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Past Exam Questions on Cognitive Psychology


Question from Summer, 2000

'Following the models of human memory presented by a number of theorists, but especially that proposed by Atkinson and Shriffin (1968), it has become traditional to distinguish between a number of stages of remembering and storing information. This view has become known as the modal model and, although subject to much revision, is a useful context in which to consider more recent developments.'

Describe and evaluate two theories relating to the nature of memory.                                               (24 marks)


Question from Summer, 1999

Describe and evaluate one or more explanations of forgetting in humans                                         (24 marks)


Question from Summer, 1998

Critically consider one or more explanation(s) of the organisation of information in memory.           (24 marks)


Question from Summer, 1997

Describe and critically assess psychological explanations of why we forget.                                     (25 marks)


Question from Summer, 1995

Describe and evaluate one or more explanation(s) of forgetting.                                                     (25 marks)