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Opening Act: Chapter 1

"Honey, I'm home!" I jokingly yelled as I jumped into the Carter living room.

"Allie!" BJ yelled giving me a big hug, as we sat down. We had been best friends since the age of three, but hadn't seen each other for three months because my parents had moved to Australia and we had just come back.

"Okay, reunion's over," Nick said, "Now where are we going to find another opening act?"

"Us," I replied.

"What?" Nick asked.

"BJ, Leslie, Angel, and I. We formed a little group before I left," I explained.

"Oh, are you guys Good?" Nick asked.

"Yep, we actually wrote some songs," Leslie said.

"Okay, let me get the other guys over, and you can sing for us," Nick said getting up.

"You really think we're that good?" Angel asked.

"I know," Leslie said sternly. We sat down and waited for the guys to come over, this was our chance to get known, and we were going to take full advantage of it. It's not everyday you get a chance to possibly become an opening act for BSB.

'Oh god,' I thought as the other guys walked in. The guys sat as we conversed, "All right, this is a song Allie and I wrote called 'No Scrubs,'" BJ said. (I know TLC really sing this, but in this story there isn't a group called TLC.)

"A scrub is a guy that thinks he's fly, also known as a busta, always talking 'bout what he wants and just sits on his broke ass," I sang, as Leslie, Angel, and BJ joined in, "So no-I don't want you're number, no-I don't wanna give you mine, and no-I don't wanna meet you nowhere, no-I don't want none of your time. No I don't want no scrub, a scrub is a guy who can't no love from me, hanging out the passenger side of his best friends ride, trying to holler at me"

"When do you want to start?" They all asked when we were done.

"How about now?" Leslie said.

"Perfect," Howie said.

"Aaron!" Nick shouted.

"What?" he asked.

"Meet the new opening act."

"Whatever," he said walking off. "Okay," Nick said.

"What do you know, we leave to go on tour next week," Brian said smiling..

"Umm okay," I replied quietly

Email me and I will email your comments to Allie

Chapter 2
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