All for George

By Liz (

A sequel to “Time Told” By Ashlie


~ Maddie, Norax and the who Prophecy thing belongs to Ashlie, who is this best, all else belongs none other to the wonderful woman who thought up the idea of Harry Potter on a train, J.K. Rowling! Gotta love the woman! J


All for George



A soft breeze blew threw the open windows, bringing in fresh air into the still room. A morbid and solemn cloud hung all around the room and the breeze didn’t seem to move it at all. It lay as thick as a woolen blanket smothering all within its clutches.

            Fred took in another shaky breath and looked about the room with red eyes, dried out from crying. Everyone was wearing black and had red eyes like himself. They where also hurting, hurting at the wrongful death of a 17 year old boy. A boy that was once carefree and main reason for living was to laugh and make everyone smile. It was his twin. His second half, without him he would always be alone.

            After regaining his composer, he steeped forward to pay his respects to the “guest of honor” so to speak. He kneeled down to the dark wooden casket a looked down at the mirror image of himself.

            It was the first time he had made himself look at his brother. It hurt to do it. He looked down onto the corps, and noticed how pale and lifeless it looked, and it finally hit him that his brother was dead. He took in the closed eyes, the freckles that where scattered across his once ruddy and carefree face like stars strewed across the vast sky, in exactly the same pattern as his own. His once vividly red hair seemed dull and out of focus.

            The wounds from the murder had been cleared after the chaos had been calmed down, after Maddie’s hysterical sobs had been silenced. It was only two days ago, but it seemed like much longer. It seemed like an eternity had slipped by in the time. His whole world was crashing, falling to the floor around him. He kept looking at his brother realizing it would be like this the rest of his life. The broken pieces of his once wonderful life lying in shattered pieces around his feet, and him unable to place them back together.

            He sighed, and touched the hands that where folded on his brother’s chest. He got up and held back another wave of grief. He sniffed back hard, trying to keep the tears stinging his eyes, in tears that where threatening to spill over at any moment.

            The air smelled strongly on the salty tears being shed by everyone in the room. The millions of flowers that where arranged around the room in memory of George Weasley, didn’t seem to overpower the potent smell of the tears.

            Fred walked stiffly away from the casket, but stopped off to the side feeling the sudden urge not to leave his bother alone, even if he was just the body now.

            He watched silently, threw the still unshed tears, a small girl with mounds of dark hair pushed stubbornly back from her face, walk up to the open casket.

            This was also her first time encountering the body of George Weasley after the murder. She had been in hysterical fits and spent long hours-asleep sense it happened.

            Fred started at her, seeing her tremble slightly as she looked down into his brother’s lifeless face. She loves him still and misses him, Fred thought, it will be the same for me. Missing him, his other half, his twin, missing him everyday for the rest of his life.

            Maddie bent down at kiss the cold flesh of the once rosy cheek of George then rested her head on is chest. Fred heard a woman in the back choke back a sob.

            Maddie lifted her head and her midnight black hair tumbled down hiding her face from view. She pushed it back with a sweep of her hand.

            She continued to stare down into the face so intently, as if searching for an answer. Fred looked at her more closely suddenly. Was it just him, or did he detect a hint of a smile dance across the corners of her lips? Did he see a cold look in her eyes? Was that the look of satisfaction on her face?

            No, he thought shaking the accusation from his mind. For a fleeting moment he was going to accuse Maddie for his brother’s death. She was there, she did witness the death and she claimed it was Norax, but she loved George and would never hurt him. The grief must be getting to me, he thought.

            The room was filled with the humming of many voices talking low, and the eerie buzzing noise you get when everything is too quiet, but no one knows what to say to break to silence. Every once and a while a muffled sob would cut the silence like a knife.

