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By Fyre Inferno

I was sitting in a bar minding my own business. All of a sudden, a defenseless but beautiful golden dragon was harshly pulled into the bar. Noticing the painful cries of the dragon, I was immediately overcome with pity. Another dragon, small, but blue, like water, was pulled and dragged on the ground, halfway dead. The owners of these dragons sent them to battle each other. But neither dragon could move. In rage, one of the owners got up from his seat and kicked the blue dragon. Laughing, the other owner got up and pulled endlessly on the golden dragons wings til they fell off. Screaming with pain and agony, the golden dragon, exhausted from previous beatings, collapsed and died.

This story here, is very true. And in reality, it may also be true. In the case of switching types animals, of course. Why do people do these things? Because, they have no conscience. No act of dignity. No act of pity on other creatures. People or furres, what ever the difference may be, are still human beings. But when they start putting pain on another living thing, its evil. Evil, cruel, heartless beings. If you see anyone doing an act like this, please contact someone you know that cares....and maybe, someone will have the heart enough to start a Furcadian ASPCA.