A Brief Interlude With The Weasleys

            George grinned as he stepped out of the little blue car and into the scrubby yard of the Burrow.  He had missed the ramshackle house of many stories, with its Old World charm and threatening-to-fall-apart-at-any-moment-façade.  Then he felt a sharp poke in the back and was reminded to move aside by a very grumpy Ron, who had had his legs curled up nearly underneath him the entire ride from Hogsmeade station.  After Ron had disentangled himself from the seating, out poured Maddie and Harry.  From the front seat Ginny, Fred and Hermione exploded, and little four-seated car breathed out a sigh of relief.  Cautiously opening the jam-packed trunk, Fred distributed the duffel bags everyone had brought, and they set off to meet the family.


          There was the flicker of a curtain at the window, and a tiny brown head scampered away.  They could hear excited squealing from inside, and Ginny grinned widely, running ahead of the group.  George and Fred shared a small smile.  Elise. 


          “Oh my goodness, get in here, all of you!  Oh, dears, it’s so good to see all of you, in good health…” Mrs. Weasley was standing in the doorway, waving happily and speaking in a tone of relief.  As Ginny embraced her mother, a small little rocket shot out through her legs and barreled up to the rest of the group.


          “UNCLE GEORGE!  UNCLE FRED!  UNCLE RON!  HI…hi, hi, hi, hi, hi!!”  A tiny girl with curly brown hair, adorable dimples and eyes a clean pristine blue was throwing herself into George’s arms. The latter responded by swooping the little package over his head with one hand, while he used the other to whip out his wand and suspend her in the air with it.  Elise shrieked and giggled, throwing her arms out and pretending to fly.


          “George Micheal Weasley!  Put her down this moment!”  Both Elise and George looked guilty up to see Jennifer standing in the window hands on her hips.  Fred reached up and plucked Elise from the air as her mother came storming through the door.


          “What have I told you about that!  What if the magic slipped?  What if she rolled out the spell?  You must have had her ten feet in the air…” George smiled consolingly as he wrapped his arms around his sister-in-law.


          “Come on…you know you can’t stay mad at me,” he joked with her, elbowing her ever so lightly in the ribs.  She half smiled, then ruffled Elise’s hair to show that she wasn’t really angry with her.    “How are you?  I heard some stuff about school…” Jennifer trailed off, looking at George and Fred very solemnly.  “We’ll talk later, understood?”  George and Fred nodded, then hurriedly started acting silly, to avoid more seriousness.   As Elise was passed from person to person, Charlie, Bill, Christal, Noah and Mr. Weasley came out of the house to greet the Hogwarts students.  Percy was working at the Ministry of Magic office, but would be joining them for dinner.


          “OH, and this must be Maddie.  Come here, dear, and let me look at you.”  Maddie stepped timidly through the crowd of people and smiled at the motherly lady in front of her.  Harry had told her about Mrs. Weasley’s tendency to take in children who needed a place to stay over the holidays, and had also warned her that the overprotectiveness could be overwhelming, but Maddie was ready to be fussed over.  Mrs. Weasley hugged her tightly and tucked a stray strand of black hair behind her ear.


          “Well, dearie, I hope you’ll like it here.”


“I’m sure I will, and thank you so much for having me,” Maddie answered politely.  Just then, Charlie and Noah came over, and more introductions were made.  Noah was an active child of six, with bright red hair, skinned knees and an abundance of freckles.  Hermione smiled as she shook his hand, and then as he ran away, she turned to Ron, speaking in an undertone.


          “He looks just like a little you!” she exclaimed.  Ron rolled his eyes lightly, but couldn’t totally hide the smile that confirmed her suspicions.  The large group of chattering people moved in the general direction of the house, and Maddie allowed herself to be moved along with them, feeling happier than she had in months.




          Dinner that night was a joyous affair.  With sixteen people in the house, it’s quite impossible to eat inside, so two large tables were set together in the garden, and they ate with fairies flitting around their ears and garden gnomes racing around their feet.  Maddie enjoyed the happy, relaxed atmosphere where you could lose yourself without getting lost.  The children’s laughter was like tinkling bells; the adult friendships of Jennifer, Bill, Charlie and Christal, refreshing.  Washing down the evening with a glass of lemonade, Maddie went into the family room where everyone was slowly gathering.


          “How do you like it so far?”  Maddie jumped as the person behind her whispered in her ear.  Whirling around, she saw George, wearing a comfortable Muggle outfit and grinning widely.  The effects of being finally home at last where getting to him, as well.


