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"Miracle at Medjugorje"

By Wayne Weible


"Miracle at Medjugorje", by Wayne Weible THIS IS A QUOTE TAKEN FROM HIS WEB SITE:

"'Miracle at Medjugorje'" is one of the best articles ever written about Medjugorje. It is timeless, informational, and inspirational. Due to its length, it has been broken down into smaller sections for easier reading."

"Miracle at Medjugorje" PART 1: THE APPARITIONS is immediately followed by THE SECRET. They were Published Dec. 4, 1985 by Weible and can be found at this web address:

THE APPARITIONS: In the next four weeks of December, I am going to try to give as accurate an account as possible of an event allegedly occurring in a small non-descript village in the hills of central Yugoslavia. It is a supernatural religious event and is therefore bound to be viewed in a skeptical sense by many; the fact that the area is heavily Catholic will add to the skepticism. Obviously, if I personally did not believe that there was something important happening here, I would not be writing about it. However, let me say from the outset, it is not an attempt to convert anyone to Catholicism, since I myself am not Catholic; it is also not an attempt to convert anyone to a belief in God. That is for the individual to determine based on information and needs. I offer it simply as information timely to the Christmas season. For the past four years and a half now, Medjugorje (pronounced Med-u-gory), a small village in the mountain area of central Yugoslavia, has attracted world wide attention as the place where the mother of Jesus, the Virgin Mary, is reported to be appearing almost daily to six young teenagers. As I write this, the apparitions reportedly continue every day. Despite government attempts to discredit the apparitions and to make visits to the site difficult, millions have been and continue to come to the site to see for themselves what is happening. Yugoslavia is of course, a communist country, which does not recognize any religion or the existence of God. Yet there is a heavily Catholic population that is grudgingly allowed to worship within their churches. According to the children called seers or visionaries, the message of the Blessed Virgin is simple and direct: She is appearing to the seers to tell the world of the urgency to return to the ways of God, to convert their lives to peace with God and with their fellow man. She is to give each seer 10 messages, or "secrets" of happenings that will occur in the near future. These messages will be visible signs to mankind that the apparitions at Medjugorje are real and that the conversion back to God must be started now. When she has stopped appearing to the youths-a time known only by them-a permanent sign will be left at Medjugorje. it will lead to many healings and conversions in the short time left before the messages become reality. The way to conversion is prayer and fasting, according to the seers. Since apparitions began on June 24, 1981. The seers spend as many as six hours or more daily in prayer. They also fast up to three times a week on bread and water only. The range in the age of the six young people at Medjugorje is noteworthy in view of the skepticism of such an occurrence. When the apparitions began, one was only ten years old, another was fifteen, three were sixteen, and one was seventeen. Four are girls and two are boys. Who are these young people to whom The Virgin Mary is allegedly appearing? They are all very normal, but different from each other in personality and as I have noted, in age. With one exception, all of them are of very average intelligence. The exception is Mirjana Dragicivic. She is the third oldest of the seers and attends college at the University of Sarajevo, where her family now lives. Marija Pavlovic is the oldest of the group. She is of average height and thin and is the most serene and deeply spiritual of the seers. She plans on becoming a nun. Vicka Ivankovic, the second oldest, also plans on becoming a nun. She has strong features and her face is very expressive. She is the charmer of the group, although there is nothing "put-on" about her. Ivanka Ivankovic, the youngest of the four girls is the only one of the group