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General Certificate of Education

January 2001
Advanced Subsidiary Examination

Unit 1 Cognitive Psychology and Developmental Psychology

Tuesday 16 January 2001 9.00 am to 10.00 am

Time allowed: 1 hour





SECTION A - Cognitive Psychology
Answer one question from this Section.
You should attempt all parts of the question you choose.


Question 1


Total for this question: 30 marks


  1. Describe two differences between short-term memory (STM) and long-term memory (LTM) in terms of duration and capacity.
    (3 + 3 marks)

  3. Describe two factors that influence the encoding, of material in memory.
    (3 + 3 marks)

  5. Describe the procedures and findings of one study that has investigated forgetting in short- term memory (STM).
    (6 marks)

  7. "It has been known for some considerable time that witnesses often make mistakes when trying to remember the details of a crime and this may result in serious miscarriages of justice."
    Consider the extent to which research into memory has helped our understanding of eye- witness testimony.
    (12 marks)



Question 2


Total for this question: 30 marks


  1. Describe two factors that influence forgetting in short-term memory (STM).
    (3 + 3 marks)


  2. Describe the procedures and findings of one study that has investigated the capacity of memory.
    (6 marks)

  4. Outline the finding(s) of one study of flashbulb memories and give one criticism of this study.
    (3 + 3 marks)

  6. According to Freud (1915) "repression lies simply in the function of rejecting and keeping something out of consciousness."

  7. Consider the extent to which research into the process of repression enables us to explain forgetting.
    (12 marks)



SECTION B - Developmental Psychology
Answer one question from this Section.

You should attempt all parts of the question you choose.


Question 3


Total for this question: 30 marks


  1. Explain what is meant by secure attachments and insecure attachments.
    (6 marks)

  3. Outline the procedures used in one study that has investigated individual differences in attachments and give one criticism of this study.
    (3 + 3 marks)

  5. Outline Bowlby's maternal deprivation hypothesis.
    (6 marks)

  7. "Psychologists disagree sharply about the developmental effects of day care."

  8. Assess the extent to which research (theories and/or studies) supports the view that day care has negative effects on childrens' cognitive and/or social development.
    (12 marks)



Question 4


Total for this question: 30 marks


  1. Explain what is meant by the terms 'attachment' and 'deprivation' in relation to child development.
    (3 + 3 marks)

  3. Describe the procedures and findings of one study that has investigated the long-term effects of deprivation or privation.
    (6 marks)

  5. Give two criticisms of the study you have described in part (b).
    (3 + 3 marks)

  7. "According to some theories all humans are born with basic needs and drives such as hunger and thirst and it is the process of satisfying these that leads to the formation of attachments in infants."

  8. Consider the extent to which psychological theories have been successful in explaining attachments.
    (12 marks)