          “It’s…it’s euphoric,” she whispered back, still unsure as to why, seeing as they were unlikely to be heard in the after-dinner din.


          “Euphoric, woah, breaking out in the vocabulary, huh?”  George smiled as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders and held her to him for just a second.  Although it was certainly not the first time they had hugged, Maddie still felt a shiver run down her spine and take residence in her stomach.  She was being held.


          “Yes, well, words escape me,” she said simply, and they sat, reveling in the stillness of the moment.  Then they heard a shriek and saw Elise being tickled by Fred and Ron, Hermione and Harry laughing nearby.  Maddie grinned despite the ruined moment, and George chuckled softly.


          “Elise is the baby of the Weasley family, so she’s spoiled beyond belief.  She’s witty, for a four-year-old, but she got a ton of her mother’s looks and sensibility.  Nothing makes her happier then getting away with something, though.  I guess she’s kind of a mix between Hermione and I, with all the female qualities, of course.  Then, there’s Noah.  A wild little kid, he loves Quidditch and the like.  Always has a ruddy face, bloody knees and a missing-some-teeth grin.  As much as we fuss over Elise, we always find some time to throw a ball around with him, too.”  Maddie digested the information quietly, her head resting on George’s scratchy sweater, the smell of whatever it was that made him smell so good intoxicating her senses, the heat of the fire covering her like a blanket, and she was overcome by the desperate need to simply drift away…




          Jennifer carefully picked her way through the maze of trunks, pranks, baby toys, shoes, and every other object one might find in the Weasley hallway, until she was in a close range of the couch in the family room.  She observed George, sitting very still, and the black-haired girl who was fast asleep on his chest.  Something about the way he was watching her sleep made a person want to whisper quietly, give someone a hug, or cry. 


There was some unseen emotion throbbing through the room, and for this reason, Jennifer was unusually quiet as she entered the room and tenderly sat down.  George moved his head a fraction of an inch to the side and smiled at her.  She smiled back with her mouth, but her eyes screamed for discussion, so George shifted slightly, awaking Maddie.  She started to roll on her side, and George stroked her hair gently until she was asleep once more.  Then he turned his full attention to a worried looking Jennifer.


“Oh God, this is just perfect, of course you’d have to fall in love!”  George furrowed his eyebrows concertedly.


“What are you talking about?  You say it like it’s a bad thing!”  Jennifer frowned and watched Maddie burrow her face a little deeper into the folds of George’s sweater.


“This is a chick that comes with a lot of baggage,” she whispered, and George was once more very confused.


“What do you know about it?” 


“I went to school with Professor Casserly, the new Ancient Runes teacher.  She’s been talking to me about a funny little girl named Maddie, who, since she arrived from America, has had the whole school in an uproar.”  George rolled his eyes.


          “Any baggage she comes with would be part of my load even if we were only just friends- that’s what we were before, and I was a huge part of her life, then, too.  Besides, your friend’s exaggerating.  She hasn’t been getting into that much stuff.  It’s a lot of coincidences that people keep linking to her, but she’s fine…” Jennifer looked dubious.  “Well is that what you came in here to harp on me about?” asked George, half joking.  Jennifer shook her head in a yes/no way.


          “Just about school.  The chick Maddie.  I had no clue you two were dating- but then, I should have linked that with the ceiling thing, stupid me.  Oh, by the way, Bill was quite proud of you on that one.  I believe his words were ‘following me on my quest to woo the ladies’” George grinned and Jennifer laughed with him.


          “I guess I’m going to head up to bed.  But please, seriously, take things careful; take things easy.  Keep an eye out.  That’s no regular girlfriend you’ve got under your arm.”


          As Jennifer mounted the stairs and climbed to bed, George regarded the girl under his arm.  Of course it wasn’t ‘no regular girlfriend’.  It was Maddie.  And with Maddie, it was a whole new ballpark.



          The moonlight streaming through a window bore into Maddie’s skin until she groggily opened her eyes.  She was in a room somewhere on the Weasley house, along with Hermione and Ginny, and it was chilly indeed.  Sleepily stumbling her way through the room, she made over to the window and shut it gently.  As she did, she was hit with an equally chilling realization.  She was alone.  In the broadest sense, seeing as two human beings were breathing in and out in their slumber behind her, and yet, she was alone.  This was the first time she was sleeping in a room- without Fred and George and Ron and Harry and her couch and all the comforts of a boy’s dormitory- in a very long time.