who is planning marriage. She is the prettiest of the girls and seems typical of today's teenagers, but is firmly religious. Ivan Dragicivic, the older of the two boys wants to become a priest. he is the most timid and retiring of the group and appears to be serious and pensive most of the time. The youngest and most lively, is thirteen year old Jakov Colo, who was only ten when the apparitions began. Like the others, he is quite normal. The presence of this young fidgety boy among the group of seers is very special in terms of authenticity of the apparitions. Comparing him to, say, our own children or brothers of this age, it would normally be highly improbable that he would go to church for two and three hours of prayer every single day, in winter and summer, in bad weather and good, and do this for well over four years, simply to make believe that he is seeing a holy apparition from God. In fact, the age and character of all the seers and the consistency of the apparitions with them is strong evidence that something highly unusual is happening. There is so much to tell about Medjugorje. Possibly the following excerpt, taken from a report that was sent to the Pope at the request of Mary according to the youths, will summarize this segment best. A Catholic priest named Tomislav Vlasic, who has been involved in the apparitions almost from the very first, was asked by Mirjana to do this. Here is a portion of that report: According to Mirjana, during the apparition on December 25, 1982, the Madonna confided the tenth and last secret to her, and she revealed the dates on which the various secrets will come to pass. The Blessed Virgin revealed many aspects of the future to Mirjana, many more up to now than the other seers. For that reason, I relate now what Mirjana told me in a conversation on November 5, 1983. I shall summarize the essential things she said, without any literal quotations. Mirjana said: - Before the visible sign is given to humanity, there will be three warnings to the world. The warnings will be warnings on the earth. Mirjana will witness them. Three days before one of these warnings, she will advise a priest of her choice. Mirjana's testimony will be a confirmation of the apparitions and an incentive for the conversion of the world. After these warnings, the visible sign will be given for all humanity at the place of the apparitions in Medjugorje. The sign will be given as the testimony of the apparitions and a call back to faith. - The ninth and tenth secrets are grave matters. They are a chastisement for the sins of the world. The punishment is inevitable because we can not expect the conversion of the entire world. The chastisement can be mitigated by prayers and penance. It cannot be suppressed. An evil which threatened the world, according to the seventh secret, had been eliminated through prayer and fasting, Mirjana said. For that reason the Blessed Virgin continues to ask for prayer and fasting: "You have forgotten that with prayer and fasting you can ward off wars, suspend natural laws." - After the first warning, the others will follow within a rather brief amount of time. So it is that people will have time for conversion. - This time is a period of grace and conversion. After the visible sign, those who are still alive will have little time for conversion. For that reason, the Blessed Virgin calls for urgent conversion and reconciliation. - The invitation to prayer and penance is destined to ward off evil and war and above all to save souls. - According to Mirjana, we are close to the events predicted by the Blessed Virgin. Because of this, Mirjana says to mankind: "Convert yourselves as quickly as possible. Open your hearts to God." Father Vlasic gave a little additional information about the secrets during a taped interview in August, 1983: "They (the seers) say that with the realization of the secrets entrusted to them by Our Lady, life in the world will change, Afterwards, men (mankind) will believe like in ancient times. What will change and how it will change, we will not know until the secrets are revealed." These few words imply a lot about the extraordinary events at Medjugorje. As for its authenticity, that is for each of us in our own hearts to decide.