            Maddie tore her eyes off of George, and looked over at Fred. Her eyes didn’t look cold anymore, just warm and moist. He opened his arms and she walked over to him. They embraced, wrapping each other into a hug pulling each other close, trying to hide from the pain, only if it was momentarily. Both knowing the pain and suffering the other was going threw. Both were needing the other. Fred looked down at his friend, into her enormous blue, for the moment, eyes. They seemed different, more distant than he remembered It must be the pain, the grief for the lose he finally settled on. Maddie buried her head and his chest. Fred didn’t see the evil smile spread across her lips.

            The eerie silence stretched on across the living room of the Burrow for endless and ageless hours, or so it seemed. Fred looked over at the rest of his family sitting in the corner, being comforted by numerous people.

            Percy sat straight back looking stricken. It’s a wander he is even here, Fred thought bitterly; he actually took time off his precious job to see his brother’s funeral. He looked over at his little sister Ginny, who had an endless stream of silent tears stretching across his face. She looked so small and petrified. Bill and Charlie both looked somber and depressed. Both with red eyes dried out form crying. Ron sat with his two best friends, Harry and Hermione. He had the look of pure grief on his face and tears falling from his eyes one by one. Hermione had her arms around him, but she was sobbing. Worst of all was his mother, Molly Weasley. She had the look of server grief and suffering sketched into every inch of her body. Wrinkles now lined her once cherry face. His father didn’t look much better. He was holding Molly and she sobbed.

            The morbid and solemnest were starting to get to him. Choking him with every inhale of breath. He was being smothered, suffocated from just being there. Maddie, who was still standing silently beside him, suddenly raced towards the hallway, as if someone was calling her. Fred watches the black hair bob out of sight, after turning into a room.

            Fred was still feeling smothered. His heart was clamped and his lungs where being squeezed. I’m, falling into a pit of despair, he thought. Never to get out, only to fall and fall and fall…

            He must have look pretty pathetic, he realized, because Hermione was giving him this motherly sympathetic look that only she could master. Her eyes where as red as the rest as she sat with her arms around Ron.

            Fred turned away and went outside to be alone. Alone. His new world now. The only thing he had now. The only reality there was. He couldn’t grip onto it. He felt as though he to was slipping from life. He couldn’t live like this forever.


All an act, she thought. That’s all it is. The tears, the mask I put onto this face. I’m dominant. She smiled a nasty smile and almost laughed out loud. She had a giddy and happy feeling. The feeling that you get at the end of a kill. It blocked out the stinging pain in her arm.

            She heard a small cry in the back of her mind. A small, pathetic, weak cry.  The cry of the girl she was possessing. ‘SHUT UP!’ she scram in her mind to the part that she still held onto.

            ‘NO!’ she said back. It echoed and bounced all around.

            She laughed. ‘Still clinging on little Maddie?’ She heard nothing, then decide to get her going again. ‘So pathetic. Everyone crying over a little blood spilled from a weakling.’ She heard Maddie’s cries and smiled happily with herself.

            She finished her walk up the hallway and opened the door to where he waited.


She was teasing her. Why can’t she stop? Her hand reached out and opened the door to the room. She didn’t even want to go in, but her arms and legs where forced to by a force controlling her.

            The scar of a black spiral burned like mad on her shoulder, it only happened when he was calling. She burst threw the door, and there he was standing there like a god. It was Norax. He pulled her into a tight embrace then lifted her chin to kiss her intensely.

            In her mind she shuttered. Her mind, now the only free will. All else was controlled and unwillingly forced. She was crying in a small voice in the emptiness of her head, bouncing back in endless echoes.

            She cried real gut wrenching sobs inside her head. Real tears for George, not the fake ones that everyone on the outside saw. It was so painful to hurt like that and even worst to have all these emotions and not be able to express them. To not feel the hot tears stream down your face. It was the most unbearable torture she ever faced.

            She closed her inner eye, not wishing to see the face of the man, even though she was forced to. Not wishing to feel his lips moving across hers and increasing the presser, as they kissed. As if wanting to kill. She grimaced inside not wanting to feel his stubble scratching her face.

