Don't Want You Back

Don't Want You Back -- BSB

In August of 1998 there was this HOT guy in my College Psych class. I guess I never really took notice to him until he approached me in the food court about half way through the semester. Well, winter break came and went and classes resumed. There I found Mr. Wonderful in my College Literature class. This was too good too be true! The semester breezed by without so much as a world between us. I was kicking myself, because I knew he was transferring that fall and it would be the last time I'd see him.

August of 1999, I'm sitting in the food court once again, and who should walk in...yep....the Wonderful himself. This time I was not going to let him get away. I took every ounce of courage and went over to his table and talked to him for a half hour. (It turned out we had no classes together - but had some of the same courses.) Anyway, September rolled around and we were talking everyday. Getting our coffee together, having lunch, etc. At the end of the month, he asked me out. Finally, a guy I liked was asking ME out!!! Of course I said yes, but it would be another 2 weekends till we actually got together.

October 7th was the night we went out. We went to the movies (which was a mistake -- how do you actually get to talk during a movie)? Anyway, he paid, which I have to say I was pretty impressed. He was a perfect gentleman. Twenty minutes into the movie he did that whole "yawn and stretch" movement and put his arm around me. (Like I was going to argue!) Anyway, he kept it there the whole movie. I have to admit, it was nice (even though the movie wasn't that good)! After the flick, he walked me too my car (I told you, a perfect gentleman) and we kissed goodnight (a few times ;-) ) I drove home so excited that maybe, just maybe, a crush might turn into a relationship for once.

October 9th. The Monday after our date. I waited for him at our usual coffee spot, but he never showed so I went to sit with my friend. A few minutes later, Mr. Wonderful shows up with his friends, laughing and joking around. Ok, fine. I go up to get my coffee, and pass his table. I smile, say hi. He looks up, looks at his friends and resumes laughing, totally ignoring me. Yeah, so at this point, Mr. Wonderful becomes Mr. A$$hole. Two days later he tracks me down to see if I'm mad. Um, hello? Who ignored who? I said I wasn't, but I guess I really was. He called me the next night and left a message on my voice mail. It consisted of him blaming me that we weren't talking. He's like: "If you never want to talk to me again, that's fine....." Yeah, whatever, you jerk.

Now it's November and we talk for the first time in about a month and a half. He asks me out again and I agree (yeah, I'm a glutton for punishment). The next week, Amanda (my best friend) and I got to the Blink-182/Silverchair concert. I'm all high on myself because I know Blink-182 is Mr. Wonderful's favorite bands. Next thing I know.....there he is. I only saw him for a brief second, not even long enough to say hi. Yeah well.

About another month passes and we still haven't gone out again. Winter break arrives and we go our separate ways.

Around Christmas I call him to see what's up and if he wants to get together. We make plans to go dancing with my friend and her boyfriend. He's going to meet us there. Date night comes and my friend (Jen), her boyfriend and I all get to the club. We wait about 2 hours only for Mr. Wonderful NEVER to show up! I had been stood up.

School resumes and not only do I see him, but I have Chemistry with him. He doesn't talk to me at all -- but he doesn't have any trouble talking about me to his friends. A month into the semester one of his friends comes up to me and says: "Ya know, he still likes you. He talks about you all the time." I just rolled my eyes and said: "Yeah, well, that may be -- but he doesn't talk TO me." Just wonderful, he can't even talk to me, but his friends know all about it. The rest of the semester goes pretty fast, without him saying much of a word to me.

The day of the Chemistry Final. I start and finish the test in no time (which I aced by the way!). As I'm walking out to my car I hear my name, and I KNOW that voice.

(turning around) "Yeah?" I said.
"Can we talk for a minute?" he said.
"Um, yeah..." I said.
(we go sit on one of the benches nearby)
"Ok, here's the thing.....what would you say if I said 'I Want You Back'?"
(ok, at this point, I'm a little stunned....)
"You never had me!" is all I manage to get out of my mouth!!!
"But I thought we had a good time when we went out?" he said.
(now I'm even more confused...)
"Yeah, so did I. But that was 7 months ago. Do you expect to pick up like no time has passed?" I argued.
"Are you telling me that you have no feelings for me what-so-ever?" he said.
"Of course I do. But whatever feelings I had for you are gone. Did you really expect me to wait around for you after 7 months"? I said in disbelief.

This conversation goes on for about another half hour but you get the idea. I honestly couldn't believe the nerve of this guy. Did he really think that I would wait around for him. I mean, yeah, I liked him for just about a year before he asked me out, but no guy should treat me like that! I can say that I'm glad I stood up to him. I would have been so easy to go back to him. I still think of him of course, but when I do, I laugh. Hello? Did he really say "I want you back". Yes, he really did. I almost started laughing out loud. Tell ya what though, the only thing I wanted to say to this jerk was "Bye, Bye, Bye"!

Lesson Learned: Things aren't always what they seem. In this case, I actually got what I wanted. But as it turned out, I wanted a lot more. I wanted someone who would be there the next day, week, month. He couldn't handle that, fine, but I couldn't live with myself if I would've given in to him that last time.

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