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Past Exam Questions on Bio-psychology




Question from Summer, 2000

Discuss research into physiological factors associated with sleep and dreaming.

(24 marks)


Question from Summer, 2000

(a) Outline and evaluate research findings concerning the relationship between stress and any two illnesses. (12 marks)

(b) Explain and evaluate one method/strategy used to reduce stress. (12 marks)


Question from Summer, 1999

Describe and evaluate two theories of emotion. (24 marks)


Question from Summer, 1998

Describe and evaluate research in to dream states. (24 marks)


Question from Summer, 1998

Explain two or more methods/strategies for reducing stress. (24 marks)


Question from Summer, 1997

Critically consider the relationship between brain activities and either motivation or emotion. (25 marks)


Question from Summer, 1997

(a) Explain two theories of sleep. (15 marks)

(b) Critically evaluate one of these theories. (10 marks)



Question from Summer, 1996

Describe and assess research into the nature and functions of sleep. (25 marks)


Question from Summer, 1996

  1. Explain what is meant by the term motivation. (5 marks)
  2. Discuss one physiological theory of motivation. (10 marks)
  3. Discuss one non-physiological theory of motivation. (10 marks)


Question from Summer, 1996

Critically consider the influence of learning and experience on stress. (25 marks)


Question from Summer, 1995

Describe and evaluate empirical studies of bodily rhythms and/or sleep states.

(25 marks)

Question from Summer, 1995

'For the past 100 years scientists have known that the bodily changes that accompany emotional arousal are commanded by the brain. But how the brain functions to produce these changes and how the changes relate to the emotions that a person experiences remain a matter of controversy.'

Discuss this statement in relation to the role of physiological factors in emotion.

(25 marks)