That's What Friends Are For

That's What Friends Are For -- Dionne Warwick

There are those people in your life that know you better than anyone else. there are those people in your life that listen to you no matter what. And there are those people in your life that you know you couldn't live without.

Above is the non-conventional definition of a 'friend'. Now, I don't like to brag, but I just wanna tell you that I have the best best friend in the world.

That though world of first grade was when I first met Amanda. She lived a street away from me and we quickly became friends. we travelled with different crowds through junior high and the first two years of high school. But when junior year rolled around Amanda, our two other friends Michelle and Jenn, and I were inseperable. I had known Jenn since first grade also, and Michelle I met through Amanda. At the end of high school, we all went our seperate ways. Jenn and Michelle left for colleges away from home, while Amanda and I stayed back in college near home. That was the tie that binds. She's been there through everything with me. We've gone through everything with each other. High school, dances, prom, vacations, day trips, college, crushes, obsessions.... All the good things, and even the bad. She is the best person I know, and honestly one of the most important people (if not the MOST important) in my life. Let me tell you this story:

The past weekend was my 20th birthday, for which I came home from school. Amanda had a wedding to go to ON my birthday -- which upset her more than I can express to you. Anyway, after the wedding she came to my house to pick me up. Now you have to understand that it was about 10:30pm and I had just had the worst day I can ever remember having (And on my birthday, no less!). Anyway, I get in the car and she dad posted a "Happy Birthday" banner on her dashboard. Of course, being the wonderful person she is she had a little game to play. The first gift contained a clue to where we would go next and so on! First we ended up at one of our favorite restaurants which has the BEST cheese fries in the world. Then we went to WaWa for, my favorite, Frech Vanilla Cappachino. A few of her plans fell through because of the late hour and the fact that she wasn't expecting to have to stay at the wedding that late. But, ya know what, it didn't matter. Because what she doesn't know is that, she could give me a rock for my birthday and it wouldn't matter.

There were many more gifts in this line of surprises, but the funny thing is that none of it matters. My point is that in the 3 hours I spent with her made up for the rest of my day. I would truly not be the person I am today without her. She's taught me more than educators or parents ever could. She's taught me the true value of friendship: $Priceless$

Lesson Learned: Friends should not be taken for granted. Friends are forever and no matter how stupid you act around them, they always keep coming back for more.

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