Back With A Vengeance
- Aerianne / Darren, Odyssa, Rodan, Tristan ; Maryanne's Treasure
-- Afternoon of Day 2

by Ryoko

Aerienne wasn't mad; she was cold with fury.

The ship was huge. It would take forever to find out where the captain Tristan was. Given her horrible sense of direction, the task seemed impossible.

She let out another barely audible curse as two crewmen walked past the spot where she had concealed herself. Grimly, she clutched a small knife she had filched when she had knocked her jailers unconscious. She hoped she didn't have to use it. Aerienne hated killing people she had no grudge against, and especially when she wasn't paid to do so.

Once they were out of sight, she sprang out and ran noiselessly across the corridor.

That however, wasn't the only reason Aerienne was mad. Visions of her defeat swam in front of her and she colored, embarrassed and angry at herself. She had prided herself on being one of the best, a good fighter in every right. Now she had learned the hard way that she hadn't been as strong as she thought she was, and that she needed a lot more practice to be even better.

At least they thought her dangerous enough to have to be locked up on the brig. <Flattering.> she thought wryly. She wasn't a rampaging wild woman who has to be imprisoned, anyway.

First things first. Find Odyssa, find the man who defeated her, get some more information on the Stones, get the hell out of the ship, then find the afforementioned stones.

Piece of cake.

No one was as suprised as the young sailor as he was suddenly yanked into a dark corner. He was even more suprised when he felt cold steel against his neck.

"You have ten seconds to tell me where your captain is, or you'll be headless for the rest of your life." 

Three seconds later, Aerienne was running towards the war room, or so the sailor had been babbling when she had left him.

She reached the door and yanked it open.

From inside, Tristan, Odyssa, the brown-haired man who had fought her, and another guy all stared back at her.



Short, gomen. Bad case of writer's block/wall/temple/etc.
*bounce, bounce* Who's next?^^

Larva no Koibito