kasumi paid no attention to the girl's latest tirade. "Do sit down while I bring you some tea."

             "In a minute." There was the sound of running water, and in a few minutes, a dark-haired pigtailed boy emerged. He sat down with a huge thump, still scowling.

             "And what are you doing here, P-chan?"

             Whomp. Ryouga calmly removed his fist from Ranma's face. "Actually, I came to say my fondest goodbyes to Akane."

              "Best news I've heard all day. Where ya going? Don't you think Akane's going to miss P-chan while you're gone?"

            Another whomp. "By the time I return from my journey, P-chan is no more!" As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Ryouga instantly regretted them.

            "What?!" Ranma managed to peel himself off the table. "What do you *mean*, exactly?"

            Ryouga smirked again. He might as well tell, anyway. "Nothing much. I just found another underground Nannichuan in China......" he reached for his pocket, discovered that the map was missing, and panicked. "Where could it be?! I could have sworn I left it there......" his voice trailed off when he saw Ranma bent over, reading the afforementioned map.

             "Give that back!"

             "Wait! I'm not finished yet!"

             They were still going at it when Akane, Nabiki and Soun Tendo walked through the door. A large panda waddled in after them, not particularly pleased at the fact that he was carrying all their shopping bags.

            "What's going on here?!" Akane walked over and peeled the two boys off each other. "Ranma, stop bullying Ryouga!" she snapped irritably, adding another bump to Ranma's head.

             "I am not bullying him!" Ranma yelled. "I was just reading his map when he jumped me, you loud crazy tomboy!"

             The 'loud crazy tomboy' unfortunately, loses her temper very easily. "WHAT did you call me?!!" In a technique that only Akane could have known and mastered, a huge mallet popped into her hand out of thin air.

             "You pervert!" Akane pounded on Ranma, punctuating each syllable with a wham, "Baka baka baka baka!"

             "That's telling him, Akane." Ryouga said with a grin, pocketing his map.

             Miraculously, Akane stopped. "What map was he talking about anyway?" she asked, curiosity getting the better of her.

             "Um." Ryouga began, flattered and redfaced, now that Akane was paying attention to him. "Ah........"

             "A map? Sounds interesting." Nabiki remarked, removing her coat. "Mind if I look?"

             "A map?" Soun asked, also curious. "Buried treasure, perhaps?"

             "Oh." Ryouga began to blush. Akane was inching closer. "It's nothing, really.......", he stuttered, reaching into his pocket again.

             Akane reached for the map, and Ryouga nearly swooned with happiness when his fingers brushed hers. "Hey, this is the Juusenkyo Springs!" She exclaimed, studying it.

             "No kidding." Ranma righted himself. "You mean you've really found another Nannichuan spring?"

             "Wait a minute." Akane said. "Ryouga, why are you looking for the Nannichuan, anyway?"

             Happiness was quickly replaced by the familiar feeling of angst. < She'll know.> Ryouga thought, dread rising in his heart. < She'll know I'm really her pet pig P-chan! How else will I explain why I have the map? What am I gonna do?>

             Ryouga had barely finished that thought when to his suprise, Akane reached over and hugged him, which did nothing to curb his rising body temperature. "That's so sweet of you, Ryouga!"

             "I am?" Ryouga asked.

             "He is?" Ranma asked at the same time.

            "You're going to help Ranma, aren't you? You went through all the trouble of finding the map because you think it can cure his curse, didn't you?"

             "Um........yeah. I did, I guess."

             "You're such a good friend." Akane smiled at him, raising his temperature another few degrees, then turned to glare at Ranma who was glaring at him.

             Then Ranma brightened. "Hey, that would mean I'd be accompanying my pal to China, right?", he asked, slapping Ryouga on the back.

             Ryouga blanched. "Well......."

              Shampoo then chose that moment to drop in, bike and all, into Ryouga's head. "Aiyaa! Shampoo hear right? Ranma go to China?" she exclaimed, "Shampoo so happy! Shampoo go with you, get married in China!"

