>> t e r e s a   c h a p t e r   s i x  <<
You can make quite a bit of parallels from Alec/Teresa to Ridley/Boris,
something to think about as you read this chapter.  Especially YOU
Boris!  ^_^  Feedback is always appreciated, or else I'm goinng to slop
spaghetti all over you.

Enjoyeth ye this.

-Brick (and Teresa)

Teresa Wisemail Chapter Six, Ridley Wizen Chapter Eight
"Risks, Negotiations, and the Lessons Learned"
Location: Greenhill Academy

8:09 am. Found Emilia, Learned that General Ridley is on his way to Greenhill
on a visit.

10:23 am. Everything looks ready and in order. Mental note: Have words with
Emilia at some time on her definition and my definition of "informing people

That Teresa was nervous was an understatement. She nearly drove the servants
crazy in a quest to spruce and tidy up the Academy in some sensible and
working order. Under her supervision, they dusted. They cleaned. They
arranged furniture. Then when they were done, she decided that it wasn't
enough, so they had to do it all over again.

They were probably ready to kill her now, acting mayor or no. And she
contemplated doing the same to Emilia before everyone else could get their
hands on her. The pretty librarian had waltzed into her office with a big
smile on her face, with a cheerful "Guess what, Miss Teresa? I convinced Sir
Ridley of Two Rivers to pay Greenhill a call."

She should have taken medical insurance. She nearly had apoplexy right on
that very spot.

And after all, she had the right to be nervous. She was a novice still when
it came to running a city; what she had done so far she had done based on
instinct and what scant experience she did have; General Ridley on the other
hand, was a prominent figure in Jowston politics; and if rumors be true,
would be a match for Alec Wisemail himself. Even her father had ruefully
conceded that on the one occasion he had dealt with the kobold general, he
hadn't been sure if he had gotten the best part of the bargain.

Everything looked ready. Greenhill was known for its hospitality as much as
it was known for its school. The rest would have to be up to her.

Was there a smudge on that coffeetable?...

The forested city of Greenhill.  How many miles north of this prosperous
academic establishment was the ruined encampment where General Ridley Wizen
started his life? 

"General Wizen, thank you for attending.  Please, be seated."

Alec Wisemail was a man of power.  Ridley had met him only once, five years
ago, on an invitation extended for the purpose of putting into play an
imporant trade route- a route Makai was wholly against.  For what reasons the
mayor felt this way were unknown; Makai's rationalizations were his own. 

"You realize of course, Lord Alec, that my juridiction in Two River's
trade standards is minimal to say the least.  I am a military general, not a
mayoral leader.

Greenhill had not changed much since then.  "Perhaps," Ridley ventured to
himself, witnessing a group of teenaged students sociolizing...  they paused
momentarily to look the rather imposing general over, and returned
disinterested to their conversation.  "Perhaps Alec has never died.  He is
hiding behind his daughter's rule, disillusioning his enemies, ready to
pounce just as Highland thinks Greenhill is at its weakest..."

"I am uninterested in hearing excuses, Sir Ridley.  This trade agreement
will be of benefit to both our fine cities.  And I'm sure you have more sense
than Two River's
official mayor."

It was a ploy Ridley himself had thought often about.  He and his closest
underlings would fake the general's death on the battlefield, Boris would be
called into power by demand of the Wizen name, make a few blunders in his
leadership, and just when Highland was nipping at Two River's heels... 

...Ridley would step back into action and crush them.

Alec Wisemail was the first man in history who was able to convince Ridley to
go behind the back of Mayor Makai.  As much as Ridley dispised Makai's lack
of decisive action, he never dared defy his authority until Alec
Wisemail's intervention.

By the time Ridley's mind snapped back from the past, he was standing at the
door to the Greenhill Academy.  As he stood there in front of the ancient
door, he couldn't help but wonder...  exactly how decisive would
Teresa'a leadership turn out to be...?

Teresa took a deep breath, blew it out slowly. It was time to be her father's
daughter and prove her worth. She slowly made her way down the front
staircase, pausing as she reached its end, eyes assessing the general
standing in front of her.

He looked every bit as her father had described, and every bit as commanding.
And then some. "Welcome to the Greenhill Academy, General Ridley." Teresa
said, smiling. "You've been here before with my father, am I right?"

"It has been five summers," replied Ridley.  "Have you strict rules in the
academy about carrying weapons?  Shall I check in my blade or do you feel
secure with Shenu by side?" 

Teresa shook her head. "You'll soon see that Greenhill folk can be at home
with weapons just as any other." She said, with a small grin. "Or perhaps
you'd like a tour?"

