The Nut House

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Sometimes you're better off not knowing what everything means.

My Family- Good gracious, where can I start with you all? All... hmmm.. how many is it? 10 of you, you've each inspired me in a different way to be who I am. Everything from musical tastes to personality wise, and with that I got somepeople to blame for being of the wall and weird. Mom, you made me weird, and I will always blame you for that much, haha. Never again will we sit together at the Ball Park when a song comes on, I don't think I could handle your dancing anymore. Hehe, but I love ya'. Thank you for the continuous support through everything, plays, writing, dancing, singing, everything and anything. Thank you all, I would be NOTHING without you. Remember that much. NOTHING.

Sarah- Sar, no words can truly describe the impact you've had on my life these past couple of years, and most importantly this past year. I damn you because you're so talented, DAMN YOU! lol. But girl, honestly, I don't know what I would do without you. You tie my shoe laces for me, even at my age. You help me put my eyeshadow and eyelashes on when we perform instead of having me poking my eye out. You remind me when I'm wrong, but most importantly you remind me I'm DAMN HOTTER THAN GRACE AND ROBYN! *laughs evilly* You'll always be Big Bootie Vaughner, and I'll always be Big Tits Zapata, and remember my dear, Punkin' will always remember us for our "The bird got a hard-on," conversation. Classical. We'll always have our "Annas," you know what I'm talking about. = ) You'll be crazy and I'll be retarded, and Brandon can be goofy.

Gracie, Yvonne, Sade, Traci- Crazy Gracie, Green Giant, Big Momma, and Smurf #2. Oh LORDY, LORDY!!! My Circle, *shakes head sadly* as many times as we say we're normal we'll never be. Gracie- you're an angel, the devil in disguise... we'll always have our "Hey! is anybody in the pisser?" moments. Yvonne- "Boom, Boom, Green Giant!" I like pudding, yes I do! I like pudding how about you?? I eat corndogs, and corrupted your being. Don't hate me. Sade- BIG MOMMA! We whoop ass together, you're my bitch, don't forget that! And yes, we're loud and proud. Traci- *laughs* I can't say anything comprhendible about you my dear, your just....Traci...

Taylor- I can never thank you enough for putting up with my constant damnings to computers (i.e. Why in the HELL does the picture not want to show up?? PIECE OF *$*%!!) DOn't tell me you don't love those moments because I know you do... = P I owe you BIG time. I don't know how to ever tell you thank you or repay you for the endless friendship you've given me. There's no other person in this world, who have grown to love more in such a short period of time. You seem to understand me better than most of the world, and for that and your endless support and friendship, no words can describe. But thank you. MUAH!!!!

Kendall- The evil triplet and even more evil twin in the family. You and Taylor are one day going to kill me with all your slaps, when I refuse to believe I'm a good writer. I'm telling you, I'm gonna call CPS. You and Taylor are going to be my first guests on the future TV Show "Everybody Loves Anna" haha. Ashley's all about the Ashley...

Heather- My lesbian lover, I want you Heather.. I want you bad, ROFL. You're my whore, and I'm your pimp. ((Ok, people this is an inside joke which no one would want to know about. And no, I'm not a lesbian.)) Those 10 year olds will get to you, I tell you. They're goign to come after you and fall head over heels, screeching "We love you Heather!" I'm telling you listen to Anna...

Maggie- HOMIE G!!! How's the cheese? It better be fine! Becuz I am the CHEESE QUEEN, and you're my Queen Princess... hey? Who cares that you're like 5 years older than me, yet I'm the queen? No one does so don't worry. LOL. You're the brains behind the stupidness called Sunny, I refuse to accept the fact that you think I'm smart just because I'm on Honor Roll, noo.... you're tearing away my dignity. LMFAO. I love ya' for the great advice you give me... sometimes not so great but hey who's sayng anything?

Kara- My evil twin, MUAH HAHAHAHAHA!!! We have to rid the world of teenyboppers like your neighbor, it isn't right when an 8-year-old girl walks around thinking that because she has a size 34A bra size she can wear a tube top.. it's just plain WRONG! We will get rid of them, you hear me, my twin? YESS!!!! MUAH HAHAHAHAAAA!!!!

Rosey- Did I ever tell you, you were the first person who I hadn't known that had e-mailed me and told me what you thought about my writing? I don't think I have or had, so now you know. Rosey, oh Rosey we share our lazy woes, hehe. You're great. You should see the smirk on face every time I see, your name in my e-mail box. I head straight for the ~Rosey~ hehe. Thank you for everything, chicka.

Tigerlady- My sweet Australian friend. You are like THE nicest person. Seriously, I owe you for those Justin pics you sent me, you know which ones. The whole Slut thing, haha. And oh yes, Wade is hot. Yes he is, oh yes he is. I cannot thank you enough fr the big pretty 1 Month thing you sent me, hey it's the little things Sunny loves and you know how to make Sunny happy, Tigerlady. = ) Thansk for being my editor, = ).

Lisa- Oh Lordy, Lord. Where can I start with you? You're probably one of the funniest people I have ever met. SOmehow you traumatized me with the thing ((shudders)) I can never look at Joey in the same way. You've been a great friend, since we got acquainted at Stephanie's board, and I really do have SO much fun talking to you. You rule. Oh and by the way, I found a vissy with Bobbee and Joey *shudder*, I should have ran... *gasps* Too graphic for my poor mind...

Tavis (Lite Brite), My Brother, and Vincent- Justin should be thanking you for me not making him a sissy in the damn story. Whether your influences on Chemicals of Fate are... what we call, dignified, its the funniest thing watching all of your argue with yourselves. And Lite Brite, don't hate because I need contacts to be a prettyeyedpimp like you. LOL.

Ex-Mailing List-We've moved on a little haven't we? I haven't forgetten about you all, yet. You were part of the reason, I am Sunny, the person writing this. I'm filled with great memories from e-mails and things from you all, that still make me smile. So thanks for that. I hope you don't think I'm blowing you off, because I'm not. You're still on my address book, LOL.

My "friends" ((readers and people checking out the site))- I don't call people fans, I say your my unknown friend, but hopefully I WILL get to know all of you. ANYWAY, let me explain this much to you. I would truly be NO ONE, without you all. Each of you inspire me, oh so much, by just looking at the counter every so often and watching the numbers go up and the e-mails increase, you inspire me. I love you all, deeply, for telling people about me and just plain being there for my mistakes and triumphs. From the bottom of my heart- Thank You.

The stars of the whole reason we are here...

Your talent gives me courage and thats the best thing in the world. 'Nuff said.

As Justin says "If you aren't on here, doesn't mean you aren't in my heart." There are so many more people I need to thank it isn't even funny, but as times go by, my thank You list WILL get bigger. I promise you all that much. Thank you all for your support, I love you.