            He stopped abruptly and pulled back and she saw a trickle of blood run down his chin. Her blood. She tasted the bittersweet saltiness erupt in her mouth. He had bitten her tongue.

            She looked up into his face with the forced adoration in her eyes. “We are doing it darling,” she said in her sugar coated voice. “We are at the beginning of your triumph over all wizards.”

            “Please,” he said holding up his hand. “Don’t ruin the moment. Listen I need you to start in on a new target. Charlie Weasley, yes that would be poetic. Get buddy, buddy with him and when he is least expecting it…” He ran a finger across his throat.

            A cruel laughter sprang from her throat. Her being, what she called the force that controlled her body, was enjoying the flashes of George crumpling to the ground, with George suddenly replaced with a picture of Charlie. A hollow cry echoed around in her head. ‘SHUT UP!’ the being cried. ‘This is a special moment for me!’

She felt the anguish and torture, of being made to see the flashes of George dying by her own hands over and over and over. The being could call up the memory at any moment. Any time, just to torture her.

A deep laughter joined hers. “Be quick my Maddie, my golden child,” he said lovingly, brushing a stay hair from her face. Her being gave him a gentle kiss before he disappeared into a great black spiral.

            In her mind, Maddie wished to rip the skin from her lips. To get it off, it had touched the monster of a man. She couldn’t believe that the same lips that had once kissed George, now where kissing Norax.

            Her being directed her out the door and she saw Fred standing there. “I herd you talking,” he said. “Who was in there?”

            “No one,” her being said giving him a charming smile. He wasn’t going to push the questioning.

            “Oh,” he said with a slightly knitted brow. “Well come on then.” He held out a hand.

            She gave a small pathetic sob in her head, all for George. She realized that the sob sounded real not hallow. It didn’t bounce around in her head. She had really made the sound real. She had fought the being and won! She had showed her true emotions!

            Fred was looking down at her that was astonished for the moment. The being was surprised that she had fought threw. The being reached out and grabbed Fred’s hand before he could say anything.

            He shook his head and led her out into the living room. Maddie, the real Maddie in side, held her head high. She had one shred of hope left. She was able to start fighting the force that controlled her. She was strong enough to do it, and she would do it. Do it for George.


Harry sat on the couch in the empty living room of the Burrow. The wake was over and the finger sandwiches and crumpets where gone. People where slowly filtering out the door, saying their final good-byes to the Weasleys and giving them one more comforting pat on the back.

            Harry sat ridge back next to Ron and Hermione. He didn’t want to feel anymore emotions. How could the world be so cruel to take George from them? To take the most carefree and spirited person he knew?

            Well the world was certainly cruel enough to take one, but also cruel enough to take two. He looked up at Fred, who was sitting on the other side of the room. He sat unmoving in a chair, hollow eyes fixed on the ground. Their friend Maddie sat close by to him. She had this look between sadness and boredom on her face.

            Wait that shouldn’t be right, Harry though, she had just lost her beloved boyfriend, she wouldn’t be board. Is she crying?

            He looked closer at her threw his glasses, smeared from crying, and saw no glint of tears in her eyes. She still looked kinda board. She suddenly noticed him staring, hunched her back a little, and Harry watched the flow of tears start again. Fred put an arm around her, but his eyes where still fixed hollowly on the ground.

            Harry leaned his head back to think something that was hard to do in the last couple of days because of all the confusion. Something weird was going on. He could almost feel it. The dark magic, but he knew, for some reason, it wasn’t Voldermort. That was what scared him.

            He started over at Maddie who was still whimpering. She was acting so weird. She would be crying her eyes out one minuet, and almost sulky board the next. She was such a strange person. It was like he didn’t know her anymore. This was the first day that she seemed herself, but she kept sneaking off to catch a moment by herself. Just that morning he had heard her in an empty room talking to her self. She had made an excuse for it, and like always gave her charming smile and you would think nothing of it. Harry finally concluded that the grief and pain was getting to her. He knew something was up with her, but he just shrugged it off again. Hey, it was her boyfriend’s funeral.