This would prove a perfect opportunity to re-submit the kobold education
program...  Makai won't likely deny the project once an alliance with
Greenhill is forged.

"A tour would be most fascinating, Lady Wisemail."

So far, so good. Without knowing it, she was crossing the bounds that
separated the fledgling official to the politician born and bred for her job.
Teresa spread her arms wide, as if to encompass the whole of the school.
"Here is a good place to start as any. Greenhill Academy, our pride and joy.
Weaponry, runes, history, politics; it's all here. I should know, I was
taught here myself. This way?..." May as well show him around on the way to
her office; get him to know a bit more about how Greenhill works, and then
settle down to business.

Classes were in session, as they made their way towards the different rooms.
Students were busy scribbling down notes, as teachers fired off one fact
after another; a few handful were busy fooling around as well, right up to
the point where they looked up to see Teresa and General Ridley watching,
then hastily shoved their noses back into their books, looking for all the
world that they had been listening to their lecturer right from the start.
Students will be students, Teresa supposed.

"The Academy specializes mostly in history and politics, especially as
Greenhill has a system unlike most other cities; our gross income stems
mainly from student tuitions and fees. Fortunately, we get a lot of students
every semester, all from pre-school to high school levels; we also offer
complimentary college courses..."

It was hard to keep a smile on her face when the "tourist" in question had no
outward expression at all, other than a polite nod every now and then. She
often assessed others through their body language; how they act or move can
speak more volumes than what they say. But she couldn't make out what the
kobold thought of all this at that moment; or what he thought of her, for
that matter.

And Ridley, for the most part, had no particular wish of being read.

"And here's our final stop: my office." Stopping in front of her room, Teresa
opened the door and stepped aside to allow the general entry first.
"Technically, it's my office, room and boardroom; we're not very formal in
these things."

"I have a tent, pitched in the dust of the outskirts of Two River," commented
Ridley, peering at Teresa from behind his eyes.  Had Desmond been with Ridley
on this expedition, he would have commented on the beauty of the academic
world, miles upon miles of books- unabridged knowledge.  How many heros lived
within these walls...?

"Shall we be seated, Lady Wisemail?  I regretfully inform you that my trip to
Greenhill must remain as brief as possible."

"I understand." Teresa said, gesturing once more, only this time to the 
chair right next to her desk. "Now, I've heard from Emilia that you two had
come across each other in Two River?" She asked, sitting down herself, behind
the table this time. "I've always wondered how she managed to convince you to
pay Greenhill a visit."

"My worthy associate Desmond (who no doubt would appreciate the grandeur of
this place more than I could) advised me for this trip."  He cleared his
throat, matter-of-factly, and narrowed his eyes.  "What I am about to
disclose to you, Lady Wisemail, is information which not even the other
leaders of Jowston have hold of.  Am i right to be confident in trusting the
Wisemail name?"

Information. What she wanted to know, what she had sent her undercover
students out of Greenhill for, even to their deaths for all she knew.
Please, bring them back safely. Teresa met his steady gaze. "Trust is
something not to be taken lightly, General. I swear to you now that nothing
you say will leave this room."

"There is a man named Blue Lightning Flik, a hero from the Gate Rune War.  In
an attempt to fortify the unguarded regions of the eastern borderlands, I
have sent this worthy swordsman with a small kobold regiment and a modest
amount of Two River military funding in order to keep Highland at bay while
Jowston's political leaders unite.

"It is the least I can do," Ridley paused and sighed, "for I am not one of
Jowston's political leaders myself.  Makai is sure to find me out soon enough
and choke the project.  If, however, we have the support of Greenhill, it
would  be more difficult for Makai to undo my hard work."

Teresa nodded. She'd heard of Blue Lightning, and of the Gate Rune War that
eventually led to the Toran Republic. "I see your dilemna. And Greenhill
would help boost up the defense against Highland." 

"Excellent," replied Ridley.  "Flik has told me that the mercenaries are in
need of a runemaster capable of keeping up with their magical needs.  Also,
they have recently recruited a young man to lead their archers into battle.
By contract of our alliance, a small battalion of mages and archers supplied
by Greenhill would greatly enhance the military operation."

"So it would." Teresa took a deep breath. "However, while I can send out the
necessary mages and archers your operation needs, I'm afraid that will have
to be as far as I can go. You must understand that while we have a
substantial army, many of our reserves and fighters are students. I don't
want to risk lives - my people's lives - any more than it is necessary to." 

Ridley was not taken aback by the reply- he had not himself given an amount
of kobold soldiers to Flik which would leave Two River's military crippled.
"Obviously this is the case, Lady Wisemail.  But Flik's requests are nothing
horrid.  One hundred men; fifty with runes, fifty with arrows.  This small
battalion when compounded with the kobold soldiers and the hired-on
mercenaries will be more than enough to protect any more border cities from
being unfortunately lost in the wake of Highland's nightmarish fire."

