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Artworks made for the african restaurant

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Exterior of Renezvou's l'Aprique

The original zebra-like look was given by Nick to "Rendez vous l'Afrique"(Haarlemerstraat, Amsterdam) at may 1997.But cooperation started year earlyer, at 1996, than N.Gabrichidze was commissioned to complete two paintings-one of them is below, and another is at the next page.
Located at Haarlemerdijk 108, Amsterdam

Restaurant "Rendez vous l'Afrique" in Amsterdam is a special place.It's not just a restaurant.It is a center for African intellectuals,culture and tradition.It is a major distributor of "Mongozo" beer-only product, black Africa yet managed to export in Europe.And I am VERY PROUD, that while having a different heritage, I was trusted and accepted by that people to make their establishment nice'r

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