Little Red Riding Hiei

            It was another bright and sunny day, or so it seemed. Amid the clear picturesque-like surroundings, chatterings of little cute animals could be heard. Every once in awhile, an especially adorable bunny rabbit or squirrel would saunter out and wait for passers-by to gush and croon all over them, then try to take them home for being so damned irresistible. Birds were singing sweet nothings to female birds, and the female birds were busy playing hard to get. A few of the more courageous ones were busily playing an elaborate game which involved jumping into paths of oncoming vehicles. The winner was the bird who could get the most cars to stop. Sometimes they win, and sometimes they don't.

             Gentle breezes wafted through the forest. Everywhere, flowers bloomed, and wisteria and vines dripped from overhead branches from every path. There were no blaring and earsplitting noises from a boom box tuned to a heavy metal station, nor were there wildmen roaring their beloved screeching motorcycles down the road, defying the laws of gravity and waking the dead.

             In short, everything was peaceful. Unfortunately, it wasn't for long.

             The small black figure suddenly appeared on the path, muttering curses vile enough to make a drunk blush to the roots of his hair. His face was as black as his mood obviously is, and for good reason, given the fact that he was wearing what looked suspiciously like a girl's red hood. Something like that usually doesn't brighten anyone's day.

             The local fauna, who had bravely stood their ground against everything from drought to ungodly weather conditions, took one look at the newcomer and fled for the safety of their homes.

             "I can't believe Yukina talked me into this." Hiei grumbled to himself, stomping down the road, huge fruit basket in one hand. The other was trying to unsuccessfully yank the hood off. Still grumbling, he sourly remembered the favor that Yukina had asked of him.

             "Hiei-san!" Yukina had happily said, shoving the large basket into his hands. "If it is not so much trouble, would you mind bringing these to Genkai-obasan? I have so many other errands to do, and I am afraid I won't have time to give these to her myself!"

             "Ah...." Hiei began, a little taken aback by her request and not sure how to respond.

             "Hiei-san?" Yukina asked prettily, blinking her wide pink eyes at him. "Please?"

             With a resigned sigh, Hiei knew that he could never say no to his sister. "Hn. Alright."

             "Domo arigatou gozaimasu!" Yukina exclaimed, relieved.

             Gingerly holding the basket as if it were a dead youkai, Hiei turned to leave.

             "Oh, and one other thing, Hiei-san." Before he could do anything else, Yukina quickly tied a large red hood on his head.

             "It's so hot today. You should wear this, Hiei-san. It will protect your face and head from the heat of the sun.", Yukina went on cheerily, pleased that she had thought of it.

             Hiei wasn't. He would have rather cleaned Yukina's bathroom then wear the stupid-looking bonnet. He wanted to tell her that he was a fire demon, and fire demons aren't bothered by heat, but he couldn't.

             He was speechless.

             "Yukina-" he started, turning pale, then an interesting shade of crimson which matched the color of his newly acquired hat.

             "Oh dear! I'm already behind on my errands!" Yukina hurried out the door, calling, "Sayonara, Hiei-san!"

             Leaving Hiei looking like a cross between one of the characters of Muppet Babies, and a Cabbage Patch Kid.

             Now, he scowled and tugged at the hood once more. He had no idea how to get it off, and he didn't want to rip and destroy something his sister owns. He couldn't move at his usual lightning speed either, since Yukina had said that it could ruin the soft texture of the fruits. Those damned fruits. Trudging darkly down the forest path, he hoped he wouldn't meet anybody he knew.

             Once he's in Genkai's temple, he'd explain everything to her, get her to help him get rid of the hood, then get the hell out of there.

             That is, if Genkai doesn't die from laughing first.

             He sensed another youkai presence. A rustling noise from a nearby bush caught his attention. He drew out his katana and assumed a fighting stance, which was hard to do while balancing a fruit basket almost as big as he was, and having the wind blow part of the hood into his eyes.

             "Who's there?" he demanded.

             "Nobody here but us bushes!" a playful voice answered.

             Hiei growled, not amused. "Who's there?"

             There was more rustling, and then a silver-haired youko stepped out into the path, laughing softly. "Can't you take a little joke?"

             "Who the hell are you?"

             The figure made a little bow. "My name's Kurama", he said with a grin. "And did anybody ever tell you that you look adorable in that cute little get-up?"