          But then, she was a big girl.  Maddie detested chauvinism; she would hate for anyone to think she couldn’t handle a night without the ‘big, strong, men’ to protect her.  So, painfully realizing that George must have carried her up here, Maddie crawled under the covers and looked around the dark room meekly.  She would be fine.


          The room swarmed with a combination of darkness and eerie moonlight.  Every shadow was Norax and every light beam, his minions.   Maddie knew in a tiny of corner of consciousness, that the real danger of Norax was in her sleep, and yet, she wanted to be mentally as far away as possible from the creaky old room in the Weasley family home.


          The mental battle went on for nearly an hour.  Maddie was torn between a longing for sleep and an abhorrence of it.  Either way, she couldn’t win.  She knew what she needed, but she was also terrified of the possible consequences of going out there and getting it.  Finally, as a nocturnal bat swooped across her view path out the window, distorting the light and Maddie’s sense of feminism, she made up her mind and set out to find George’s room.




          George groaned softly as he made to roll out of bed.  The morning light had not yet fully taken over the room, but it was a new day and he was anxious to get up and enjoy it.  There was only one thing in his way.  Whatever was lying at the side of his bed.


          “Maddie?” he whispered incredulously.  It was certainly she, still fully dressed in the robes she had worn from the school, but the reply was a gentle snoring.  Glancing around the room, George saw Fred stretching to the ceiling and yawning as he did so.  As he stepped out of bed, Fred did a double take at the locks of black hair splaying out wildly across George’s white bed sheets, then grinned.


          “Another nightmare, eh?” 


George rolled his eyes and decided not to waste energy fighting with his twin.  Instead, he gently shook Maddie’s shoulder in an attempt to rouse her.  When this failed, he reached down and carefully brushed her forehead with his lips.  Her eyes slowly slid open, and she smiled at him, outdoing even the virgin dawn rays.


          “Got something to tell me, Squirt?” he asked her softly, and her smile faltered.  He twirled a piece of her hair around her finger as she sat up and searched for appropriate words.


          “Well, you see, I woke up in the middle of the night, and it was dark, and I was afraid that I was going to live another nightmare…well, I don’t remember how to actually wake up from one without you guys there, and I didn’t know…well I thought…I’m sorry…”


          “Hey, don’t sweat it.  It’s not as if I minded, although I must say I’m glad I was the one who discovered you, and not my Mum.  I’d have some fun explaining that one.”


          “Have some fun explaining what?” asked Charlie from the doorway.  “Oh, er, good morning, Maddie.”


          “’Morning Charlie!  Just taking an early morning tour of the house.  Guess I’ll see you at breakfast then!”  With that, Maddie smoothly disentangled herself from the blankets and breezed past an open mouthed Charlie, out the door.  Charlie watched her leave, then turned to George with an intuitive look.


          “Early morning tour, eh?” he asked with a wink.  George let out an exasperated sigh.


          “I’m not-“


          “Never mind, I don’t even want to know,” Charlie cut him off, “although I must say, she is quite good at that innocent act.  Bet she gets away with a ton at school?”  Fred nodded sagely.


          “Listen, guys, I’m not-“


          Anyway,” Charlie said pointedly, “I was just coming in to tell you guys that Mum is taking us to Diagon Alley this afternoon, and she wants everyone ready to leave by noon.  Okay?”  Both boys nodded and Charlie yawned.


          “Get much sleep?” asked George conversationally.


          “Nah, I was giving Christal a tour,” remarked Charlie with a mischievous grin, then he ducked out of the room before the pillows could assault him further.




          The morning went fairly uneventfully, save Charlie teasing the pants off of George and Maddie, in a very tour-coded way.   Once he had tired of that, though, the household piled one by one into the fireplace and set off for Diagon Alley.


          It was Maddie’s first time on the illustrious avenue, and she walked slowly along it, drinking in the sights and sounds of the happy wizarding world.  She enjoyed the wide variety of people, stores and general distractions from what had made her life such a hell for the past few months.  Of course, every now and then they would hear snatches of gossip about the investigation of Hogwarts, or the death of June Moore, but someone would always raise their voice to drown out the sound as they hurried away.


          About an hour into the trip, the party split up into more age appropriate groups, to give the parents and adult children ‘some quiet time’.  The littlest kids were distributed among the teenagers, and Maddie and George ended up with Noah. 


