The Game Room

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The name is Sunny. Anna to the few. And Mariana to the designated tiny amount. "Z" to those also tiny amount of people who like saying my last name. You're a special one if you know what it is... *coughspecialEDrejectscough*

I like boys. I really like boys.

I like the Disney Channel

I want to marry Jamie (Christopher Ralph) from In A Heartbeat. Hey.. it can happen...j/k

I have issues. Lots of them.

The word 'bitch' does not affect this chick.

I like bright colors.

People wonder how I'm as smart as I am, yet act as stupid as I do.

I don't ACT stupid, I AM stupid. There's a clear difference.

I like people.

I like cheese.

I like the color yellow.

I like to talk.

I like to scare people.

I like to start dancing for no reason at the wrong place.

I thrive on adversity, and live on pride.

I don't like seeing people sad.

The Land Before Time makes me cry.

So does the Iron Giant.

I like being me.

I think Lance has a ghetto booty.

I talk to myself.

I love my family.

I love my friends.

I like to say the word 'i'.

If you want to contact me you can e-mail me.

You can AIM me at seaweedgodess.

You can yahoo message me at blue31_86 or fiction_sunny

You can sign the guestbook.

You can read my scribble/diary.

You can see my prom pictures (don't piss on yourself because I look good! j/k) go here.

You can do the funky chicken dance and I'll be with you in spirit.

Questions Answered

Are you normal? Depends on what you call normal.

Can you sing? Uhhhh.... my Mom says I can, and so does my best friend's little sister. But I can't sing in choir. Go off key, regularly.

Do you have man? The temptation to fall on my butt laughing is tempting. VERY tempting. But no... as Joey says, I'm single and ready to mingle.

Who's your best friend online and offline? Hard to say....offline, Gracie and Sarah, Yvonn's a doll though... online, Tay is my firl, but so is Kendall and Lisa so....

What character is most like you? Anna from Chemicals of Fate, the person I am offline, is mostly based as her character except for the fact I'm not hott, but you know... whatever. I'm a foxy bitch. ((repeats that to herself))

Do you have any siblings? 2 brothers, (19 and 8) and a sister (21).

Why do you act stupid? Acting? Who says I'm acting?

What are your dislikes? Racism, arrogance, ignorance, fish, turkeys/chickens/pigeons, bigotism, fake folk, and clowns.

What DO you like? Cheese, people, guys, Christopher Ralph, 6-packs (not beer, tummies), dance and Micheal Jackson, Prince's butt and Steven Tyler's voice.

Do you have an role model? Jesus Christ

Pet Peeve? My damn pointe shoes. Ughhhh... and character shoes. Bigger ughhhh.

Favorite Phrase? Screw off, you damn party pooper. (classic)

Do you think you're talented? Yeah... suuuuuure....

Why do you like guys so much? Because I can.

Are you sentimental? Only with Disney movies. Don't show too many emotions often.

What do you think is the best thing about you? My self-motivation

What is the worst thing about you? My damn, nappy hair. It's cursed.

Why do you like to scare people? Because it's funny.

Do you think you're a good person? Pretty much, at times. I'm human though.

Pictures of me, scroll down.... brace yourself!!!

Almost there....

Scary huh? It's blurry I know, but jpg hates me. Eh. I'm the one in the blue shirt and jeans, right smack in the middle next to Sunny's INCREDIBLE Mommy. =)