"Miracle at Medjugorje" by Wayne Weible; THIS WAS TAKEN FROM HIS WEB SITE: (continued:)

THE SECRETS: All six of the visionaries say that the secrets, in substance, affect the whole world. There are private secrets for some of them, concerning their future, and other secrets relating to the whole world. Only one of the secrets has been revealed by the visionaries. Our Lady has promised to leave a visible sign on the mountain where She first appeared. These are Our Lady's words about the sign: "This sign will be given for the atheists. You faithful already have signs and you have to become the sign for the atheists. You faithful must not wait for the sign before you convert; convert soon. This time is a time of grace for you. You can never thank God enough for his grace. The time is for deepening your faith and for your conversion. When the sign comes, it will be too late for many." - (My REFERENCE; #1)

SEE MY NOTES: Reference #1

FROM "Miracle at Medjugorje;" PART 2: CONVERSATIONS WITH MARY, THE MOTHER OF JESUS, which is immediately followed by COLUMNS ARE ANOTHER "MIRACLE;" Published Dec. 11, 1985 by Wayne Weible
This is the second in this four-part series of columns I am doing for the Christmas season. The interest in the first part has been excellent and positive. Because of the nature of the subject, a supernatural religious event, I am going to restate several things from last week's column. First, I personally feel something terribly important and meaningful to everyone, regardless of religious affiliation, is happening in Medjugorje. Because of the length of time that it has been occurring, daily for almost five years now, and because of the age of the youths involved, I tend to view it as an authentic miracle of our time. That is my personal belief. It is up to the individual to determine based on the information available. Here are selected bits of conversations reported by the seers, of conversations with The Blessed Virgin Mary: On the fourth evening of the apparitions, which began June 21, 1981, Ivanka asked the lady her name. "I am the Blessed Virgin Mary." was the reply. Later, Vicka said, "If you are Our Lady, stay with us. If you are not be gone!" The lady smiled and remained. Vicka asked: "Why have you come?" The reply: "I came because there are many good believers here. I want to be with you, to convert and reconcile everyone." Later on the same occasion, another seer Marija saw the lady on the way down from the hill where the apparitions first began. She stopped suddenly, ran to her left and dropped to her knees. There she says, "Our Lady was standing before a cross, with tears in her eyes. She repeated several times: "Peace, peace, peace, be reconciled with one another." Many times during the apparitions, She has said, "Believe, as if you, too, see." On June 29th, the children asked specifically for the healing of a two-and-a-half year old boy, who was mute and unable to walk. The seers asked the Virgin Mary to heal him. Jakov reported her response: "Let his parents believe that he will be healed." Later in the evening as the family of the boy was on their way home, they stopped at a restaurant. The mute boy banged on the table and said, "I want a drink." Since then, he is now able to talk and walk. She has directed others to pray and fast and ask Jesus to be healed of their specific ailments or handicaps. Many have been healed according to the reports of the people there. Again, concerning healing Mary has told the seers: "I cannot heal; only God can. I need your prayers and sacrifices to help me." Continuing: (speaking urgently on the need for conversion) "The only word I wish to say is 'conversion!' To the whole world. I am saying this to you to tell everybody. I ask only for conversion. Be ready for everything and be converted. Give up everything that goes against conversion. On prayer and faith: "Let