          “Meet us at the Leaky Cauldron in an hour!  Be there at two, don’t forget!”  Mrs. Weasley called after the dispersing people as they all went separate ways.  “And stay away from Knockturn Alley!”


          “So, Shortyfries, where are we headed?”  Maddie took George’s hand and shook her head vaguely.


          “I haven’t the slightest.  This is your territory, not mine.  But I would love to take you Boston- now that would a fun day.”  George smiled and used his free hand to brush her hair out of her face.  Now that he felt he had a little more freedom, he had been taking advantage of it and finding every excuse to touch Maddie’s hair.  So far, she hadn’t been resisting.  As he contemplated the actual boundaries of the current relationship, George felt a little hand grab his wrist and wrench his hand from Maddie’s.  He looked down to see Noah, smoothly moving in between him and Maddie, taking her hand and smiling up at her.  Maddie glanced across at George for direction, but he was to busy stifling his chuckles to come up with anything.  Maddie swallowed, unsure, and simply listened as Noah chattered away, pointing out sights along the cobblestone walkway.


          "There's Quality Quidditch Supplies!  I got my first broomstick there.  And Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor- they have yummy peanut butter sundaes…and Zonko's Joke Shop…they have all sorts of silly tricks in there…Mommy doesn't like that store very much, but I think it’s cool, and Daddy does too, 'cept he'll never say that around Mommy."  Maddie bit down hard on her tongue to keep from laughing at loud at Noah's childhood innocence. They walked for a few more yards in this fashion until they reached the Shrieking Shack.


          "It's haunted," whispered Noah in an awed tone.  "There used t be all sorts of creepy things in there, but for a long time, it’s been all quiet and…creepy." 


          "I see," said Maddie faintly, looking around.  She wasn't feeling too well, and the walk had, to be honest, slightly bored her.  She reached down and picked up Noah, who started to protest that he was old enough to walk, then realized that he was on eye level with Maddie and grinned his gap-toothed grin with relish.


          "You're pretty," said Noah abruptly.  George started laughing again, and Maddie did blinked in surprise.


          "Oh, er- well, thank you," she said.  George, finally getting himself under control, reached over and took Noah, who looked less pleased at the current eye level view.


          "Come on kid, we need to get you some to occupy yourself with."


          "But I don't wanna be 'pied!" Noah insisted, but he changed his tune when faced by the elusive Zonko's Joke Shop racks.  Once they had made their selections (Screaming Ink-Secreting Socks and Nose-Biting Teacups) George hustled Noah out of the store quickly, making him swear that he wouldn't tell his mother where he had obtained the brightly colored packages.  By the time they were finished with the whole ordeal it was time for the meeting back at the Leaky Cauldron, and the three hustled across the alleyway, Noah hanging off of Maddie's arm with a silly smile on his face.  Once they reached the bar, they saw Mr. Weasley standing up, excitedly waving a piece of paper that looked like it had been pulled off a telephone poll or bulletin board.


          "A Muggle fair!" he cried.  "We're going to a Muggle fair!"  George raised an eyebrow and looked quizzically at Mrs. Weasley, who sighed and put her head in her hands.


          "He found this advertisement on the ground and hasn't stopped going on about it since he picked it up.  Seems there's going to be a big festival-type thingy right outside Otter St. Catchpole this weekend, and your father thinks it would be 'simply wonderful' if we could all go."  Mr. Weasley overheard his wife and leaned over her shoulder enthusiastically.


          "What else are we going to do, all of us cooped up in the house in front of the fire all evening?  We'd be doing nothing but sitting in silence, all night, that's what!"


          "Sounds perfect to me," muttered George to Maddie, but his smile showed that Mr. Weasley's enthusiasm was catching.  Christal and Charlie joined the group, and on seeing the paper in Arthur's hand, exclaimed, "Ooh, the Spring Advent Festival!  Everyone's dying to go this at home- it's supposed to be really fun."  Mr. Weasley gave George a pointed look that clearly said, 'See?'


          In the end, they decided they would go to the fair, and made up a meeting time of seven that night.  Ron, Hermione, Harry, Mrs. Weasley, Bill, Jennifer, and Elise decided that they would stay and shop a little longer, and the rest decided t g home before they met at the fair that night.  As they stepped through the fireplace, Maddie exhaled loudly.  Constantly moving again- but it hadn't felt this god in a very long time.




