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Written by Bravecat

This newsletter is to let you know about 'Furcadia Daily' updates. If you want to read more on stories that have already aired on Furcadia Daily, just go to our web site archive:


~Brave's View~

-+ Our first newsletter... issue #1 has finally arrived and we are already 50 subscribers strong. We rely upon you, the reader, to spread the word of Furcadia Daily and this newsletter. Keep up the good work!

-+ HTML can brighten up newsletters and allow me to use graphics, colors and ease navigation. The problem is some e-mail clients cannot support HTML. I will stick with plain text until I can come up with a solution or someone sends me one.

-+ The Update is here and I've been hearing mixed reviews. Personally I think it has its good and bad qualities but we want to hear what you think. Take part in our Poll. This weeks question: What do you think of the new update?

-+ CONTEST: I'm looking for a name for this newsletter. Send entries to The winner will be announced in an upcoming issue.

-+ Have any ideas for this newsletter or want to help out? E-mail


~News & Views~

Unless otherwise stated, the full story of each of these summaries can be found at

-+ Oh geez. The lag is unbearable, and so is the funky walking. Yes, you guessed it, I'm referring to the new Furcadia update that was recently made available to the public. Philantha hits on the pros and cons of this new Furcadia.

-+ Pardon me, but aren't upgrades suppose to make things better? Yes, we've all seen it. The new upgrade for Furcadia. So what's wrong? Read why Aron Lotus claims: A HELL OF A LOT, THAT'S WHAT!

-+ Yes, we all see it, we all know it. Furcadia is alternately a melting pot and a violent brew of roleplaying systems, universes, species, and powers. Daily, as we walk about the landscape, we see the clash. Vampires, Vampyres, Saiya-jins, Shadowrun, Cainites, Magi, and the occasional AD&D character sprinkled in for good flavor. All of these are mixed together within Furcadia because people want to play them. Aron Lotus has some recommendations.

-+ Dream stealing is a really big issue. People put all their time into making a dream. They put hard work and effort into doing it. Jazi interviewed a furre who says that this new guild dream he's a member of, Arctic Wolf Pack, had been copied by more the 3 people in two days.

-+ Bravecat recently asked a bunch of former and current Rah's to sift through what they've learned from their experiences and to come up with five tips to share with the Furcadia Daily readers and anyone who has ever thought about creating their own guild. I gave them plenty of lead to do whatever they wanted - their advice could be general or specific, practical or philosophical, short, long - whatever. Come find out what I learned.



Lost Lake Sweetheart Ball Date: Saturday, September 16 Time: 5:00pm PAC / 8:00pm EST Location: Lost Lake's Animal House *Bring a sweetheart or find one there. Talk to Alexsi for more info.*


~Daily Features~

-+ Tip: Use CTRL-A to warp to Allegria Island

-+ DragonSpeak Tip: Timers and sounds often lag players when they enter dreams, use as little timers as possible and keep sounds only to the person who set off the trigger.

-+ Link: Helpful Furcadian site. Internet Explorer users take a look. Say 'hi' to Peedy for me.


~Ask The Expert~

Have a question you want answered? We will provide answers from some of Furcadia's veterans. Send your questions to



Suggestions? Comments? Praise? Questions? Send to Bravecat All views are the opinion of the author.



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