them (those in Medjugorje and the visitors; also those who hear about Medjugorje) believe as if they see; believe firmly. There are many believers who do not pray; faith cannot be alive without prayer." When the children asked at the request of a priest if people should pray to Jesus or to Mary, her answer was: "Please pray to Jesus. I am His Mother and I intercede for you with Him. But all prayer goes to Jesus. I will help. I will pray, but everything does not depend only on me. It depends also on your strength, the strength of those who pray." On why she has chosen to appear in Medjugorje: "I have chosen this parish in a special way. I want to protect you and guide you in love. And therefore, I ask for a total conversion of the parish so that the pilgrims can find a fountain of conversion here." At the time of this message, she also recommended a special passage from the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 6, Verses 24-34. During a special holy week in 1984, The Virgin Mary said to the parish through the young seer Jelena: "Raise your hands and open your hearts. Now, in the moment of the resurrection, Jesus wants to give you a particular gift. It is this: You will undergo trials with great ease. We will be nearby and will show you the way out if you will accept us. Don't say that the Holy Year is now over and there is no more need to pray. On the contrary, reinforce your prayers, because the Holy Year is just one step forward." After this, Jelena reported that she saw the risen Jesus. Brilliant light radiated from His wounds onto the people. Jesus said: "Receive my graces and tell the whole there will be happiness only through Me." A final note on this part of the articles. Today, the entire parish of Medjugorje, with, of course, a very few exceptions, attends church services daily. These services usually last for more than three hours. The greatest miracle of Medjugorje that is proven fact, is the total conversion of the community that was already faithful by today's standards.

The following information was included in the research documentation, because of its relevance to the paranormal. UFOs and the paranormal connection has long been ignored, science preferring to disregard the evidence, choosing to ignore the whole matter altogether. Here is the continuation of Part II:

COLUMNS ARE ANOTHER "MIRACLE" It was never intended that the columns published here would be distributed outside of the Myrtle Beach area. They were published as a collected work to make it easier to ship them, due t the overwhelming number of requests from people all over the country and many foreign countries. Twenty-five hundred were originally printed and it was thought that they would last well over a year. That was in December, 1986. As of December, 1987, the total printed and shipped is over eight million copies. It now takes three printing plants located in different parts of the country to keep up with demand. The "miracle" here is that none of this was planned; it just happened, like so many other events connected with the apparitions at Medjugorje. These columns are now the most widely circulated information on the apparitions of Medjugorje. Those who send for them and distribute them to their churches, their prayer groups, their families, are doing the will of Our Lady of Medjugorje. May Jesus and His Blessed Mother Mary continue to bless you for your help. -w.w.
_______________________________________________ "Miracle at Medjugorje" PART 3: INTERVIEWS WITH THE SEERS was Published Dec. 18, 1985 and written by Wayne Weible. The following includes two interviews with the "seers," both presented here; The first interview was an "Interview with Mirjana Dragicevic, By Fr. Tomislav Vlasic in Medjugorje," Yugoslavia on January 10, 1983; the second was an "Interview with Ivanka Ivankovic, By Fr. Svetozar Kraljevic" in February, 1983

