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By Poncer

There is a Furre I knew for quite awhile. Her name is Eloise. Eloise left us a few months ago. She felt that she was harassed by a certain Furre. But that is not what this is a tribute about.

Eloise is a very kind Furre who likes to help others. For one thing, she was an Owsla. Eloise was the kind of Furre who will come to help Furres out in trouble. She was a sweet and kind hearted Furre. When I need help or get help for my friends, she was always there on the spot to help. We should give our special thanks to her for her help.

I am heartbroken when I heard that she quit Furcadia. Eloise was the kind of Furre and Owsla I always thought that she goes out of her way to help other Furres. We will miss a sweet, dear friend in Eloise. We Miss you Eloise. I hope some day we can have a kind hearted Furre of Eloise back in our Furcadia lives.