A day later, the family and friends, once again gathered stone faced with silent tears streaming down their faces. Mrs. Weasley, then Mr. Weasley threw a handful of dirt on top of the coffin.

            The dirt fell with a dull clunk on top of the hardwood casket. The hollow sound made Fred’s heart jump. He wanted to cry. Make the world know the pain he was feeling, but he couldn’t.

            He stood lifelessly in a circle around the six-foot whole dug in the ground, which now held the body of his dead brother.


Six years later the Weasleys once again stood around a hole, throwing dirt on top another hardwood casket. It was a small family affair, but the family was slowly decreasing.

            It was Ginny this time, Harry’s fiancé. He stood across from Fred, crying on Hermione’s shoulder.

            Fred watched, face emotionless. This was the fifth time he had to go threw this. First George, then Charlie, Bill, Percy… now Ginny. He looked at the rest of his family. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley looked horrible, himself and Ron the only children left. Mrs. Weasley looked as though she would die if she had to go threw this again. Harry still had his head on Hermione’s shoulder and Ron stood next to her. Maddie, the family friend, stood on Ron’s left, crying.

            She was even beautifier now, and he couldn’t stand the sight of her crying. He went over to her and put his arms around her and held her close. He didn’t see the slight curl of her lips.

            Fred thought back to the last moments of his only sister as he stroked Maddie’s long and unnaturally untangled black hair. He thought of Ginny’s carefree smile and the way she looked at Harry. How happy she was that they where getting married. She had been out shopping with Maddie that day, shopping for the wedding dress. Maddie had called and was in hysterics again.

            Fred shook the memory from his head. It was horrible. Ginny was lying in the middle of a shop, blood every where, looking like George did. His body shivered.


A while later the funeral was complete, but was a long time till any tears where dried.


            After going back to the Burrow for tea, it usually signified the family to begin their life again. Fred didn’t want to. He wanted to continue to wallow in self-pity and anguish. Why go back to the hard, cruel world, when it was so familiar here?

            All around the country people where dyeing. The dark was rising on them again. The thoughts slowly entered his mind, how could it not? He was working in the Ministry of Magic now. He was in on the Investigation of Wizarding Criminal Acts. The IWCA as they call it now. He was always running all over after every murder, trying to help to get peace, but if never happened.

            He thought back to when he was in school, when he wanted to own a joke shop. What a laugh! He was an agent now; they needed him out of all the others in his department. He was one of the best.

            He tried to concentrate on his own pain and suffering, but other’s kept popping into his head. How could he, insignificant Fred Weasley, think of only himself? He thought in disgust.

            Others where dyeing out there. Ginny was just one of them. Something dark was coming, and killing many to gain its power. But what was so weird, and not random in the least, was the fact that every single murder victim was a pure blood wizard.


            If anyone should be walloping in self-pity it’s me, Maddie thought to herself in her head, as she had come so accustom to doing.

            Her being still controlled her. She, the real Maddie, was trapped inside, bursting to get out, but couldn’t. She couldn’t get out of it no matter how hard she tried. The being did every thing, and was tearing her up.

            First it was her heart, ripped out of her when her body was forced to kill George. Then her lungs, stolen to sing the forbidden notes of murder. Next her brain, taken by the being, controlling her to be used for dark purposes.

            The only thing she still had left was her soul. The tiny part of her that was still alive, but not for long. Her soul was all that she lived for. Still being able to think and feel, but soon it would all be gone… She was in a living hell. A never-ending torture.

            Norax could see it deep down in her and laughter and her being cooed with him and helped plan their next attack.

            She didn’t understand how anyone could not see that she was the one. The one killing everyone. She was at every murder seance. It must be her innocent face. That was why she was forced to do it.

