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What is Vibrational Medicine ?

What is Vibrational Medicine ? Announcement

What is Vibrational  Medicine ?                  The human body is made up of electronic vibrations, with each atom and element of the body, each organ and organism, having its electronic unit of vibration necessary for the sustenance of, and equilibrium in, that particular organism. When a force in any organ or element of the body becomes deficient in it's ability to reproduce that equilibrium necessary for the sustenance of physical existence and its reproduction, that portion becomes deficient in the electronic energy. This may come by injury or by disease, received by external forces. It may come from internal forces through lack of eliminations produced in the system or by other agencies to meet it's requirements in the body. *There are harmonies and rhythms which permeate all of creation. This idea is as fundamental to ordinary mathematics as it is to electricity. There are octaves of energy, definite waves and rhytms, that can be measured, frequencies and amplitudes and so on.
             *By applying a charge of external energy to a relatively closed system, you can selectively energize this system. It's the basic principle of resonance. By selectively applying a specific vibration, you strike a resonance in one of these subtle bands of energy.
           *The Einsteinian viewpoint of Vibrational Medicine see the human being as multidimentional organism made up of physical/cellular systems in dynamic interplay with complex regulatory energetic fields. Vibrational medicine attempts to heal illness by manipulating these subtle energy fields via directing energy into the body instead of manipulating the cells and organs through drugs or surgery. Orthodox medicine has begun to use external energy for treating illness, such as radiation (cancer treatment), electricity (alleviate pain and shrink tumors ), electromagnetic fields (to stimulate fracture healing or alleviate the pain and inflammation of arthritis. Our physical body has certain self healing electrical feedback loops, which tend to promote cellular repair and reorganization after the body has been damaged.
           The movement of the life-force into the physiological/callular systems is guided by the subtle patterns within the etheric body as well as by higher frequency inputs into the human energetic system. There is hierarchy of subtle energetic systems that coordinate electrophysiological and hormonal functions as well as cellular structure within the physical body. These unique energy systems are powerfully affected by our emotions and level of spiritual balance as well as by nutritional and environmental factors. Various vibrational healing modalities, such as homeopathy, flower essences, crystals, light, color, music and magneto therapy, can influence these subtle patterns to improve human functioning and heal illness.
The unseen connections between the physical body and the subtle forces of spirit holds the key to understanding the inner relationship between matter and energy.
       *When physician come to better understand the deeper interrelationship principles between body, mind, and spirit, and the natural laws guiding their manifestation upon our planet, then there will be a truly Holistic Medicine. To understand, to study and to use these universal principles is the main goal of the London Centre of Vibrational Medicine (L. C. V. M.) *

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