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Past Exam Questions on Social Psychology



Question from Summer, 2000

Discuss psychological research into one or more forms of social power (e.g. leadership).                (24 marks)


Question from Summer, 1999

Describe and evaluate two explanations of the behaviour of crowds.                                                (24 marks)


Question from Summer, 1998

(a)     Outline two theories of leadership.                                                                                         (12 marks)

(b)    Assess the extent to which these theories are supported by research evidence.                        (12 marks)


Question from Summer, 1997

Describe and evaluate research studies of conformity                                                                      (25 marks)


Question from Summer, 1995

Describe and evaluate research in to factors which may lead the decisions of groups to be different from those of individuals.                                                                                                                                                         (25 marks)