             Hiei glared at the stranger. Another part of the hood drooped over one eye.

             "An absolutely adorable", the youko chuckled, "little fire demon."

             This obviously did not suit well with Hiei. He didn't want to be called an adorable anything. Giving him an evil eye, he demanded, "Get out of my way. Now. Or else."

             "Or else what?" Kurama said, but he obliged. "And where may I ask are you headed?", he asked teasingly.

             "None of your business." Hiei retorted, stomping past him.

             Kurama feigned innocence. "What? Was it something I said?"

             Hiei didn't answer, continuing to march away from him.

             "I don't suppose you're going to a costume party,"Kurama called, eyeing Hiei's retreating figure appreciatively. "Hey. Nice buns."

             "Hn." Hiei snorted. "Stupid fox." he grumbled, this time to himself.

             As he struggled with the basket, he resisted the urge to happily rip the bonnet on his head into several satisfying shreds.

             Kurama waited until Hiei completely disappeared from view, then turned and trotted back into the forest. Judging from the direction that Hiei took, he knew that there was only one place that the youkai could have been going to. Vines and branches parted willingly of their own accord, to allow Kurama to pass through.

             He knew the forest inside and out, and was positive that he would be able to reach Genkai's temple before his red-hooded little demon could.

             His red-hooded little demon. < I like that.> Kurama thought, a mischievious smile playing upon his lips. < Who knows? Soon, he might even like it too...>

             With that thought firmly in mind, Kurama broke through the clearing and reached Genkai's temple. He was about to let himself in when he spotted the note taped onto the door.

              Yukina, it read, I'll be out for awhile. I have to go and give Yuusuke another training lesson. The boy can't get anything right. Please leave the basket in my bedroom. Thanks, I appreciate it. Genkai.

             < Perfect.> Kurama thought happily, crumpling up the piece of paper.

             Upon entering, he immediately made a beeline for Genkai's bedroom.

             < What to wear, what to wear?>, he thought to himself, looking over Genkai's clothes. Several tunics of different colors and a few kimonos stared back at him. After making up his mind, he put on a simple-looking nightcap to cover his fox ears, and decided to wear a tunic over his clothes. He was tempted to wear a kimono instead - the blue flowery one looked really pretty -but decided against it. As it was, he didn't want his red-hooded demon to be shocked too much.

             At least, not yet.

             He looked himself over in a full length mirror. < Not bad.> he thought, < Won't be needing much of a disguise soon, anyway.>

             That settled, he slipped into the bed and covered his body and part of his face with a blanket. Eagerly, he began to wait.

             Meanwhile, Hiei had finally managed to come out of the woods and into the clearing where the temple stood, looking ready to strangle the hood that was flopping about on his head. Yukina had tied the straps too tight.

             Stopping at the front door, he noticed a small sheet of paper with an unfamiliar handwriting taped to the doorknob: Yukina, I'll be waiting in the bedroom. Love, Genkai

             That stopped Hiei dead in his tracks. < Where the hell is the bedroom?>he wondered. The few times he had ever been inside Genkai's temple, he had stayed in the gardens or in the main hall.

             < It can't be that hard to find.> Hiei thought, pushing the door open and entering inside.

             After several minutes being spent wandering aroung like a certain eternally lost boy, Hiei finally arrived at a closed door that he decided had to be the bedroom. He opened it slowly, hoping Genkai had something to remove the stupid cover he had on his head.

             Kurama was just dozing off when the door suddenly opened. Startled, he jerked awake and pulled the covers closer to himself.

             Hiei peeked in. < There's a bed. Good, this must be the bedroom.> Then he noticed something else. Someone was in it. < I thought Genkai would usually be up by now. > he thought.

             Walking in, he practically slammed the hated fruit basket into a nearby table. "Yukina couldn't make it.", he said shortly. "Here's the basket. And while you're at it, take this thing off my head, too."

             This was the moment that Kurama had been waiting for.

             "Arigatou." he said sweetly, mimmicking Genkai's voice with uncanny precision. "Come closer, and let's see about getting that hood off of you."

             Now Hiei was nowhere near being stupid, but right then and there he should have had reason to be wary or even a trifle suspicious of 'Genkai''s odd behavior. The hood seemed to be cutting off the circulation of blood to his brain.