            She was able to resist the being stronger now. Doing more major things, but always punished deeply later. But the other day, when she killed Ginny, she made her being used the quickest, painless killing spell possible. It was an improvement, but she would need more to defeat Norax, and she needed it soon. She needed to defeat Norax, before she was to aim in on her next target. Fred…


            Another month flew by and with it the lives of many. The death toll was increasing steadily, and taking more important wizards and witches. Cornelius Fudge, Minervaa McGonagall and Lucius Malfoy where just some of the victims. They all looked like poor George in the end.

            The death toll raising, and so was the public chaos. With the Minister of Magic gone, the people’s worst fear, most where going insane and where not leaving their homes. This is why it surprised Fred to get an invitation in the mail one morning.

            He had just sat down to a piece of toast before work, when an owl flew in his window and dropped a piece of parchment in his marmalade. He picked it up and scanned to page quickly, hoping against hope it wasn’t an urgent message of some sort informing him of the rest of his family’s death.

            He let out a sigh of relief. Dumbledor had invited him to Hogwarts for a reunion. He said it was to get the pressure off some people, a chance for them to party for a while.

The letter reminded him of many memories of school. Many painful memories now. He pinched his eyes closed, because of the stinging tears in his eyes.

            The reunion was held the next day. He would have to face those memories. He knew it was going to be hard. Hard to be reminded of the four brothers and the sister he lost. He knew that as he walked threw the halls of Hogwarts he would be able to hear their voices echo all around him.


Maddie had heard about the reunion. Her being had went straight to Norax to tell him about it. He wanted her to go. It would be a perfect time, he had told her. Hit two birds with one stone. The true Maddie had grimaced at the cruel laughter that he had erupted out of him. He had meant Fred and Dumbledor.


            Fred closed his eyes and felt the familiar pinch out of existence, only momentarily, but he wished it for a lifetime. He, again, felt the familiar popping sensation and found himself in front of a beautifully polish scarlet stem engine.

            He boarded and was immediately thrown back into all the memories of going to Hogwarts with his brother and friends. The first ride and how scary it was, but he never let anyone know it. Painful memories now. He smiled and nodded to old school friends, the ones who where still alive. All where looking sympathetic towards him. He had received notice his best friend, Lee Jordan, was killed the night before. Why don’t I just die? He thought.

            He couldn’t face everyone feeling sorry for him. He walked to the very back of the train and sat in the last compartment, which was empty.


            Maddie climbed onto the train. She couldn’t just appeareat to Hogwarts because of the blocking system, she would have to risk it and take the train. She headed for the back, because not many people where back there. There not many people would recognize her.

            She reached out and slid the door open to the last compartment. She quickly scanned the compartment, and there sat Fred. Her being strolled over and sat next to him.

            “Kinda feels ironic to be here, huh?” Her being said light-heatedly. Fred stared at her confused.

            “Umm, yeah,” he muttered after a moment’s silence.

            The real Maddie tried to block out the imaged of her being happily killing Fred. The joy of the being at the thought of her next double target.

            Maddie wanted to scream, but saved up the little energy she had. She would have to, if she were to save Fred and Dumbledor.

            They made idle conversation the rest of the trip. Chatting lightly over their jobs and everything that filled their lives. When the conversation turned towards Fred’s job, he got kinda quite.

            When Hogwarts came into view, Fred’s heart gave a slight lurch. Why had he come back? It would only bring pain and he knew it.



They where assembled into the Great Hall for their feast, when a single owl floated in from up above. It glided momentarily, searching for the recipient of the letter, found him and dived in to deliver the letter. The parchment was dropped into Dumbledor’s lap. All part of Norax’s plans which Maddie knew.

It was leading him to his office alone, where he was expecting a visitor. Dumbledor got up and addressed everyone.

“I’m sorry everyone,” he said in his attention grabbing voice, “But it seems as though I have to be steeled away for a moment. Please continue on with out me. I’ll return shortly. Audi.” He gave a slight bow and a grin, then turned and walked briskly out of the room.

