By Dark ']['emplar

Most of the Furres on Furcadia have seen other furres with wings. Well, if you haven't just look around they are everywhere! I have some information and a few reports ahead. First some of you will say "How do I get my wings?". Well, go to and go from there. First, you will have to buy a special print to get them (yes you have to pay $20), but if you really want wings I guess its worth it. The real nice thing about it though is that you can buy a pair for your favorite Furre. Here is a short interview with Miss Mab of Lost Lake:

Dark T: Are you happy with your wings?

Miss Mab: "Yeah....course...itd be neater if they looked butterflyish, but I still lovem!"

Dark T: Do you think they should be free without the art print?

Miss Mab: "Not really because then it will get too cluttered with wings and everything and they only made wings so that the art print could have buisness and not an original part of Furcadia."

Dark T: Do you think there should be more colours for you to pick?

Miss Mab: "Yes."

Dark T: Do you think they should have different styles to pick from?

Miss Mab: "YES!! YES YES YES YES! Hmmm....I guess I overdid that answer..." :/

Dark T: Did you buy the print to get your wings?

Miss Mab: "No, They were a gift."

This concludes the interview. Now, maybe you know some more about wings. I would like to say that, personally, I dont like the wings. They just don't look right for me. Maybe this will encourage one of you to buy the print to get wings for yourself or maybe that special furre.

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