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The story

Tiffini and Joey were shopping for Tiffini's wedding dress in a new little store that just recently opened up.

"So what do you think?" Tiffini asked Joey while spining in a circle to show off the dress she had tried on.

"You look gorgeous. I really think that dress is the one for you!" Joey commented with a huge grin.

"You think so? Joey, I really like this dress." Tiffini said looking at Joey like a little girl.

"Yes you can get it." Joey replied laughing a little.

"Thank you!!" Tiffini said kissing Joey pationately.

Tiffini changed her clothes and they went up front to pay for the dress. After paying for the dress they went to go eat lunch. On their way to the restaurant they stopped by to pick up Justin, Chris, JC, and Lance.

In the car with everyone

"So Tiffini did you get a dress?" Lance asked.

"Yep. You should see it! It's gorgeous!!" Tiffini exclaimed.

"That's great!" Lance replied.

"So where are you guys going for your honey moon?" Justin asked.

"We're going to Transilvania." Joey replied.

"Really?" Justin asked. "Yep." Joey replied.

"So are you going turn her around there?" Chris asked.

"I'm going to try, and hope she doesn't get scared." Joey said chuckling.

"Joey! You don't have to tell them that kind of stuff." Tiffini commented. "Ok honey I'm sorry. I promise I won't do it again." Joey replied kissing her on the cheek.

At the wedding

"Do you, Tiffini Owens, take Joseph Fatone III to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The Priest asked. "I do." Tiffini replied. The Priest turned to Joey for the same question. "Do you, Joseph Fatone III, take Tiffini Owens to be you lawfully wedded wife?" "I do." Joey answered. "I know pronounce you Husband and Wife. You may kiss the bride."

Joey and Tiffini turned to eachother and kissed pationately. After the kiss they walked down the aile to the reception hall, with everyone following.

In the hotel room, the first day of their honey moon.

Joey and Tiffini were in their hotel room getting ready for dinner. After dinner they were planning on spending the rest of the night in their hotel room.

"Why don't we just order room service? I mean what's the point of going out when we're just coming back anyways?" Joey suggested.

"Yeah ok that's logical." Tiffini replied.

A half hour later their food arrived and they sat down to eat.

Joey smiled at Tiffini and opened his mouth to say something, "I'm really not in the mood for wine right now. I think I'm going to go get something else to drink. I'll be back is that ok?" Joey asked.

"Of course that's fine." "Ok thanks I'll be right back."

Joey left the room and went to go find something else to drink. He came back ten minutes later with a huge grin on his face. When Tiffini looked up at Joey she had a shocked face on.

"Joey, baby, the one I love, you have a bottom lip full of blood!" Tiffini exclaimed as calmly as she could.

"I know. I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to clean up." Joey replied as simple as possible.

"Why do you have a lip full of blood?" Tiffini asked.

"I was going to wait till after dinner to tell you but I guess I should explain now." Joey said.

"Explain what?" Tiffini asked confused.

"Tiffini I'm a vampire." Joey said looking at Tiffini's wide eyed pale face.

"Really? A vampire? Do Justin, Chris, JC, and Lance know about this? What about your parents?" Tiffini asked frantically.

"Yes they all know, I took over as 'Dracula' in my family, and Justin, Chris, JC, and Lance are all part of it. But sweety, I want you to be my mistress and help my lead." Joey said trying to get a hold of Tiffini who was slowly moving away.

"Your mistress?! You are seriously crazy! Joey I don't know what is wrong with you but I don't like it." Tiffini exclaimed.

"Nothing is wrong with me. It's just who I am. Why do you think I brought you here? This is my home." Joey asked.

"Your home? You're supposed to be from New York!"

"Well this is my true home. This is where my family originated from, and most of my people live here." Joey commented.

"Your people? Are those more vampires?" Tiffini asked.

"Of course." Joey replied.

Tiffini just looked at Joey with wide eyes and a pale face. The man she thought she knew and loved has become a man that she didn't know and despised.

"So will you join me?" Joey asked holding out his hand.

In Tiffini's mind she knew that she either gave up the man she loved or gained a man that she didn't know, and a life of drinking blood and killing innocent people for survival. "Joey I can't accept. I loved you with all my heart but I can't love you like this!" Tiffini replied.

"You have got to be kidding me!" Joey screamed.

Tiffini was just quiet. Joey looked at her with anger in his eyes. She slowly made her way to her bags to pack up. Joey walked over to her and Tiffini just slowly eyed him trying not to show fear. He came up to her and stood before her.

"Tiffini I don't think I can accept you saying no. I have gone through to much to let u turn this down. Don't you understand? I love you and want you to become my mistress!"

"Joey I said no! Now get away from me or I will scream!" Tiffini threatened.

"Oh yeah what's that going to do? No one can hear you. And if they do they'll think it's out of pleasure, not pain, or fear."

"Joey get away from me now."

"You know what Tiffini I just don't think that's possible."

Joey grabbed Tiffini and pulled her in. Tiffini was screaming as much as possible and no one responded like Joey said. He had such a tight hold on her that there was nothing she could do. Just as he turned her neck Tiffini broke away and broke the leg of a chair and pointed it towards Joey.

"I saw buffy do this once."

Tiffini thrust the chair leg into Joey's heart, forcing him to break upart into dust.

A year later that day

Tiffini was in her house making something to eat when her door-bell rang. She went to open the door and an extremely familiar face appeared before her. Tiffini was absolutley speechless.

"Happy anniversary Tiffini." He said.

There was a big bang and Tiffini dropped to the ground with with a bullet in her forehead. Her neighbors ran outside to see what had happened, but no one was there except Tiffini, in a big puddle of blood.