Perhaps we should consider that the "seers," could also be called contactees, given the close association with the Marian apparitions and the UFO phenomenon. This was extracted from the following web page:

It hardly seems possible that three weeks have passed since I began running this very special series of columns concerning reports of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, appearing to a group of young people in Yugoslavia. While it is by far one of the most difficult subjects I have attempted to write about, it is also the most satisfying from the standpoint of having done something worthwhile. Professionally, I want readers to see it as objective and informational; personally, I want it to inspire everyone who reads it to strengthen their relationship with God and fellow man. That is the purpose of running it during the celebration of Christmas. This week, interviews with two of the young people are featured. The answers given were taken straight from a tape recording of the conversations with them. Parts of the interviews were excluded at my discretion so that I could run as much of them as possible. (Excerpts taken from: "The apparitions of Our Lady at Medjugorje", by Svetozar Kraljevic, O.F.M.)

Interview with Mirjana Dragicevic, By Fr. Tomislav Vlasic Medjugorje, January 10, 1983
T: Mirjana, we have not seen each other for some time, and I would like you to tell me about the apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and especially with the events that are connected to you. M: I have seen the Blessed Virgin Mary for eighteen months now, and feel I know Her very well. I feel she loves me with Her Motherly love, and so I have been able to ask Her about anything I would like to know. I've asked her to explain some things about Heaven, Purgatory, and Hell that were not clear to me. For example, I asked Her how God can be so unmerciful as to throw people into Hell, to suffer forever. I thought: If a person commits a crime and goes to jail, he stays there for a while and then is forgiven - but to Hell, forever? She told me that souls who go to Hell have ceased thinking favorably of God - have cursed Him, more and more. So they've already become a part of Hell, and choose not to be delivered from it. Then she told me that there are levels in Purgatory: Levels close to Hell and higher and higher toward Heaven. Most people, she said, think many souls are released from Purgatory into Heaven on All Saints' Day, but most souls are taken into Heaven on Christmas Day. T: Did you ask why God allows Hell? M: No, I did not. But afterward I had a discussion with my aunt, who told me how merciful God is. So I said I would ask the Madonna how God could...... T: According to what you've said, then; It's simple as this: People who oppose God on earth just continue their existence after death, and oppose God in Hell? M: Really, I thought if a person goes to Hell....Don't people pray for their salvation? Could God be so unmerciful as not to hear their prayers? Then the Madonna explained it to me. People in Hell do not pray at all; instead, they blame God for everything. In effect, they become one with Hell and they get used to it. They rage against God, and they suffer, but they always refuse to pray to God. T: To ask Him for salvation? M: In Hell, they hate Him even more. T: As for Purgatory, you say that souls who pray frequently are sometimes allowed to communicate, at least by messages, with people on earth, and that they receive the benefits of prayers said on earth? M: Yes. Prayers that are said on earth for souls who have not prayed for their salvation are applied to souls in purgatory who pray for their salvation. T: Did the Madonna tell you whether many people go to Hell today? M: I asked her about that recently, and She said that, today, most people go to purgatory, the next greatest number go to Hell, and only a few go directly to Heaven. T: Only a few go to Heaven? M: Yes only a few - the least number - go to Heaven. T: Did you ask about the conditions for a person to enter Heaven? M: No I didn't; but, we can probably say what they are. God is not looking for great believers but simply for those who respect their faith and live peacefully, without malice, meanness, falsehood. T: This is your interpretation, your understanding? M: Yes. After I talked to the Madonna, I came to that conclusion; No one has to do great miracles or do great penance; merely live a simple, peaceful life. T: Well, besides Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory, is there anything else new recently? M: The Madonna told me that I should tell the people that many in our time judge their faith by their priests. If a priest is not holy, they conclude that there is no God. She said: "You do not go to church to judge the priest, to examine his personal life. You go to church to pray and to hear the word of God from the priest." This must be explained to the people, because many turn away from the faith because of priests. Today, as it was a long time ago, the Virgin told me God and the devil conversed, and the devil said that people believe in God only when life is good for them. When things turn bad, they cease to believe in God. Then people blame God, or act as if he does not exist. God, therefore, allowed the devil one century in which to exercise an extended power over the world, and the devil chose the twentieth century. Today, as we can see all around us, everyone is dissatisfied; they cannot abide each other. Examples are the number of divorces and abortions. All this, the Madonna said, is the work of the devil. T: This behavior of people - they're under the influence of the devil. But the devil does not have to be in them? M: No, no. The devil is not in them, but they're under the influence of the devil, although he enters into some of them. To prevent this, at least to some extent, the Madonna said we need communal