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This is where I get to thank everyone for helping me, letting me borrow stuff, and anything/everything else that deserves a "Thank You"!!! Everyone who contributes to my page will be acknowlegded, I promise!!

First of all I'd like to thank Janine. She is one of my best friends and is always there to help me and lend a hand, especially when I need a critic. She is a great writer too!

Secondly I'd like to thank Nesa. She is my bestest best and always will be!!!

Thank you Shayna for letting me borrow some of your pics for my page and for getting me the lyrics to "Promises".

And thank you Julie for the pics you have contributed.

Also thanx to Allie for her hosted story Opening Act

Thanx to Nikii for her two hosted stories Costly Dreams and What Comes Out In The End

If you have anything you'd like to contribute (i.e. pics, banner u made, story ideas, anything) email me and I promise I'll respond!! Thanx!