Maddie waited around a corner till after the Gargoyle had sprung back into place, then walked over to it. She sang a soft shrill note and the Gargoyle moved aside. She climbed swiftly and silently up the stairs like a cat after it’s pray. The Maddie inside wishing rather to die then kill Dumbledor. The only thing she didn’t know was someone was also moving up the stairs behind her with catlike agility.



            Fred moved silently up after Maddie. What was she doing? He thought to himself. Why am I following her? He had no reason to follow her; he just had this instinct. A feeling tugging at the back of his mind. That’s what made him the best in his department, his instinct. He knew better to question it.

            He stopped at the top of the stairs. He herd the muffled voices with in the closed oak door leading to Dumbledor's office, he should know, he was a constant visitor in his days at Hogwarts.

            “Maddie?” Dumbledor asked, “A nice surprise, but what are you doing up here. I’m expecting a visitor.”

            A cold voice answered, “Its all over old man. I have you. You will bow to the power of Norax!”

            It took Fred a moment to realize the cold voice inside the room belonged to Maddie. Had she gone crazy?

            He burst into the room before he could stop himself. Maddie had her mouth open, looking as though ready to sing, but too stunned to let a note out.

            He stood unsure what to do next, as an evil grin spread across her innocent face. “So nice you could join up Freddie dear. Would you care to join that weakling of a brother, or should I say brothers? Or mustn’t I forget your darling little sister. My how she twitched as the last breath went threw her. It was rather fun to watch.”

            Fred stood opened mouth at Maddie, who had bound and gagged Dumbledor.

“It wasn’t you!” Fred screamed.

            She merely laughed at him, then sang a few simple cords and Dumbledor fell to the ground.

            “NOOO…!” Fred yelled, knocking over a stand that was in his way to help the old man.

            “You fool!” Maddie said, “Well I guess it’s your turn know little Freddie.”

            She opened her mouth to deliver the fatal blow.



            The real Maddie screamed. Oh no, no Fred too. She couldn’t do it again. She focused all her energy, every shred of life she possessed, on closing her mouth. Magically it shut.

            She focused hard again. Her hand launched out and grabbed a knife off Dumbledor’s desk and aimed it to her heart.



            Fred looked over at Maddie in terror. She was in league with Norax. He was the power that was destroying all.

            Maddie’s mouth was open. Fine, Fred though, just get it over with. Magically her mouth shut, but looked as if done by force. Maddie eyes widened in surprise and terror. Her arm shot out suddenly and grabbed a knife and put it to her heart.

            In the same moment there was a flutter at the other side of the room. A red winged bird flew over and landed on Fred’s shoulder.

            Maddie looked as though she would have screamed if she could open her mouth. She looked in a transfixed horror at the bird.

            It was a Phoenix, Fred realized. They sing don’t they? He looked at the bird, wanting it to do something, anything.

            Maddie got the look in the eyes of a madwoman. She came charging at Fred, one arm out, the other still clutching the knife at her heart, with mouth still clamped shut.

            At that very moment, the Phoenix began to sing an eerie and beautiful song that filled Fred up to his very soul. He felt it floating threw him and it felt like a warm soothing honey.

            The song shifted and it changed to a faster melody.

            He looked at Maddie and saw all the evilness leave her suddenly, the coldness left her eyes and the mad wild grin slipped from her lips. Fred watching in horror as in the same moment her arm, as if had been restrained, flew forward jabbing the knife into her heart.

            “NOOOOOOOOOOOO!” Fred cried again as Maddie crumpled to the floor.

            “Only way…” she said between gasps. “ Love you Fred… Live a good life… sorry I ruined it… I’m good now… at least I can die this way.”

            “No Maddie don’t say that,” Fred said crouching down beside her. He surveyed the growing pool of blood around her, and knew all hope for her was lost. A tear slid down his face.

