Gary Earl Ross: Major Anthology Appearances
. . . Dark Mirrors includes the short story "A Length of Chain."
. . . 8:46 Fresh Perspectives includes the monologue "Walk a Mile in My Rage."
. . . Classics Remixed II includes the short story "Stoker's Guest."
. . . Mystery Tribune Winter 2019 includes the Gideon Rimes short story "Nickel City Sanctuary."
. . . Buffalo Noir includes the story "Good Neighbors."
. . . Darker Edge of Desire includes the story "Sister Bessie's Boys."
. . .1 Friday, 4 Futures: The Future of Health Care in Western New York. Speculative stories by Gary Earl Ross. Other materials by rx4excellence. Available in English and Spanish.
. . . Color Him Father includes the essay "Honoring My Four Fathers."
. . .The Simple Pleasures of Friendship includes the essay "I'll Pick You Up."
. . . Doing Good for Goodness' Sake includes the essay "Gary's Mug."
. . . Medium for Murder includes the short story "Dead Reckoning."
. . . Wicked includes the short story "Assassin's Tale."
. . . Intimacy includes the short story "Lucky She's Mine."
. . . Hello, Goodbye includes the short story "Battle Babies."
. . . Side Show 1995 includes the short story "Night Trick."
... The Bell Curve Debate includes the essay "Branded."