             "What?!" Ranma yelped, as Shampoo threw her arms around him. Experiencing a premonition of dread, he turned to look at Akane. Sure enough, she was starting to simmer, was already glowing a deadly blue. That meant she was either going to hit him silly again, or kick him through the roof. (which, judging from the numerous holes in the dojo's roof, had seen better days)


             "Yauuugghhhh! The old ghoul!" Ranma yelled. This was not his day. Out of reflex, he jumped back as Cologne dropped down from the Tendo's brand new skylight, dislodging himself from Shampoo in the process and overturning the table.

             "China, eh?" Cologne smiled. "I take it you have finally come to your senses. Very well. Shampoo and I shall accompany you. There are relatives to meet, a wedding banquet to prepare......"

             "Just a second!" A new voice yelled. "Shampoo's not going anywhere! Shampoo, my darling!" A young man with long dark hair, thick glasses on his head, bounded across the room, enveloping the still-dazed Ryouga in a bear hug. "My love!"

             Whap. "I'm not Shampoo, Mousse, you idiot!"

             "Ranma, honey!!" new voices called.

             Ranma groaned and sank even lower. This was definitely not his day.

             Ukyou dashed into the dojo, followed closely by Kuno and Kodachi. They stopped at the sight of Ryouga, kicking at a blindly groping Mousse; Akane beginning to emanate more and more ki with each passing minute; Ranma sprawled near the floor; and Soun and the large panda were setting up a gameboard in a corner, as if nothing out of the ordinary was happening.

             "A normal day in the Tendo household, eh Saotome?" Soun asked the giant panda.

             The panda held up a wooden sign. Indeed, it read. How perfectly normal.

            "What's the commotion all about, Ranchan?" Ukyou asked. "I was passing by when I heard a crash."

            "Ranma come marry Shampoo in China!" Shampoo announced proudly.

            "WHATT??!" Ukyou whipped out her trusty mega-spatula. "Ranchan, how could you do this to me?! She forced you, didn't she?"

            "My beloved Ranma? To wed this woman?" Kodachi cried, twirling her ribbon menacingly, (or at least, as menacing as one can get while twirling a ribbon), scattering black rose petals in its wake. "I shall not allow it!"

            Kuno looked smug. "Ah, then if you are to marry, then that would mean....." He looked around, then rushed towards Akane, arms outstretched. "....that the beautiful Akane would be MINE!"

             Akane threw Kuno into the adjoining room.

             "I'm not marrying anybody!" Ranma yelled. "And I'm not going to China to marry Shampoo! I'm going there for...."He stopped when he suddenly realized that neither Kuno nor Kodachi knew anything about his female alter ego. "......a training mission." he finished lamely.

             "Shampoo go with you." Shampoo insisted stubbornly.

             "If she's going with him, then so will I." Ukyou said, eyeing her warily.

             "As will I." Kodachi added.

             "Dad, let's go with him." Akane said suddenly, with a sideways glance at the other girls.

             Everyone stared at her.

             "We haven't had a family vacation in a long time." Akane explained. "It would be nice to rest for awhile."

             Soun looked thoughtful. "That's true. And we all could use a break. What do you think, Saotome?"

             The panda held up another sign. Why not?

             "It's agreed, then?"

             Yes, it is.

             "You'll come too?"

             Wouldn't miss it for the world.

             "Who'll be paying the bills?"


             Everyone paused, then slowly turned to look at Kuno, who was staggering about in the doorway.

             "Kuno." Nabiki began sweetly. "Would you mind doing us all an itsy-bitsy favor and pay for all our expenses on our trip to China?"

             Kuno raised an eyebrow. "And why, may I ask, should I be willing to do so?"

             "The pigtailed girl's coming with us. Didn't you know that?" Nabiki told him slyly.

            Kuno's eyes widened. "The pigtailed goddess! That is a different story. " He straightened, and struck what he thought was a manly pose. "Very well. My reknowned generosity and kindness for the well-being of my fellowmen - and my modest yet vast wealth - shall hold me responsible for all such expenses. Consider it a gift for the pigtailed girl."

