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By Philantha

Many furres have heard of the guild Water City. Like most guilds, Water City has its own currency system, the kiwi. Kiwis are used to purchase weapons, armour, and various other goods.

The only drawback to the kiwi is, it must be deposited and registered by a bot. To become powerful in this guild, you have to collect vast numbers of kiwis, and deposit them one by one, providing the bot that allows this to be done is present.

New members of Water City (I am hesitant to use the word "twink". However, when I use that word in this article I do not neccesary mean "newbie" as many believe. I convey the word to mean "person that annoys others unneccesarily") have taken to stashing kiwis in large quantities in various locations around Water City. Then, they do not believe it is ok for other members to find them and take them. Then the complaining to the officials begins.

Furres have taken the kiwi hoarding to the point where they stash a room to capacity, and then proceed to block it off. They are blocking off a public area. Not the words "public area", as in "you can't block it off".

Also, with the invention of the kiwi hunter patch, created by Youlanda, there is no such thing as a hidden kiwi, or a safe hiding spot. This patch displays a big yellow arrow over any kiwi, making it visible whether it is hidden or not.

The following is an interview with my brother, Roon, who is an official at Water City.


Philantha: Why is it annoying when people hoard kiwis?

Roon: The hoarding in itself isn't annoying. It's when the furres who hide the kiwis think that their kiwis are protected by some unspoken WC rule from other furres who happen to discover them.

Philantha: Is there any way to compensate when kiwis are "stolen"?

Roon: It depends on what you mean "stolen". If you voluntarily give kiwis to somefurre for whatever reason and later for whatever reason you want them back I can't really help you since the transaction was voluntary in the first place. The second most frequently asked question regarding stolen kiwis is this "hoarding" business. Say you have a room full of kiwis and you wish it to remain untouched so you block off the door from the other side. If this were an inn room there would be no problem since they are considered private. Unfortunately furres have taken to using the library and underground sanctuary for hiding places and then proceed to deny access to other furres when the rooms are filled full of kiwis. This is not permitted. I cannot help furres out if they hide kiwis and they are taken by other furres. Even if I were to fill a room full of kiwis I could not block it off. It simply is not right. If furres take hidden kiwis it is not stealing. I also cannot compensate for kiwis lost in this manner.

Philantha: Has this hoarding always gone on, or is it a new trend?

Roon: It has just picked up in frequency in the past few weeks.


I have a question for everyone reading this article. If you leave your wallet filled with two hundred dollars and a large amount of credit cards on the seat of a New York City Subway, and leave for five minutes, do you expect your wallet to still be sitting on the seat upon your return?