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Past Exam Questions on Developmental Psychology


Question from Summer, 2000

Discuss the role of environmental influences in the development of measured intelligence (IQ).       (24 marks)


Question from Summer, 1999

Critically consider practical applications of research in to cognitive development.                           (24 marks)


Question from Summer, 1998

(a)     Outline one theory of cognitive development.                                                                      (6 marks)

(b)    Assess the extent to which this theory is supported by psychological evidence.                      (12 marks)

(c)    Outline one practical application of this theory.                                                                     (6 marks)


Question from Summer, 1997

(a) Describe one theory of cognitive development.                                                                        (10 marks)

(b) Discuss research findings relating to this theory.                                                                       (15 marks)


Question from Summer, 1997

Discuss controversies surrounding the use of intelligence tests.                                                       (25 marks)


Question from Summer, 1995

Critically consider, in relation to research evidence, any two theories of cognitive development.    (25 marks)