            Nabiki took advantage. "And while we're at it, Kuno baby, we'll be needing some pocket money. Say, three thousand yen each......."

            While Nabiki haggled, Soun leaned back, looking contented. "Well, that's settled."

            On the other hand, not everyone looked contented. Shampoo didn't look happy at the thought of not having Ranma all to herself. Ukyou and Kodachi didn't look happy, because they were thinking the same thing. Mousse didn't look happy at the thought of going back to China, and having to face Shampoo's relatives again. Ryouga didn't look happy about having everyone follow him back to China. Akane didn't look happy, period.

            Ranma barely noticed. < Soon>, he thought gleefully, < Nobody's going to see the pigtailed girl ever again. I'll be normal!>

            Kasumi then came in, carrying a tea tray. She looked at the broken roof, the overturned table, the absolute mess of the room. And smiled.

            "Oh my. I didn't know there would be so many guests. Would you like some tea?"


             Thunder broke; the air was filled with lightning and the sounds of a raging storm. This was not a nice night to be walking around in, especially when standing on top of a very tall and forbidding mountain.

            The hooded dark figure silhouetted against the dark sky was doing exactly that, though he didn't really care about trivial things like getting hit by lightning; he was too busy gloating. "I'm a genius!" he roared. After years of searching, he had finally found it. The Dimensional Crystal was very near. He could practically smell it. And with it, he would rule everything, of course. After all, that was what every other powerful being did when they found something with world domination potential, and he didn't want to break tradition.

            Besides, being an S-class youkai wasn't enough. He wanted more power, the kind that other beings could only dream of.

            Then he'd wreck the universe, and make everything tremble and  fall to his knees. He'd start with his school. That's where he first started suffering, anyway. Then the IRS offices. Then maybe even those damned government buildings. And those kiddie studios. Mustn't forget to destroy that stupid purple dinosaur........

            "I've thought of every eventuality." he boasted to his henchmen, who were huddled against each other, shivering from the cold he seemed to have taken no notice of. He waved the steel rod he carried for emphasis. "Every strategy, every attack, every counterattack. My plan is perfect, and soon, I'll be the most powerful youkai in the universe!"

            One of the figures stepped forward. It wasn't always healthy to contradict him, but the youkai was second-in-command, and looked out for self-preservation first. "What about Koenma?" she asked hesitantly, obviously afraid of her leader. "Once you find it, he'll know. And he'll be sending that detective team of his."

            "Ha!" the youkai scoffed, glaring at her. She beat a hasty retreat into the shadows. "Koenma's a weakling. Always doing his  daddy's bidding. I'll take care of him once I find the Crystal. And I can defeat anyone he'll scrounge up to throw at me. Once I have it; I'll be unstoppable."

            "Sir, where exactly is the crystal ?" the same youkai asked again, precariously trying her luck.

            A long pause. Then the S-class youkai smacked his forehead in disgust. "I KNEW I'd forgotten something."

             Sweatdrops appeared in each and every one of his henchmen.

             "Go!" he barked at one of them. "Mariko, I'm assigning you to search for the coordinates of the Crystal's location. Once you find it, don't even touch it. Just come back and tell me where it is. I'm the only one capable of controlling its power."

            The smaller figure, a young teen with soft sapphire hair and magenta eyes, turned to leave.

            "And Mariko, " he continued smiling angelically, "you know what the penalty is for failure, don't you?"

             Swallowing hard, Mariko hurried away.

             "How could I have forgotten an important thing like that?!" the youkai screamed, raising his rod.

             A bolt of lightning struck the mountain.

             Fortunately, paltry lightning can't really harm an S-class youkai.

            Cursing audibly, the youkai rubbed the soot from his face, and raised the rod again, planning to throw it down on the ground and stomp on it.

             A bolt of lightning struck the mountain.

             The youkai stomped back into the mountain, muttering. "Let me know when she comes back." he growled over his shoulder.

             Fortunately, his followers were too scared to laugh.