prayer, family prayer. She stressed the need for family prayer most of all. Also, every family should have at least one sacred object in the house, and houses should be blessed regularly. She also emphasized the failings of religious people, especially in small villages - for example, here in Medjugorje, where there is separation from Serbians (i.e., Serbian Orthodox) and Moslems. This separation is not good. The Madonna always stresses that there is but one God, and that people have enforced unnatural separation. One cannot truly believe, be a true Christian, if he does not respect other religions as well. You do not really believe in God if you make fun of other religions. T: What, then, is the role of Jesus Christ, if the Moslem religion is a good religion? M: We did not discuss that. She merely explained, and deplored, the lack of religious unity, "especially in the villages." She said that everybody's religion should be respected, and, of course, one's own. T: Tell me where the devil is especially active today. Did she tell you anything about this? Through whom or what does he manifest himself the most? M: Most of all through people of weak character, who are divided within themselves. Such people are everywhere, and they are the easiest for the devil to enter. But he also enters the lives of strong believers - sisters, for example. He would rather "convert" real believers than nonbelievers. How can I explain this? You saw what happened to me. He tries to bring as many believers as possible to himself. T: Can we suppose, then, that one of you might say that three secrets would be revealed before the great sign appears; then the rest of the secrets will be revealed, one by one? Is there anything to that? M: Nothing like that, but something like this. First, some secrets will be revealed - just a few. Then the people will be convinced that the Madonna was here. They will understand the sign. When Jakov said that the mayor will be the first one to run to the hill, he meant that generally people of the highest social class will understand the sign as a place of occasion to convert. They will run to the hill and pray, and they will be forgiven. When I asked the Madonna about unbelievers, She said: "They should be prayed for, and they should pray." But when I asked again, recently, She said: "Let them convert while there is still time." She did not say they should be prayer for. T: You can say nothing specifically until the moment the Madonna says you can? M: Yes T: What does the Madonna say? Can we prepare ourselves for what will happen? M: Yes, prepare! The Madonna said people should prepare themselves spiritually, be ready, and not panic; be reconciled in their souls. They should be ready for the worst, to die tomorrow. They should accept God now so that they will not be afraid. They should accept God, and everything else. No one accepts death easily, but they can be at peace in their souls if they are believers. If they are committed to God, He will accept them. T: This means total conversion and surrender to God? M: Yes T: After these ten secrets, after these eighteen months of apparitions, what do you tell the people they should do? What do you say to priests, to the Pope and Bishops, without revealing the secrets? What does the Madonna want us to do? M: First, I would like to tell you how it was for me at the end, and the..... T: All right. M: Two days before Christmas, the Madonna told me Christmas day would be the last time she would appear to me. (I didn't quite believe this.) On Christmas Day, she stayed with me for forty-five minutes and we talked about many things. We summarized everything that had been said between us. On behalf of many people, I asked what they should do. Then She gave me a very precious gift. She said She would appear to me on my birthday every year for the rest of my life. Also, independently of the sign - and anything else - She said She will appear to me when something very difficult happens - not some everyday difficulty, but something quite grievous. Then, She will come to help me. But now, I have to live without Her physical presence, without Her daily personal visits. I say to all people: Convert! - the same as She said. "Convert while there is time!" Do not abandon God and your faith. Abandon everything else, but not that! T: What is the greatest danger to mankind? What does it come from? M: From godlessness. Nobody believes - hardly anybody. For example, the Madonna told me that the faith in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria is very weak. The people in those countries model themselves on their priests, and if the priests are not good examples, the people fall away and believe there is no God. When I was in Askona I heard of a priest to whom a rich man had left money to build a home for old people, but instead, the priest built a hotel. Now all the people in that city have turned their backs on the faith, because how could a priest not fulfill the last wish of a dying man and, instead, build a hotel and make money for himself? Nevertheless, people must understand that they shouldn't scrutinize a priest's private life, but listen to what he says through God - God's word. T: Before we finish this interview, is there anything you would like to add? M: She said some things that are for me personally. She advised me on various matters. Then She said: "Go in God's peace!" T: Did She talk to you about the other visionaries and further apparitions? M: She told me I am - well, more mature than the others and therefore I must help them, spend time with them and talk with them. This will make things easier for them and for me. We are to understand each other and stay together - united. T: She did not mention further developments or apparitions, either individually or to all of you as a group? M: I think that when each individual learns the tenth secret, she will cease appearing to that person.