             Whatever the reason, Hiei went over to stand close at the side of the bed. he frowned slightly, looking more closely at the partly hidden Kurama. < She must be sick,> he thought. < That must be it. But why does her hair look a little......silvery?>

             Hiei wouldn't have known if someone was sick if his life depended on it, so he decided not to ask any questions.

             Instead, he said," You look like crap, Genkai."

             That was not exactly what Kurama was expecting. He chose to ignore that question. "Tell Yukina that I appreciate her picking those fruits for me." He peeked up at Hiei, his eyes glowing a soft golden amber.

             Hiei blinked. Genkai must be sicker than he thought. "Genkai, what the hell is wrong with your eye?"

             "All the better to see you with, my dear." Kurama said in a suggestive tone of voice.

             Hiei wondered if Genkai was dying. "And what's that thing coming out of your head?"

             "Oh, this?" Kurama wiggled one of his ears, which had come off the nightcap. "All the better to hear you with, my dear. Would you like you ask what I am going to do with my tongue, too?"

             Hiei frowned again, the red hood slightly obscuring his vision. He looked down, and his eyes widened. < It can't be....>

             He knew females had something called a bust. Genkai didn't look as if she had any. Just to be sure, he leaned down and poked her chest.

             Genkai was completely flat chested.

             "You're not-"

             The real Genkai would have slapped him for getting too comfy with her, but the silver-haired bishonen rising out from the covers was far from Genkai. Kurama reached up and grabbed Hiei, rolling him over so that he was trapped underneath the youko, accidentally knocking over a vase in the process. It hit the floor with a loud crash, but Kurama didn't seem to notice. "Sometimes you can be so dense sometimes, my silly little fire demon."

             "What-"Hiei tried again, but anything else he wanted to say was quickly and effectively silenced when Kurama's hot mouth met his.

             Too startled and to inexperienced to know what to do, Hiei simply laid there as Kurama's hands began a tantalizingly slow exploration of his body. He playfully nibbled on his lower lip. < This feels.......nice. > Hiei thought in amazement. After a moment's hesitation, he returned the kiss.

             Taking it for an affirmative, Kurama deepened his kiss, thrusting his tongue into his mouth, running his hands up and down the small youkai's chest, listening to him gasp with pleasure. "And this is only just the beginning." he murmured seductively, moving to pull Hiei's shirt off.

             Just then, a huge yell echoed throughout the temple. "Genkai-obasan?! Are you alright?!"

             Hiei's eyes snapped open. "KUWABARA?!" he dove under the covers.

             Kurama groaned, burying his face into the pillow. "Fifteen minutes. That's all I ask. Just fifteen minutes......"

             Kuwabara appeared on the doorway, an ax in one hand. He was panting heavily. "I heard a crash.", he wheezed, "Baasan, are you.......", his voice trailed off. "You're not Genkai."

             Kurama sat up and gave him his most wide-eyed and innocent smile that he could muster, ignoring the aching throb betwwen his thighs. Or at least, tried to. "No, I'm not. I'm an uh, close friend of Baasan. She went out for awhile, and told me to make myself at home." He gestured towards the broken vase. "I accidentally knocked the vase off the table. Clumsy me. Gomen nasai, I'll clean it up.........."

             Ten minutes later, after being convinced that Kurama was telling the truth and no, he was not going to steal anything, Kuwabara finally took off. Hiei crawled out from under the blankets, his red hood all askew.

             "You're a good liar.", he said.

             "I'll take that as a compliment." Kurama grinned, albeit a little hungrily. "I'll show you what else I can be god at. Friend of yours?"

             Hiei scowled. "Not even close. If he sees me wearing this stupid piece of crap, he won't be - "

             Kurama lunged at him. "Let's finish what we started first, alright?", he said, pinning Hiei under him once again.

             "I did NOT start anything. Nor will I........"

             Kurama's seeking lips found his earlobe and gave it his utmost attention, nipping playfully at it.

             "I'm not........."

             Those same lips now began traveling down and muzzling his chest.


             Kurama's mouth came dangerously close to his navel. His fingers dipped even lower. Hiei instinctly closed his eyes and arched against him.

             "Any more complaints?" Kurama smiled up at him.

             "At least, get this damned hood off of me."

             "I don't know. Red looks pretty good on you."

             "Hn. Shut up and get on with it, you stupid fox."

             Kurama did just that.

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