          They were lying in the tall grass on the makeshift Quidditch pitch behind the Burrow.  Maddie had her head on George's stomach, and his hands were tangled in her hair, as usual.  They were contemplating the beauty f twilight, and deciding the shapes of the slowly moving clouds, and doing all the things that couples should do but rarely get to. 


          "Maddie, when's the last time you had a nightmare?" George asked the question very suddenly, and Maddie rolled over so her chin was in his chest and she was facing him.


          "Um, the night after Shane and you had that really big fight.  Fred- no, Ron woke me up.  I haven't had a single one in the Burrow, though.  Why?"


          "Because I worry about you.  I want you to tell me everything, okay?"  George was solemn and causing Maddie to become steadily uncomfortable.


          "Well, sure, of course.  What brought this on?"


          "I was sitting here, thinking what my life would be like with no Maddie.  And then that made me think of all the times I woke you up from nightmares.  The worst thing that I could ever see would be that look of terror on your face, right before you realized that you were safe, right before you realized that I was there.  And I realized that I always want to be there when you wake up.  Even if I'm not the one to wake you up, I at least want to be there."


          "Does that mean I get to sleep in your room again tonight?" Maddie asked with a ghost of a smile playing on her lips.  George grinned and kissed her forehead lightly.


          "I suppose.  Just make sure you get my bed, and not Fred's."  He winked, they laughed, and for the moment, life was good.




Brightly colored lights were flashing at a dizzy rate, laughter was running rampant in the air, the smells of fried food and sweet sugar candies were weaving a web around the heads of the patrons, and the huge metal structures called rides were singing an enticing tune to the children as they passed.  The clan had arrived at the fair.


          Welcoming in was a large sign that read 'Spring Advent Festival: Fun for All Ages!’  Elise squealed excitedly as they passed an exhibit of farm animals, and Noah was in awe of the glow-stick necklaces some older boys were showing off as they passed.  Mrs. Weasley clucked at the noise and hubbub, but a large tent full of homemade quilts, jams, pickled vegetables and other home stuffs caught her eye and stopped her mid-cluck.  Bill and Jennifer were busy keeping track of the two over excited youngsters and Charlie and Christal were already walking over to the Maple Sugar House.  Mr. Weasley, needless to say, was in his element, jumping up and down and waving his arms excitedly about.


          "Just look at all this!  Isn't it wonderful?  I bet Harry here's seen some of this wonderful whatnot."  Harry smiled ruefully. 


          "The Dursley's weren't quite big on taking me places, especially not for entertainment purposes.  Besides, if we ever did come to a fair we would never get past the food booths with Dudley."  Mr. Weasley looked crestfallen, but a glance at the Zipper made his face as bright as the sun once more.


          "Ooh, let's do that!" he said keenly, and Hermione made a face.


          "I don't think so…at least not right now…" Ron poked her in the side teasingly.


          "What, Hon, isn't there some book that teaches how to get over a fear of heights?"  Hermione shot him a Look and shook her head again. 


          "I think I'm going to help Jennifer and Bill by taking Elise and Noah on some tamer rides.  Why don't you come along, Hon?" Hermione grabbed Ron's wrist and led him away amid muttered complaints and protests.  Harry followed, chuckling at Hermione's smooth change of subject.  Scooping Elise onto his shoulders he winked at Ron, who was grabbing Noah's hand, then waved over at Maddie and George.


          "Catch you later?" he called, and was answered by several nods.  Bill and Jennifer breathed a sigh of relief in unison.


          "Well, this is a welcome change of plans.  Why don't we see what sort of trouble we can get ourselves into?" said Bill mischievously.  Jennifer struggled with a stern mask for a few seconds, and then her face exploded into a bright smile and she linked arms with her husband.


          "I can't remember the last time we had a date," she mentioned dreamily, then turned around to lock eyes with George.  Be good! She mouthed, and Bill followed with a wink as some sort of muttered comment having to do with tours.  George punched him, Jennifer elbowed him, and Maddie gave Bill a curious look as the couple walked away.


          "Well," drawled George, "I think that leaves just me, you-"


          "And your dad," cut in Maddie, pointing to the childlike man standing a few strides away. Head bent back and mouth wide open as he regarded the mammoth metal structures, Mr. Weasley made a laugh-worthy picture.  Maddie grinned and left George's side to go stand near him.


          "Want to go on it?" she asked softly, and he jumped, then saw her and nodded vigorously.


          "It looks a bit frightening, but simply amazing at the same time! I- well- will you go on with me?" he asked abashedly, but she smiled in delight and waved George over.


