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The Fatima UFO Miracle

Website Review, By Christopher Montgomery


What are the topics of this page? This page discusses the connection between the incident at Fatima in the year of 1917 and the silent subliminal sound presentation system which was invented by Lowery in the year of 1989. This page also discusses a possible connection to an unidentified flying object (UFO) which was photographed by a weather satellite in the year of 1999. How reliable are your senses? One indication of the reliability of your senses was provided by the incident which occurred near the town of Fatima in the nation of Portugal on the day number 13 of the month of October in the year 1917. Approximately seventy thousand people reported that they saw the Sun dance in the sky above the town of Fatima on that day. What caused this incident at Fatima? Some of the people have mentioned the idea that this incident was an accident which was caused by the weather. This idea is that a layer of the air which was above the town of Fatima was heated to such an extent that the light from the Sun was bent to such an extent that the Sun appeared to be in a different place than it actually was. This idea is furthermore that the wind blew the hot air in such a manner that the layer of the hot air changed its shape and its size and its location and its distance above the town of Fatima. This idea is furthermore that these changes to the hot air caused the image of the Sun to appear to dance in the sky above the town of Fatima. Was this incident at Fatima an accident of the weather? Some of the people announced the exact day that this incident would occur several months before the day on which it occurred. This incident was consequently not an accident. This incident was not an accident because the exact day on which an accident will occur can not be announced several months before the exact day on which it occurs. What else might have caused this incident? Oliver Lowery applied for a patent on a new technology in the year 1989. The official name of the technology is the silent subliminal sound presentation system. What is a silent sound? One sort of a silent sound is a sound which has a frequency which is lower than the frequency to which the conscious attention of a person usually attends. Another sort of a silent sound is a sound which has a frequency which is more than the frequency to which the conscious attention of a person usually attends. What is a subliminal sound? A subliminal sound is a sound which has a strength which is less than the strength to which the conscious attention of a person usually attends. What is a silent subliminal sound? One sort of a silent subliminal sound is a combination of a weak subliminal sound and a strong high frequency silent sound. What is the result of a silent subliminal sound? One result of a silent subliminal sound is that the combined sound is converted into an electrical signal by the sense of the sound. The electrical signal goes from the ear into the brain of the person. The brain of the person analyzes the sound. What is the result of the analysis by the brain? One result of the analysis by the brain is that the subconscious attention of the person is consequently aware of both the silent sound and the subliminal sound. The conscious attention of the person is nevertheless not aware of either the strong silent sound or of the weak subliminal sound. How can a silent subliminal sound cause a person to see the Sun dance? The subconscious attention of a person will believe what it hears unless the conscious attention of the person contradicts what is heard. The conscious attention of a person can not contradict what the subconscious attention hears in a silent subliminal sound because the conscious attention does not attend to a silent subliminal sound. The subconscious attention consequently believes any suggestion which it hears in a silent subliminal sound. In the instance that the subconscious attention hears the suggestion in a silent subliminal sound that the Sun is dancing in the sky, the subconscious attention believes that the Sun is dancing in the sky. The subconscious attention consequently shows the conscious attention that the Sun is dancing in the sky. Who caused the incident at Fatima in the year of 1917? The technology which caused the incident at Fatima in the year of 1917 was a technology which was more than a human technology until the year of 1989. The entity who caused that incident in that year is consequently more than a human entity. At least one entity who is more than a human entity was consequently on or near the Earth in the year of 1917.
Whose vehicle is this vehicle? credit:

This photograph was produced at 14:45 on the day number 21 of the month of November of the year 1999 by the weather satellite which is called GOES-8 in the English language. Where is some more information on the invention of Lowery? A connection to more information in the English language on the topic of the patent number 5,159,703 which was given to Lowery is available here. A connection to more information in the English language on the topic of some of the products which are produced by the invention which Lowery invented is available here. How might the reader know when this page changes? The reader of this document might know when this page changes by using the service of MindIt without a cost. A connection to the service of MindIt is available here. This page was translated from the English language to the other languages without a cost by Intertran. A connection to Intertran is available here.

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