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Past Exam Questions on Atypical Development and Abnormal Psychology


Question from Summer, 2000

(a)    Describe assumptions made by the behavioural model of abnormality.                                                     (12 marks)

(b)    Assess this model in terms of its implications for treatment.                                                                      (12 marks)


Question from Summer, 2000

Discuss research into the contributions of genetic/neurological factors to depression.                                        (24 marks)


Question from Summer, 2000

Describe two forms of treatment for psychological disorders based on the somatic approach (e.g. psychosurgery, ECT), and assess the effectiveness of these two forms of treatment.                                           (24 marks)


Question from Summer, 1999

"Schizophrenia…appears to be due to an abnormality in brain development that arises from mainly genetic, but also environmental factors." (Harrison, 1995)

Discuss research into the causes of schizophrenia.                                                                                           (24 marks)


Question from Summer, 1999

(a)    Describe two humanistic therapies for the treatment of psychological disorders.                                       (12 marks)

(b)    Assess the effectiveness of these two therapies.                                                                                      (12 marks)


Question from Summer, 1998

(a)    Describe some assumptions of the humanistic model of abnormal psychology                                           (12 marks)

(b)    Assess this model in terms of its implications for treatment.                                                                      (12 marks)


Question from Summer, 1998

Describe and evaluate possible contributions of social/psychological factors to either anxiety disorders or eating disorders.                                                                                                                                                    (24 marks)


Question from Summer, 1998

Discuss the use of two cognitive-behavioural therapies in the treatment of psychological disorders.                   (24 marks)


Question from Summer, 1997

(a)    Describe either behaviour therapy or the somatic approach to the treatment of abnormal behaviour.                                                                                                                                                      (15 marks)

(b) Critically assess the effectiveness of this therapy or approach.                                                                    (10 marks)


Question from Summer, 1996

Critically consider the contribution of biological and environmental factors to schizophrenia.                              (25 marks)


Question from Summer, 1996

Discuss two types of treatment/therapy for abnormal behaviour, including reference to research studies of their effectiveness.                                                                                                                                               (25 marks)