          "We're going on," she motioned to the Zipper in the background and George's eyes widened.  "Will you hold my purse?"  Nodding mutely, George watched his father and his girlfriend skip over to the line, giggling uncontrollably.  As they neared the ticket-taker, Mr. Weasley (with some assistance from Maddie) gave the correct Muggle bills, and they climbed into one of the swinging cages with slight apprehensiveness.


          "You're sure this is quite safe?" asked a timid Mr. Weasley.  Maddie nodded.


          "This is one of my favorite rides.  Get ready to taste your stomach lining!"  With that slightly disgusting and even more off-putting proclamation, Mr. Weasley gripped the bars in front of him and gulped.  The ride began.


          Whirling, swirling colors and sounds.  The experience of flipping upside and over and over and over, with no control over the wild flops.  Laughter and nausea at the same time- Mr. Weasley was having the time of his life, and making the fact clear by his shrieks.  By the time it was finally over, he had nearly thrown up, nearly wet his pants and nearly screamed himself hoarse.  As they stumbled out onto the platform and down the exit stairs, George rushed over.


          "Are you guys okay?  I heard screaming…" 


          "That's the point, George!  It's such a wonderful time- I could do it again and again- oh, for a million days to go on fair rides!  What will we do next?  What- oh…" Mr. Weasley stared at George, who was staring at Maddie's bright eyes and flushed cheeks with an odd look in his eyes, realization spreading through him quickly. "I expect you too would like a little time alone, eh?  So sorry about that…got carried away.  Well, you to enjoy yourselves, I'll meet back here a little later."  And he disappeared into the teeming crowd.


          "What did you do?" asked Maddie in an accusing tone.  George held up his hands.


          "I didn't make him leave.  Now stop making it sound like it's going to be such a hardship, having a little 'us' time."  Maddie allowed his arm to slip around her waist and grinned and she shook her hair over his arm.


          "I suppose it could be worse…" she smiled at him and as he moved to kiss her, then turned her head and caught it right on the tip of her nose.  George frowned as she giggled again, playing the elusive girl he hadn't expected he'd ever see.


          "Tease," he muttered, and she raised her eyebrow in a mock stern look.


          "Not in the middle of a fair grounds," she said firmly, "A girl has her dignity.  I think we should find a nice- ah, that'll do."  She grasped his wrist and began hauling him over to the Ferris wheel nearby.


          "Oh no, not a chance Missy- no way you're getting me on one of those metal thingies."    Maddie dropped his wrist and wheeled around to face him.  Taking a deep breath, she underwent an immediate change that was breathtaking.  Her eyes became pits of sorrow, her mouth turned delicately down and her whole poise slightly drooped.  She looked up gently at George and he puffed up with indignant anger as the picture of a wilted rose filled his thoughts.


          "Maddie, don't do this.  Come on, we'll go for a walk, we can go get some fudge and- stop it, Maddie!" He was now staring furiously at the ground, but he could hear her tiny, pathetic sniffling noises and finally shouted, "FINE!  I hate it when you do that."  Grinning now, Maddie lead the way and they cautiously climbed into a swinging cart.


          "Maddie, I want to get out," said George as the door clanged shut behind him.  He spun around, looked at how far away he was from the ground, and buried his head in Maddie's hair.  She laughed and pushed his head back so she could face him.


          "Please Maddie, I don't want to see over the sides," he begged.  She smiled and nodded.


          "Don't worry.  I didn't bring you up here for the view."  George leaned back a bit in surprise, all heights forgotten.


          "Well, well, well.  Quite the mischievous one, aren't we?  And what exactly did you have in mind?"


          "Hmm, don't know really.  I thought that I would somehow get my boyfriend alone, scare him out of his wits so he would be forced to cling to me, and then see where it went from there…we'll have to use our imagination."  George nodded, mock analyzing the situation.


          "Inventive, quite inventive.  I must say, there are some serious gaps in 'The Plan', but I'm sure that we can figure out some sort of filler…" he paused for a moment, then leaned down and brushed his lips across her jaw bone, causing a shiver to run down her spine.  She bit her lower lip as he made a line of tiny kisses right up to her waiting mouth.  He leaned back and rested his chin atop her head.  "So, anything we need to go over?" he asked.


          "I'm a little foggy on that last part- think we could run through it again?"  Maddie felt rather than saw George's smile, and as his lips slipped across her face again, she couldn't help thinking that somehow, there wouldn't be any nightmares tonight.