I AM A COLLEGE STUDENT I live in a 2 x 2ft cinderblocked prison with no windows. My roommate has sex when I am in the room....I am a college student. I have gained 15 pounds or more since August...most of that is BudLight, my best friend...I am a college student. I got more ass in the first two weeks of school then in my entire life combined... now I get less then ever....I am a college student. I drink Beast from a keg and BuschLight from a can.... I will walk in the cold, dark and snow for beer...but refuse to go to class in the same weather... I am a college student. If I am female... I wear a pea coat, black bootleg pants and platform shoes...and have been molested by more then one frat guy on the dance floor... I am a college student. I have a 2.1 GPA. I have Mono... but don't sleep except during my classes... I am a college student. I have forgot what privacy is...I never make my 8:00 class... and have hooked up with every guy/girl in my dorm...I am a college student. I drink more vodka then water... my savior is the toliet.... I black out for extended periods of time several nights a week.... I am a college student. My friends tell me the next day about the strip tease I did at the party the night before that I can't remember... I am a college student. I think cigarettes, coffee, cheetos and Ramen Noodles as being a complete meal...I am a college student. I forgot about the love-of-my-life-boyfriend/girlfriend at home, as soon as I stepped foot on campus. I think nothing of going to bed at 3:30am on Wacky Wednesday, Thirsty Thursday, Fuck up Friday... and getting up at 8:00 still drunk and go to class.... I go to bed at 2 and get up at 11 everyday... I promise myself everyday that tomorrow I will get up and go to that class that I somehow keep sleeping through.... I am a college student. My computer is used for two purposes.... AOL instant Messenger and MP3Napster... I am a college student. I am a COLLEGE STUDENT...Hear me roar!!!