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All about me

Name: Minda Estar (it's not spanish)(estar is my middle name)
Age: 14
My Bday: April 17th
Where I live: Cali
Fav types of music: Pop, R&B, and Alternative. I listen to mostly everything but those are my favorites
Fav Bands/ Music artists: Nsync, Blink 182, Christina Aguilera, Limp Bizkit, Destiny's Child, and many more!
Fav guy of Nsync: I like JC more than the others. They are all great though! And it's the music that really counts, not how they look.
My best buds: I have to give props to the two people who have always been there for me NO MATTER WHAT! I love you Janine and Nesa!! Go check out Janine's stories at Adventures... Nsync Fiction
Hobbies: I do a lot of different things, I write other stories besides fan fiction, I dance, I like singing but I'm not good, and that's basically it.
My email addy: I reply to ALL my email is estar14@
aol instant messenger screen name: Freckles2121
