Gil Quotes (from the Anne movies)

(Jonathan Crombie as Gilbert Blythe)


Gil: "Look, I'm sorry I ever said anything about your hair. You have no idea how sorry. But it was so long ago. Aren't you ever going to forgive me?"

Anne: "You hurt my feelings excruciatingly."

Gil: "I only said it because I-- Because I wanted to meet you so much."


Anne: "Our friendship, it won't ever be the same now. Why can't he just be sensible instead of acting like a sentimental schoolboy?"

Marilla: "Because he loves you."

Anne: "He loves me? I can't know why."

Marilla: "Because you made Josie Pye and Ruby Gillis and all of those wishy-washy young ladies who waltzed by him look like spineless nothings."

Anne: "Marilla, he's hardly my idea of a romantic suitor."

Marilla: "Anne, you have tricked something out of that imagination of yours that you call romance. Have you forgotten how he gave up the Avonlea school for you so that you could stay here with me? He picked you up everyday in his carriage so that you could study your courses together. Don't toss it away for some ridiculous ideal that doesn't exist."


"Well, I won't change. That's the least I can promise you."


"Anne, I've loved you as long as I can remember. I need you."


"I'm sorry about last week. I just wanted to show you how much I care. Now, maybe you don't think I'm good enough for you now, but I will be someday. "


"Anne, I'll wait. Even if I thought you cared just a little."


"You haven't hurt me, really. It's just that I fooled myself into thinking that you loved me, that's all. "


"I guess that's why I wanted to see you so much--to apologize for being such a fool last summer. [Anne shakes her head] No, I think I understand now what you meant. I meant what I said, too. I won't ever forget you."


"Don't forget me."

[Gil leaves and Anne reads the note: "Congratulations on your success, Carrots. From your old chum, Gilbert"]


"There will never be anyone for me, but you."


Anne: "I don't want any sunbursts or marble halls. I just want you."


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