            “Need to die for all I did… oh George… I killed him… my hands,” Maddie said more softly as a tear slid down her cheek. Her chest rose and fell as it took its final breath.

            The Phoenix, still on Fred’s shoulder, began a soft mournful tune, but stopped when a rush of wind blew threw the room.

            Norax stood in the room now. “MADDIE!” he screamed. He ran to her and pulled the bleeding body close to his.

            “NOOOOOOO…” he wailed. “YOU!” he cried as his eyes fell on Fred. He jumped up and began to advance upon him.

            “You did this to her,” he spat viciously at Fred. “You killed her!”

            Fred stood motionless. Suddenly the Phoenix began to sing again. Norax howled in pain and put his hands to his ears.

            “No, not the music. It can’t be! Not the music!” he moaned. Suddenly he burst into fire and was consumed by the flames. All that was left was a pile of soot in the shape of a spinning spiral.

            Fred suddenly had the feeling that Norax’s kingdom had gone with him, and Fred’s feeling where usually right.

            Fred felt the pressure as the bird left his shoulder and it rose and flew away. As it left a parchment, which floated down and landed in front of Fred.

            It was old and tattered and looked as though it had been around a long while. It was one of those old prophecies, Fred realized after he picked it up. It looked like the end had been ripped off and repaired.

            He began to read:


A child shall come to you

A child who is gold

And this child will bring safety

To those in peril

Her voice alone is the key

The only weapon that is yours

And when she sings the proper notes

None will harm you

Her voice-won victories

Will be kept quiet, will be kept underground

Although they mean much

But happiness will not always rest on the child

She will fight many times and win

And when the only thing left to save is herself

She will be overcome

The Yellow Muggle watches, unable to intercede

As the evil devours his only nemesis

A slow, painful end will be hers

And her cries will be forever unmatched

For so long she fought, so long she held strong

Until now

Her heart and lungs

Her brain and soul

Every part of her will be tortured and destroyed

Her sacrifice will be enough to end the first terror

But a new one had formed, and there will be no stopping from that point

‘Til forever

Only one thing can stop her

To make her slowly blacking heart pure once more

Only one thing can stop this child from the fate she is will to

The song that rivals her can send the evil that devour her away

It will eat away the evil from her body

It will devoid her off all evil

It will consume the one who pressed this upon her

But she will never be

Able to live in the pain of her destruction again

Another, instead, will hold the

Burden of the hurt and pain of her loses



            After he was done, he had to sit down a moment and think. He understood it all after awhile, but not the ending. Who was that addressing? Who was to hold the burdens of hurt and pain? He sat a moment longer and it came to him. It was himself.

            He was the one to carry all the hurt and pain from the whole ordeal of losing his brothers, his sister, his family, his Professor… his world… and his Maddie. They would be forever lost and he must tell the world about them.

            He got up; his eyes lingered momentarily on the two lifeless bodies. Dumbledor, the one they said was the greatest wizard ever, lay dead on the ground. His gaze shifted to the bloodied Maddie. Tears lingered in his eyes for both of them.

            His gaze fell to the ground where the swirling spiral of soot was still there. He walked over and ran his foot across it, scattering the soot. Th sign was gone. The evil was gone.

            He walked to the door, then looked back. “I’m sorry I was late Professor,” he said to Dumbledor. “And Maddie, I’ll tell the world of your greatness.” He blew a kiss to her. “Thanks for avenging my brother.” His words where no more than a whisper.

            He slowly shut the door and walked down to the Great Hall to start his long, painful task that was laid before him, his burden.




(Hey I loved Ashlie’s story. I didn’t like the ending too much and couldn’t help but change it. Sorry Ashlie, don’t mean your story isn’t good, b/c I love it! I couldn’t let Norax win and make Maddie evil. Well sorry if ya’ll don’t like it and if you don’t: write your own! Drop me an e-mail and tell me what ya think. Love ya’ll ~ Liz)