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By Jazi

Dream stealing is a really big issue. People put all their time into making a dream. They put hard work and effort into doing it. I interviewed a furre who says that this new guild dream he’s a member of, Arctic Wolf Pack, had been copied by more the 3 people in two days. Daveron, a Furcadia user, and all his friends are in a new guild. It was a wolf pack. First they just started out as a wolf pack, and then they decided to make a dream so they would have somewhere to hang out. Daveron put his time and effort into the dream, just so the guild would have a place to hang out in. Then one day, a couple furres come along. They go into the dream to have a look. They promised to join…. Did they?? No. A couple days later, a member of the pack finds a similar dream in the exact same place. Those guys that came in looking, and saying they were going to join had started a wolf pack guild/dream as well. It doesn’t bother the dream maker that there is another wolf pack, it’s the fact that the dream looked the same and it was uploaded in the same spot. The dream maker works on the dream everyday and ads more and more stuff, and when he found out that it was being copied, he felt all his hard work was gone. This was a place where wolves liked to hang out. They liked to come here to relax and chat with friends. Now they have to re-do the dream and all because someone copied the idea. Dream stealing is terrible and people who copy dreams should be ashamed of themselves! Hopefully Daveron and the guild members and owners get a new dream made, and it stays theirs.