Interview with Ivanka Ivankovic, By Fr. Svetozar Kraljevic February, 1983

S: Ivanka, you and Mirjana were taking a walk together that day. Why were you walking together? I: We regularly walked together in that area. We had been at my house; then we decided to take our walk. S: Who was with you besides Mirjana? I: At first, just Mirjana and myself. When we returned to my house, Milka, Marija's sister, asked us to go with her to get the sheep and bring them home. S: So the two of you went with Milka to get the sheep? I: The first time, Mirjana and I were walking alone, and as we were returning to the village I happened to look toward the hill - and I saw a figure of the Madonna, bright and shining. I said to Mirjana: "Look, the Madonna!" Mirjana dismissed what I said with a wave of her hand, as if I'd been joking, and she said: "It's not very likely that the Madonna would appear to us." So we continued to walk toward the village. Mirjana did not even look where I pointed to the hill. When we got to Milka's house, Milka said: "Help me get the sheep and bring them home." So we turned around and started walking back to the fields. This time, all three of us saw the Madonna. We knelt down and prayed; then we got the sheep and chased them home. Later, Vicka and Ivan and the other Ivan joined us. S: On that first day, you saw the Madonna twice? I: Yes. The first time when Mirjana and I were walking back to the village, and the second time when we went with Milka to get the sheep. S: Who saw the Madonna first? I: I did. S: What did you say when you saw her? I: I said: "Look, Mirjana, the Madonna!" S: Then what did you do? Where did you go? I: We went to Milka's. We stopped in front of her house and she asked us to help her get the sheep. Then the three of us went to get the sheep to bring them home. When we passed the hill, I saw the Madonna again, this time holding the Baby Jesus in her hands. Mirjana and Milka also looked, and they too saw the Madonna. S: What did seeing the Madonna mean to you? I: It meant everything in the world! S: When you talk with the Madonna in your visions, we cannot hear you speak. I: We speak out loud, the same as now. S: Let me put it this way. Do you speak with the Madonna mentally - that is She understands what you think - or do you speak to her in a low voice, a whisper, so we cannot hear you? Or is your conversation miraculous - beyond our power to hear and understand? I: I speak with Her normally, the same as I'm speaking now. Also, I hear Her voice and words in the normal way, as well as what the others say. S: In your visions, have you ever asked favors for anybody? I: I have, in the beginning, I asked a favor for little Daniel. S: What did the Madonna say? I: She says the same thing She always says: Strong faith and prayer will help. S: What do you mean, "strong faith and prayer"? For what? I: To believe and pray for a healing. S: Did you ever ask for anybody in your family who had passed away? I: Yes, I asked for my father not long ago, and she said the same thing. S: What did Our Lady say? I: She said my mother is with her, and that I should obey and not worry. S: You were saddened by your mother's death, and because of that the Madonna came to comfort you. I: I don't know; but I don't think so. We asked her why, of all people, She appeared to us. She said She does not always seek out the best people. S: To whom are the Madonna's messages sent? I: To the whole world. S: What are the messages? I: Peace, Conversion, Fasting, Penance, Prayer. S: Which is the most important? I: Peace. S: Why peace? I: When everyone in the world is at peace, everything is possible. S: You mentioned prayer. Tell me honestly, how do you pray? I: When I get up in the morning, I pray seven Our Fathers and the Credo. At noon, I pray the Angelus. In the evening, I pray seven Our Fathers and the Credo, and sometimes the rosary. When we are all home together, we pray an evening prayer. S: It is known that the Madonna recommended that all of you enter a convent. I: She told us it is Her wish that we enter a convent - but only those who have such a wish. She does not want anyone to disgrace the faith and the Church. S: I believe that everyone is free to choose, and you are free as well. Have you decided what to do in this connection? I: To tell you the truth, as I feel right now, I do not want to enter the convent. I can live a Christian life, the same as a nun, raising....... S: Bearing in mind what you know about the future, tell me if the Madonna of Medjugorje will reconcile the world even more. I: I think She will. S: Will the "Great Sign" help in achieving this? I: Yes, when the time comes. More believers will come to church. S: Will the sign appear very soon, or later? I: It will appear at the proper time. S: Ivanka, are you in any way fearful of being able to do what the Madonna expects of you in this life? I: Why should I be afraid when God is with me? God gives me whatever strength I need. S: You speak to the people of the Madonna's messages, but some do not believe you. In that case what do you do? I: I pray for them, that God will enlighten them. S: Can you do anything else? I: I will go on trying to persuade them. They will be convinced, once they ... S: I believe that, but in the meantime people become nervous. It is difficult to wait for that day. What should people do? I: Pray that God will give us the strength to endure. S: There are those who are opposed to the Madonna. What would you tell them? I: I'd tell them: Convert! There is a God. That is it! S: Can those who oppose the Madonna frustrate Her plans in the world? I: You mean the great sign S: Yes. I: No. All their armaments and explosives could not destroy it. S: Can they do harm to the souls of the people and to the Madonna's plans for the people? I: No. S: Does that mean that the Madonna is stronger than they? I: Normally She is. It is Jesus who decides - God. Not the Madonna. S: Tell me about this. I: I think that God has sent Her here. When we asked Her for a sign, I think She asked Jesus and He gave Her a sign. Then She promised to give us a sign. S: That means She can not act independently on Her own. She must do the will of God, as she always has. I: I believe so. S: It is important that people of good faith, regardless of denomination, not be turned against each other. But tell me more about this. What did the Madonna say about this? I: The Madonna said that religions are separated in the earth, but the people of all religions are accepted by Her Son. S: Does that mean that all people go to Heaven? I: It depends on what they deserve. S: Yes, but many have never heard about Jesus. I: Jesus knows all about that; I don't. The Madonna said, basically, religions are similar; but many people have separated themselves, because of religion, and become enemies of each other. S: I thank you, Ivanka, for this conversation and testimony! Next Section - Part 4: Interviews With Local Residents Who Have Been to Medjugorje

