You Can't Lose Me

You Can't Lose Me -- Faith Hill
I’ve waited 19 years for this, and it’s the best time of my life – college. I graduated from high school over two years ago, and went to community college for two years. I think in the long run, that it was an excellent experience for me. I got to go to classes, live at home and still keep my job. But this year changed my life. I went away to a school 3 hours away from home. The week before I got here my mom and I were not on the best terms, so needless to say, I couldn’t wait to leave. Well, the day came and mom, dad and my best friend Amanda and I were on our way to move me in. Not long after we move all of my stuff in the room, it was time for them to go. Believe it or not, there were no waterworkds. I hugged both of my parents goodbye and then Amanda (and I admit, at that point I started to tear up). And as we said our last goodbyes and they drove away, it hit me that I was on my own. The weeks and months have passed since then, and now that day doesn’t hold too much significance. There are a few things that have happened to me in the past few months. I appreciate my parents all the much more, I miss my brother (that’s a big surprise, actually!), I miss my dog, I miss real food and I miss seeing Amanda every weekend. A few things surprise me though; like the fact that I anticipate Sunday afternoons when the parents call, or that I like to go home. Home – the place that just a few months before, I couldn’t wait to leave. I started to relize that I’m an adult (gasp!) and I don’t need my parents involved as much….I just want them to be.

Lesson Learned:Home is a comfort, College is a change and then suddenly “home” is that place you visit on weekends.

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