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By Poncer

Furcadia is losing Furres left and right. They are quiting Furcadia for good. Some left for irl medical reasons, but others are quiting because of harrassments. I know two Furres quiting because of harrassments lately. I know cause one of them e-mail me about it. I also felt like leaving Furcadia because of it too. This Furre said she was getting all this from whispers. The whispers came from Furres asking her if she is gay or from female Furres if she wants to yiff. I had the same thing happened to me too. I got these from male Furres. I am asking myself "What the hell is going on here?" "Why can't Furres click on other Furres and read the descriptions before whispering?" This constant harrassment of this kind should stop. These Furres who are asking these questions or asking to do stuff in whispers should stop it. It is annoying and upsetting. We should think these Furres should know better than asking and all that. Why should we have to listen to all these nasty, dirty minded talk from Furres? We shouldn't. Furres should respect others and not to ask these things on main maps or in private dreams. This kind of behavior is not tolerated here on Furcadia. Please be respectful to others and stop all garbage where Furres are quiting. We need to improve Furcadia, not make it into a circus.