SEE MY NOTES: Reference #3

We are going to skip over to "COLUMN 7," which was "Published on May 13, 1986." COLUMN 7 features the documentation that I am looking for.
"Miracle at Medjugorje; VISIT TO MEDJUGORJE: A PHENOMENA BEYOND EXPLANATION" can be found at this web page address:

I ran into an old friend at the airport a couple of weeks ago, I was waiting to leave on a nine-day trip to Medjugorje, Yugoslavia. The usual light chatter ensued and in the course of that, I asked him where he was going. He told me he was heading for a few days in Cancun, Mexico, for a business meeting and some relaxation. Then, the inevitable: "Where are you going?" "Uh, Yugoslavia," I said hesitatingly. "I'm going to Yugoslavia." The look on his face said it all, but he asked anyway. "Why in the world are you going to Yugoslavia?" After spending nearly two weeks there, I can understand why someone would question a trip to Yugoslavia. It's communist, mountainous and hard to get around in, and they don't exactly welcome visitors--especially Americans--with open arms and smiles. But I didn't go there as a tourist. Anyone who has read this column regularly over the past six months knows why I went to Medjugorje. For almost five years now, this small village has attracted world-wide attention as the place where the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of Jesus, is reportedly appearing daily to six young people in this remote mountain village. Despite government attempts to make visiting the site difficult, millions have been and continue to come from around the world to see for themselves what is happening. It has become the number one tourist attraction in Yugoslavia. For this reason, while the government continues harassment of the locals and the visitors, they grudgingly "accommodate" the influx of people because of the economic gain. Guest houses are being built by the individual landowners, not large construction companies. Progress is slow. There are scattered vendors of food and souvenirs. But the ratio to the number of people there is minute. There are no bathroom facilities, nothing to make the visiting pilgrim's stay comfortable. Yet, thousands come weekly. The believability of such an event in today's technical world is difficult. However, to go there and be there for an extended period of time leaves little doubt that something definitely beyond technical or scientific explanation is taking place. The multitude of religious beliefs and cults in the world today, the generally apathetic attitude of church-goers, and the divided opinions even within the Catholic Church lends credence to the skepticism of this supernatural phenomena. Yet, my own involvement, and the circumstances that brought it about have me convinced that this is an authentic call for peace, and a return to the ways of God for the whole people of the world; and I am also convinced that the Mother of Jesus, Mary, is the messenger. I believed this before I went to Medjugorje, I came home with no doubt at all. I kept asking, why me? I'm a journalist and journalists demand hard, cold subtantiated facts and evidence. I'm not catholic and know very little about the Catholic Church's recurrence for the Virgin Mary. My own Lutheran beliefs virtually ignore Mary beyond her role as mother of our Lord. My interest in learning more about the events at Medjugorje was simply curiosity; I thought it might make an interesting Christmas column. That "curiosity" turned into four very long columns during the entire month of December. Since that time, over 250 requests that required a self-addressed, stamped envelope have been received for back-copies of the article. They continue to come in. That curiosity now has me wanting to spend the rest of my life spreading the message of Medjugorje to any and everyone who will listen. I intend to do just that. What I saw and what I felt is not easily put into words. It will be difficult for others to accept it or believe it. Yet, I was there and I know what I saw and what I felt. I saw the sun dance and move and whirl and pale so that I could look directly at it with the naked eye. That is impossible, but I saw it. It was the same sun you and I see every day. I also saw a huge, 14 ton cement cross mounted high on a mountain that stands behind the church at Medjugorje totally disappear on a cloudless, bright morning. This same cross was observed by me early in the black of morning to glow and shine as though it was covered with lights. That also is impossible. There is no electricity on that mountain, but I saw it. There was more, but the point is, there is no explanation for these phenomena. They usually occur at the time the Blessed Virgin is appearing to the children. Some see them. some do not. Others saw them at times when I did not. The most important phenomena at Medjugorje is not the supernatural occurrences, however. It is the almost unanimous commitment to the messages delivered by Mary to the villagers. This village is the closest thing there is to a perfect community of love and adherence to the ways of God. This community, while simple, rural, backward and lacking in material gain, was in many ways no different than our own communities, prior to the beginning of the apparitions in June, 1981. They had their share of trouble with drunkenness, cheating, greed, fighting. They went to church, but not enough to fill the pews every Sunday. Today, these ways are non-existent. The church is filled daily, not just on Sunday. Devotion to God is the main course of their lives. This is the real miracle, the real message of Medjugorje. That is what is stressed to the visiting pilgrims. One of the young people who sees Mary daily has said that the highlight of her day is not the apparition of the Mother of Jesus, but rather the attending of church. This is what the Blessed Virgin wants of all of us.

So concludes the research into this web site, featured by author Wayne Weible. Wayne has both visited the actual site where the apparitions are said to occur, as well as done a lot of research into the "seers" who have been involved with contact.




Reference #1:
Thus far, my search has not turned up the evidence that links all of the apparitions of the BVM together. If they had not, I do question their validity. All are accompanied by signs in the heavens, but they were not found on this "Part I," but I did in the author's personal appearances in part IV. Therefore, I shall list all relevant information that I find on this site, with related links.

Reference #2:
Healings are highlighted in BOLD text, with a description of the BVM's appearance. Following this mention of the healing, the (alleged) apparition of the Virgin Mary gives the healing glory to "GOD;" which according to conventional Biblical theosaphy, is antithesis to demonic influences and powers.

Reference #3:
"Miracle at Medjugorje" PART 3: INTERVIEWS WITH THE SEERS Published Dec. 18, 1985; good backgrtound information. Nothing relating to UFOs here. I haven't checked well enough, yet

Reference #4:
A reference to the author's revelation of the supernatural sundance, which is a charectoristic phenomenon of all BVM appearances. Highlighted in red (have not began highlighting yet)

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