Chapter 2

Felicity sat at the kitchen table of the Foundling Home as Janet bustled around the kitchen.

"Felicity! Just stay off your feet dear" Janet nearly scolded as Felicity rose to assist her with lunch.

"Mother, I'm fine. Surely I can help you with the sandwiches-"

Felicity began to argue, but then thought the better of it. Her mother had been so helpful these past few months, and she knew she should heed her advice. Felicity sat back in her chair and watched. A knock came at the door, and Felicity rose quickly.

"I'll answer it Mother," said Felicity running out of the kitchen.

As she walked through the hall she could hear her mother sighing. Felicity smiled as she reached for the doorhandle. She knew her mother was right, but she couldn't resist proving she still had some independance, despite her 'weakened condition'. She pulled the door open and was greeted by her brother Felix. She had been expecting one of the neighbouring children, and was surprised to see a young man. Felix, who had been playing with one of the stray kittens, turned to her with a grin.

"Well, hello Felicity!"

"Felix!" Felicity exclaimed. "We weren't expecting you! What brings you by today?"

Felix set the kitten down, and handed Felicity a stack of letters. "Just picked up the mail in town. Thought I'd bring it by, and see how you were."

"Mother and I are about to have lunch, would you like to stay?"

Felix laughed a hearty laugh and said, "Me, Felix King, turn down a meal? Not on your life!"

Felicity stared at Felix as he entered the Foundling Home. It seemed he had grown very mature these past few years. He was a frequent visitor to the Foundling Home, often making up silly excuses for his visits. Felicity knew, though, that his visits were due to his concern for her. 'Things have certainly changed since our childhood!' Felicity thought to herself as they entered the kitchen.

The table was set, and Janet laughed when she saw Felix,

"Oh Felix! It seems you can smell my cooking a mile away!" Janet gave Felix a playful nudge on the shoulder and set another place at the table.

Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3

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