Check out what our mascots are up to!! Please be sure to wait for the page to finish loading or you might miss something, like signing our guest book or seeing some of our favorite web sites!
This is a great place for Junior Badge updates!
A special webpage to our mascot mom, Cat
Our troops, right now, consist of 17 Juniors and 6 Cad/Sr. We are from Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, and in the Penn Laurel Girl Scout Council. This council includes a large part of PA and MD.
Becky & Emma both left to different parts of the USA to do some visiting. Will keep you posted!
We decided to adopt this pony for two reasons. 1. Our Junior troop's crest is a white unicorn, because part of our area is known as White Horse. 2. She is our school colors!
This egroup is for Girl Scouts/Guides &/or Leaders to add your favorite GS webpage or link!
This GS/GG Mascot
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