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Crossdressing Males

Walking through Furcadia for me has always been an adventure... never really knowing what I would come across. One day, I happened to come across several male furres in which one was dressed as a female. Asking him why, he said a couple femfurres had attacked him and dressed him up as a female. The next day I saw another male furre in which thinking of this article, I would write, I asked him why he was dressed as a female. He had replied that he liked it and wanted to express his feminism. Also, he said that he liked the "freedom" dresses gave him. Most furres would refer to the second type of crossdresser I mentioned as gay. But the fact is, most crossdressing males aren't gay, but if they swing that way, don't criticise their life style.

Interview with Bob the Nob - The Crossdressing Male

Q. What is it like to be a crossdressing male?
A. Well, it's great cause I get free drinks at the bar on ladies night.

Q. What do you like most about crossdressing?
A. Shaving my bikini zone.

Q. Why did you crossdress in the first place?
A. I was curious.

Q. Do you have a mate when you cross dress?
A. Yea....I have a lovely stallion named Vicktor. He treats me like a real lady.

Q. How long have you've been crossdressing?
A. I have been crossdressing for 1 hour.

Q. Do you like crossdressing rather than being a regular male?
A. Nah, can't get any as a cross dresser.

Q. Do you wear make up?
A. I can't find the lip stick that goes with my eyes. But I wear clown makeup. Sometimes, I go by The name bubbles/sparkles.

Q. Do you think males find that attractive?
A. No...they just want to see whats under my dress/potato sack. Etc...

Q. Do you have implants? Or do you stuff paper tissue in a bra?
A. Nah. I use balloons filled with vanilla pudding.. I can't get the right roundness. I always use the Balloons that look like grenades.

Q. Do you find that wearing womens clothing attractive?
A. No. I feel it relaxing and I can just stretch reaaaaaaal out and it always fits.

Q. And for the last question, What cup size do you prefer as a woman?
A. It depends on how much pudding I have.

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