             Genkai was feeling pleased with herself. Going on vacation was a great idea. Humming to herself, she headed towards a nearby botanical garden, feeling the soft wind on her face and hair. Behind her, she could hear the excited chatter coming from her companions, though for some reason, it sounded somewhat fainter than before. A little sightseeing, a visit to a few temples, that should lighten everyone's mood. She was already feeling pretty relaxed. Stopping at the park's entrance, she turned around. "Why don't we start here?"

            Genkai realized that she was talking to herself. Nobody had been following her. In a shop not far away, she could see Shizuru, Botan, Keiko and Yukina going in a boutique, chatting excitedly.

            < Ah well> Genkai thought with a resigned smile. She turned to gaze at the beautiful landscape. < It's peaceful, anyway.>

            "Yaahhhh!! Get away!"

            A young girl, with flaming red hair tied in a pigtail ran past Genkai.

            "Pigtailed girl!"

            A young man chased after her, shouting his token of love to her to everyone within fifty miles.

            < Well, almost peaceful.>


             The girls had found a boutique shop.

             "Ooooohhh!" Botan squealed. "Look at those pretty clothes!"

             "Let's go in!" Keiko exclaimed, trying to grab Yukina's hand. "I  just saw a dress that would look perfect for you!"

            "You really think so?" Yukina looked embarassed. "I don't really know much about clothes."

            "But I do! Don't worry, you'll look pretty." Keiko reached out again, but instead of touching the other girl's hands, she felt something soft and warm.

             And squealing.

             "Eeeeeeeeeee!" Keiko shrieked, jerking her hand away.

             It was then that Shizuru noticed Yukina cradling something in her arms. "Yukina?"

            Yukina beamed at her, then held out a squirming black pig. "Look what I found! It was just on the sidewalk!"

            "Ooohhh, he's cute." Keiko breathed, her earlier fright forgotten, as the girls clustered all around her, "And look, he's even  got this little bandanna on his neck!"

            The little pig stared at them with huge eyes. Yukina giggled and hugged him tightly, crushing him to her bosom. It squealed again. Shizuru could have sworn the little pig turned bright red. Whether from embarrassment or lack of air, she didn't know which.

            "Can we bring pets inside the store?" Botan wondered, pushing the door to the shop open. That was as far as she got.

            "Shampoo!" Botan found herself being smothered in an embrace by a raven-haired guy wearing Chinese clothing. Startled, the pig squirmed free of Yukina's grasp. It bounded away, turned a corner on two legs, and disappeared.

             "I found you at last, my love!"

             "Huh?" Botan blinked, then struggled to free herself. "What are you talking about? I'm not Shampoo, whoever she is, and I'd never met you before in my life! Somebody help!"

            Shizuru immediately grabbed the boy and pried him away from Botan. "Hey! Get off her!" she demanded.

            The boy looked confused, then reached into one of his pockets. Taking out a large pair of thick-looking glasses, he put them on and looked closely at Botan.

            "Oh!" He exclaimed, embarrassed. "I'm so sorry.....uh, I thought you were someone else. Sorry."

             He quickly hurried away.

             "Are you okay?" Keiko asked Botan.

             Botan nodded. "Yeah, but I wonder who that guy was? He sure was weird.....hey, where's the pig?"

             Yukina looked sad and a little suprised. "He just........ ran away. " She searched the crowded street, and sighed. "I guess I won't be able to find him."


             The black pig quickly entered a deserted alley. It looked around, then headed to where a large kettle and some clothes were neatly hidden among the boxes. Tipping the kettle, hot water began to pour onto the pig.

            Moments later, Ryouga began pulling on his clothes. < Lost again.> he thought miserably, yanking on his pants. < And getting hit with cold water when I was too close to a sprouting fountain. And that green-haired girl.......>

            He could still remember her cradling him, breathing in her warm scent, her petite little arms around him.................

            < Stop it!> He told himself. < You love Akane. Don't you ever forget that, Ryouga.>

            That didn't make the girl's face in his mind go away, though.

            Resignedly, Ryouga headed back into the street. < Now, which way to Juusenkyo?>


             "I think I'm seeing things." Kuwabara said.

