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UFOs and the BVM at Medjugorje

Research by Christopher Montgomery

The following information is research into the UFO and Marian Apparition Paradigm. We present this research raw, and hopefully shall be making commentary on it soon.


"What I saw and what I felt is not easily put into words. It will be difficult for others to accept it or believe it. Yet, I was there and I know what I saw and what I felt. I saw the sun dance and move and whirl and pale so that I could look directly at it with the naked eye. That is impossible, but I saw it. It was the same sun you and I see every day.

"I also saw a huge, 14 ton cement cross mounted high on a mountain that stands behind the church at Medjugorje totally disappear on a cloudless, bright morning. This same cross was observed by me early in the black of morning to glow and shine as though it was covered with lights. That also is impossible. There is no electricity on that mountain, but I saw it.

"There was more, but the point is, there is no explanation for these phenomena. They usually occur at the time the Blessed Virgin is appearing to the children. Some see them. some do not. Others saw them at times when I did not.

The most important phenomena at Medjugorje is not the supernatural occurrences, however..." -by Wayne Weible; Reference #1

As you can see, there is a clear indication of UFO phenomenon here. Along with the appearances of the glowing disc shaped objects, comes miraculous healing, Marian apparitions and numerous eyewitness testimony. I now present you with a testimonial, regarding the healing of a young boy. All of these elements must be present before they qualify as a genuine event revolving around appearances of an apparition claiming to be Mary, the virgin Mother of Christ.
"'Our Lady was standing before a cross, with tears in her eyes. She repeated several times: "Peace, peace, peace, be reconciled with one another.

"Many times during the apparitions, She has said, 'Believe, as if you, too, see.' On June 29th, the children asked specifically for the healing of a two-and-a-half year old boy, who was mute and unable to walk. The seers asked the Virgin Mary to heal him. Jakov reported her response: "Let his parents believe that he will be healed." Later in the evening as the family of the boy was on their way home, they stopped at a restaurant. The mute boy banged on the table and said, "I want a drink." Since then, he is now able to talk and walk. She has directed others to pray and fast and ask Jesus to be healed of their specific ailments or handicaps. Many have been healed according to the reports of the people there.'" - (Weible; IBID Reference #2) Again, concerning healing Mary has told the seers: "I cannot heal; only God can. I need your prayers and sacrifices to help me."

My immediate impression was that Weible was Catholic. But you can't always trust your first impressions. Weible is not Catholic, he is of the Lutheran faith. He says "I'm not catholic and know very little about the Catholic Church's recurrence for the Virgin Mary. My own Lutheran beliefs virtually ignore Mary beyond her role as mother of our Lord." This holds true for most people of the Christian faith who are not Catholic. I would not be too presumptious by saying that this holds true for most Catholics as well. (Weible, IBID) Everyone whom I have talked to regarding apparitions of the Virgin Mary honestly believe that this phenomenon is a trick of the Devil, designed to steer us away from the truth and order of God head. Why are so many people limited to this narrow viewpoint? The answer to that question lies somewhere in the subconcious mind of the human being. As I have commented before, it is natural for our minds to perceive of something as being evil, if our initial reaction was to fear. Fear of the unknown is our worst enemy. Because what we fear the most is fear itself.

For almost five years now, this small village has attracted world-wide attention as the place where the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of Jesus, is reportedly appearing daily to six young people in this remote mountain village. Despite government attempts to make visiting the site difficult, millions have been and continue to come from around the world to see for themselves what is happening.

"Many times during the apparitions, She (Mary) has said, 'Believe, as if you, too, see.'" I take this to mean that it is not so much a matter of believing, but a matter of personal choice. We choose whether to believe or to doubt, to let peace rule our hearts or allow turmoil to enter in. I think she was talking about faith, and letting our hearts rule, because it knows what the mind cannot. Interestingly enough, this is completely antipode to satanic teachings, which embraces the concept of rational mind. This may be the reason that apparitions of the Virgin Mary come to children. They are innocent, and have less preconceived notions of what to fear. The world has not entered in, or to put it another way, the cares of this world are not important to a child, but to love and to be loved.



Reference #1: "Miracle at Medjugorje": VISIT TO MEDJUGORJE: A PHENOMENA BEYOND EXPLANATION" (Column 7) A work by Wayne Weible; Published May 13, 1986

Reference #2: "Miracle at Medjugorje; PART 2: CONVERSATIONS WITH MARY, THE MOTHER OF JESUS;" A work by Wayne Weible; Published Dec. 11, 1985.

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