One hundred men?! Fifty with <i>runes</i>?! "Greenhill has a fairly low
population, and the numbers you suggest will depopulate the city in a
relatively short time. I'm afraid that giving you what you ask will leave
Greenhill wide open to an attack as well." A Pause. "Twenty men, not
including the Greenhill scouts I offer."

"Surely," said the general in disbelief, "you understand the importance of
fortifying the borderlands.  If we are to stop Highland, every state in the
alliance must make sacrifices!"  Ridley realized he was standing, reinforcing
his point by swiping his hand through the air.  He forced himself back down
into his chair and breathed deeply.  "You mentioned before how the academy is
funded.  Have you enough money to lend your support financially?   As of now
the fortress does not even sport a decent cavalry, and we would like to build
a team of battle strategists to aid Flik in his tactics.  Greenhill can no
doubt spare a meager <I>35,000 potch</I> if it cannot spare its soldiers."

Teresa very nearly choked. If 35,000 potch was meager, she was Ruka Bright.
"Yes, I understand its importance as much as its possible consequences. We
shall give as much as we can manage to protect the borders, but at the same
time, we do not wish to leave ourselves vulnerable for the Highland army,
should it somehow find another way to get past your guards. As of the moment,
I can sign over 10,000 potch at the most to you this very minute. Anything
more will severely tax our own resources." She glared at him before she
remembered and pacified her expression. "We have been at war before, general.
We do what we must, but it is never easy for the people we have sworn to

"I see."  Ridley's composure was about to snap.  He kept going over in his
mind how the situation would be if Teresa's father sat before him. 
"Ridley my friend, you shall have the soldiers you need.  Let us crush
those Highland bastards together!"

"I understand your unease.  However, it is of my opinion that, once supplied
with the resources I am asking for, Highland will be stopped long before the
battle reaches Greenhill's front."  He leaned back, folding his hands in his
lap.  "As senior commander of the Two River militia, once I am certain I can
count on your support, you have my earnest word that not a single Highland
soldier shall see the lush forests of Greenhill but through dead eyes.
Please, Lady Wisemail.  One hundred men.  It is a meager battalion, but one
much appreciated."

Inwardly, Teresa bit her lip. It was a gamble. She didn't know much of
betting and gambling, but her father must have, because she knew him to take
risks even when faced with impossible odds. And from what she knew, Alec and
Ridley had worked together, and he had trusted him. One hundred men. Her
father used to say, "Risk was what made life worth livng." Did she dare?

Sitting up straighter, Teresa looked at him square in the eye. "...seventy
men, 15,000 potch and a handful of scouts for your command. I can not give
any man or potch more. Many of what remains behind are students. Trained to
fight yes, but students all the same, and still far from becoming a true
soldier. Ask for more, and you may as well have signed their death warrants."

Ridley nodded.  "Your help is most graciously accepted, Lady Teresa.  Of
course the name of Wisemail is in no way attatched to the independant
mercenary battalion, as I myself have not attatched my name to it.  And as
stated before, in the exteremely small chance that Flik's fort is destroyed,
each and every kobold warrior in Two River, including their general, shall
lay dead before harm befalls Greenhill."

He stood and extended his arm.  "There is nothing to sign, merely accept this
handshake and I take your word as you take mine."

Breathing easier, Teresa stood up as well, accepting his handshake with one
of her own. "I take your word as you take mine." She echoed. "I pray and wish
you luck for your success General. We'll keep you abreast of anything we find

Ridley noted the blue draining from the sky out of a window in the small
room.  "The hour grows late, Lady Teresa, and (fool that I am) I did not
inform my wife of my departure.  I can make it back to Two River by morning
if I leave now.  By your leave..."

As Ridley Wizen left Teresa's quarters, a thought sprang to mind.  "You are
as strong as your father, Teresa Wisemail, but have a compassion in you that
I never saw in Alec.  Perhaps that's what Emilia meant when she told me you
were twice the mayor your father was...  he could have learned something from

...the same compassion I could learn from my own son...

"Godspeed, General Ridley." Teresa remained standing long after Ridley had
departed from the room. She had assembled a small entourage to see Ridley off
beforehand, but that was the last thing on her mind at the present. So much
like her father he was, forceful and she could guess, stubborn to a fault if
need be. Tomorrow, she would send seventy men and some scouts for Ridley and
the Blue Lightning's mercenary fort; but sent them to ensure victory or to
ensure their deaths?
Risk was what made life worth living.


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