             Yuusuke looked at him. The both of them had just came out of a video arcade.

             "Whaddaya mean?"

             "I could've sworn I saw a pig turn into a guy! Over there!" Kuwabara pointed towards a nearby alley. Yuusuke couldn't see anyone, just a few old boxes. Finally, he patted the taller boy's shoulder. "It's just your imagination. We'd been playing for over three hours, you know."

             "Maybe." Kuwabara agreed, but he didn't look convinced.


            Hiei glared at the piles of books on the table in front of him. He was bored.

            He didn't know what to do, so he had accompanied Kurama, deciding that Kurama would pick a good place to go. He didn't care much about the scenery, the food tasted weird, and he wouldn't want to be caught dead in a clothes shop. The last time Hiei had been to China, it hadn't been to sightsee, so he was at a loss on what to do. He had forgotten about his friend's love for books.

            So here he was, in a bookstore, with nothing else to do. Kurama had disappeared into one of the aisles, and was happily browsing away. He probably wasn't going to come out for the next hour or so, judging from the pile of books that were beginning to accumulate beside him. Hiei eyed an exceptionally thick book, and wondered if he could use it for sword practice.

            Hearing a strange noise, Hiei turned, just in time to see a girl generate a huge mallet, seemingly out of nowhere, and was now busily whacking at a guy, just in front of the bookstore. < How the hell did she do that?> he thought, slightly suprised.

            "Hiei!" He looked back as Kurama appeared, a shopping bag in one hand.

             "Bored already?" he asked teasingly. "I'm finished here. Let's go."

             "Did you see..." Hiei shot another look at the doorway of the bookstore, but the girl and boy were already gone.

             "See what?"

             "Hn. Never mind."


             Mousse was panicking. Shampoo was nowhere to be found. < Where could she be?> He thought, adjusting his glasses. He was wearing them now, instead of just carrying it around in his pocket. He didn't want to make another mistake. Once was enough.

            Mousse hurried through the busy street. In his haste, he accidentally bumped hard against someone. "Oh, sorry." he apologized. He seemed to be doing that a lot lately.

            The stranger he had bumped, a spiky haired young man dressed in black, just gave him an exceptionally hard glare, despite the fact that Mousse was several inches taller. The he turned and stalked away after his companion, a young girl with long red hair.

             < Whoa.> Mousse thought. < A lot must have changed since I've been gone. The people here had always been friendly.>


             A few hours later...........

            Genkai had, by some miracle, managed to find and round up and persuade everyone to go on one tourist attraction, saying that she had found a place they would all be interested in. They even had to take a boat to get there, which heightened everyone's interest.

             "Where is it, obaasan?" Kuwabara asked as they walked.

             "It's not too far from here." Genkai promised. "A few more minutes, and we'll be there."

            She smiled. When she had asked a friendly barkeeper on where to find some unusual tourist attractions, this place had been the first thing he said. At the same time, he had warned her that it was probably very dangerous

            Genkai just laughed it off. The Chinese people believe too much in superstition. Besides, this group was used to danger.

            Soon, they could all see a wooden gate not far ahead. Standing next to it was a robust Chinese tour guide, already waiting for them.

            "Welcome." He cheerily greeted them, in broken Japanese. "Welcome to Juusenkyo Springs. Many, many of springs cursed. Listen close.........." He turned, went inside and gestured at them. The others followed closely behind.


             "Where is this underground Nannichuan spring , anyway?" Ranma asked Ryouga, as they neared the Juusenkyo Springs.

            Ryouga consulted his map. "Well, it's right next to the Spring of the Drowned Cockroach."

            "Spring of the Drowned Cockroach?" Ukyou whispered disbelievingly.

            Akane was already glowering at Ranma, seeing the way Shampoo was sticking very close to him, and was expecting the worst.

            Shampoo hugged Ranma tight, nearly making him choke. "After Ranma become man forever, will marry Shampoo, yes?"

             "Sh-sh-shampoo......" Ranma gagged.

             "Ranma...." Shampoo sighed.

