The Padded Room

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How long have you been writing?

Hmm.. I've been writing as SuNnY for maybe...8 months. yeah, 7 or 8 months, but like WRITING-WRITING, anything and everything... wow, since I was like 8. I used to write these fairy tale stories, using big words and took that to Show and Tell, hey, the classmates must of thought it was the most boring thing in the world, but my teacher told me it was great.

Are you white?

Hmmm.. why this is important, I really don't know or understand, but since this question keeps getting popped up, I'll answer it either way. No I am not white or caucasian, if you want to get technical with me. Due to contrary belief, nope. I'm actually Hispanic, my parents are Mexican, but I was born in Texas. To clear something up, no I'm not one of those "latinos" you see on TV walking around going "Essayyyyy" or talking with a thick accent being ghetto. That isn't me, I'm ghetto fabulous. LOL. So sue me, if I love "white people" music and want to be in the same business as them, or even for not totally being in like with Spanish music. It isn't me, I'm and I'm quoting Nick-"A rainbow at heart". I love everybody. But I REALLY don't see why this is important. I'm proud of who I am. Me.

Will you write a story for me?

Sorry babe, but no. I know a lot of writers, including myself, who find fan fiction and any other kind of writing both emotionally and physically exhausting, when you let yourself get caught up inside that imginary world, you're sucked in and don't get out until you're completely and truly happy with what you've created. To get there, it takes a lot of work. Not to mention how person something can be to you. I'll help you out with ideas if you ask, but writing a story FOR YOU, and then have you take credit for it, is a no, no in my book. Sorry.

Who's Anna?

((sigh)) The abominable question, who is Anna. Anna is NOT me, yes Anna is a nick name since my name is longer, but the character is a whole 'nother question. Anna was one of the greatest people I ever met in my life, she pulled me into the vortex called writing such a long time ago, and created this alias or pen name as you might want to call it, for me. I loved her dearly, but sorrowfully enough early this year, as she was fighting for her life, she lost it to Lupus Disease. I've dedicated my "career" as a fan fiction author in memory to the many spiritual things she completed in my soul. It wasn't materialistic in any way, but it was the kind of friendship, I will remember all my life.

Can I be in one of your stories?

Ummm....err... no? I might be sounding rude and stingy, but I have to know a person really well to write you in, or at least have a fairly decent idea of what you act like. Its either that or let me borrow your name, and I converge to make a whole new personality that is so completely different from the real YOU, it makes you wonder if it really was for the best choice giving me that oppurtunity.

Will you help me write/do a web site?

Now, THAT I can help you on. I sure will. I won't DO a web site for you because I mean, the last thing the internet needs is another HTML moron site, done by me. But I will help you with anything you have questions about and I can answer them. As far as helping you write a story, I'll help you plan out ideas, or give you ideas, but I won't WRITE it for you. Good enough? I hope so.

Who's your favorite *NSYNCer?

Hmm.. I actually don't have a favorite. There's something about each guy I find fascinating. Now, if you mean on a "super-cute-I'd-die-for-you-basis" I think Justin, JC and Lance are fine. Justin, is my whore. Anyway, I think is a true inspiration for me, because he somehow understands that music in schools isn't of importance, and he also believes racism is horrible. On another point, have you checked out that body? Damn. JC, graaaar. He appreciates music as much as I do, not only does he want to work in frotn of the camera but behind the scenes. Once again, have you checked out that body? I wouldn't mind being the floor on Digital Getdown. Haha. Lance. My bitch.. All I can say is, I want to lock him up and never show him to the rest of the world if I had the chance, he's so sweet it isn't even funny. Do you see me laughing? Nope, you only see the smirk. Muhahaha. Joey, my horn dog Fatone. The only word that comes to mind is teddy bear. Last but not least, I find Chris' personality extremely lovable, especially since I live in a house full of cynical people. He would fit right along.

How long does it take you to write?

Hmmm, well writing out the chapter depends on what mood I'm in, if I get caught up in it, maybe 2 hours, but if the words WRITER'S BLOCK is stamped on my forehead anywhere from 3-6 hours. Scary isn't it? NOW, to get the HTML codes in thats yet ANOTHER hour, people it takes long and makes me twitch with frustration.

Do you know *NSYNC?

I, along with the 20 million other female and male humanity out there, wish I did. But hey, I'm not giving up on meeting them, no siree. I have complete faith in God that one day he'll find me worthy enough to be blessed with such an oppurtunity. If not, I'm just going to have to wait till I'm a "SUPERSTAR" and THEN meet them.

Why do you write Fan Fiction?

This simple, it takes you away from the real world, where you create your own characters and plots. Many times refreshing, most of the time aggrivating. It makes you think though, I've got to give it that much.