HAPPINESS IS… ...the smell of bread baking. ...the sight of a sleeping child. ...your first love. ...the first robin of spring. ...a perfect rose. ...sunshine after a shower. ...the child of loving parents. ...chocolate cake. ...puppies. ...hotdogs at the ballpark. ...the smile of a child. ...sitting in front of a fireplace on a cold winter night. ...walking on the beach. ...sleeping late. ...found money. ...seeing a beautiful bride. ...a perfect sand castle. ...a hot air balloon ride. ...doing a good deed anonymously. ...flowers from the right person. ...a beautiful sunset. ...being part of a team. ...the last day of your diet. ...sailing on a clear day. ...finishing on time. ...finding exactly what you were looking for. ...peace. ...a job well done. ...spending time with your grandparents. ...catching the biggest fish. ...doing the right thing.