             Akane mistook their exchange of words to be those of mutual affection. That, and the fact that she wasn't in a good mood nowadays prompted her to do something she never should have done, which in turn would start a chain reaction of events in the near future. She exploded. "Well, if that's the way you want it! I hope you're both happy!" And with that, she grabbed her water canteen and hurled its contents at Ranma and Shampoo.





             "............spring of drowned panda. Very tragic story, of what panda drown there 2000 year ago......."

            Genkai, Yukina, Kurama, Keiko and Shizuru were eagerly listening to the guide, hanging on to his every word. Hiei, Kuwabara, Botan and Yuusuke however, were a different story.

             "I think all of these springs have a tragic story." Yuusuke muttered. He looked around. "He did say it was a training ground for the best martial artists, didn't he?"

            Kuwabara casted a doubtful glance at the small pools, where bamboo poles were strategically placed in each. "You'd just hop around on those poles. Big deal." He headed towards the nearest pool and began to climb one of the poles. "Lemme try."

             "Get down from there!" Botan yelled at him.

             Hiei rolled his eyes. For a moment he was tempted to see if those stupid stories were true. The gods knew how he was tempted. But he also knew that if something happened to Kuwabara, Yukina would be distraught, and  he didn't want that. He was protective of his sister, though she didn't even know she was, even though he couldn't understand what she could see in someone like the oaf dancing on the poles in front of  him. "I'll get him." he muttered resignedly, then flickered out of view. He reappeared a moment later, on a bamboo pole adjacent to where Kuwabara was standing on.

            Kuwabara began to do a wardance. "What's there to it, anyway? All those stories are probably fakes."


             Everyone looked up, startled, as a girl, with a cat clinging onto one shoulder, came hurtling down at them, screaming her lungs out. It was, Genkai realized, the same girl she had seen earlier, being chased by a boy.

            Without looking where she was going, the girl jumped onto one of the bamboo poles, jumped again and stepped on Kuwabara's head. Caught off-balance, Kuwabara began to fall. Hiei quickly reached out and grabbed one of his arms, but Kuwabara was too heavy. Both of them toppled off their bamboo poles and plunged headfirst into one of the springs with a loud splash.

            "Aiyaa!" The guide exclaimed, as he and everyone else came running back. "They fall into Cursed Spring of Drowned Girl. Very tragic story, of girl what drowned there 1500 year ago........."

            "Drowned Girl?" Everyone looked at each other, then at the spring.

            Kurama started toward it, looking concerned, but Genkai stopped him. "No. Look."

            Slowly, a hand reached out of the spring, struggling to come out. Another hand followed. Both were too delicate to be a man's. Gulping, Kurama and Yuusuke ran towards the edge of the spring and began to haul the person out. And stared in shock.

            A tall brown-eyed girl stared back at them, hauling herself into a sitting position. Her wet hair was short, an inch or so above her ears. And she was wearing the same clothes that Kuwabara had on when he fell into the spring.

             "Kuwabara?" Shizuru whispered.

             The girl looked at her. "Oneesama?" she asked wearily, her voice slightly husky. "I don't feel so good."

             For the first time in her life, Shizuru fainted.

             Another girl, with jet-black hair streaked with white, somewhat longer than Kuwabara's, struggled out. Kurama had a sinking feeling. "Hiei?"

            Hiei glared at him, a little embarrassed. "What?" Then started, realizing that his voice sounded high and lilting.

             Like it was high-pitched. Like it was a girl's.

             Cautiously, he looked down at his chest.

             It seemed.........filled out. He peeked into his shirt, and his mouth dropped open.


             He had breasts.




            The youkai looked back, wincing slightly as he probed his bruises. Lightning couldn't kill him, but that didn't mean it doesn't = hurt. "What?"

            Mariko came forward, a sheet of paper in her hands. "I found it, sir. I managed to sense its location"

            "You did?" He snatched the paper from her and read it eagerly, while Mariko waited nervously. Finally, he lifted his head, a strange smile on his face.

            "So you did, Mariko. So you did." he looked towards the horizon and laughed, a low harsh sound.

             "Nerima, here I come."

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