Me! Me! Me!

THE 411

-Name: Dana Lynn

-Age: 21

-Birthdate: 10/28/80

-Sign: Scorpio

-Hometown: Whitehall, PA, otherwise known as "boredom, USA"

-Occupation(s): college junior, lowly kohls associate, computer lab attendent

-Pet Peeve(s): ignorance, people thinking their opinions are always right

-Fave food(s): salad, cheesy potatoes, popcorn!

-Fave color(s): black/grey

-Fave movie(s): While You Were Sleeping... , Armageddon

-Fave day(s): Anyday that I'm not at home

-Fave Animal(s): lions!!! roar!!!!

-Fave Holiday(s): New Years is depressing cuz we have no lives, Valentines' Day is depressing cuz we have no boyfriends, St. Patrick day is depressing cuz knowing our luck even if we caught a leprchaun there would be NO pot of gold, Easter is depressing cuz too much CAAANDDYY will make you fat, mother's day is depressing cuz we have to spend quality time with them, father's day for the same reason, 4th of july is depressing cuz once again we realize we have NO ONE to oh and ah with at fireworks (present "company" excluded), Halloween is depressing cuz, did i mention we have NO lives?, Thanksgiving is depressing cuz although we have enough to be thankful for we never are satisfied and Christmas, well, fuck christmas cuz after a year of sucky holidays....who needs one more???

-Fave T.V. Show(s): FRIENDS...Can there BE (picture Chandler) a better show?

-Fave actor: Matthew Perry, Ben Affleck

-Fave Actress: Sandra Bullock + Juila Roberts

-Fave band: Blink-182, cuz once and for all, Nsync are NOT a band other than one made of "boys" 

-Fave Friends: Ahhhh....if i have to answer this, that's pretty bad!

-Fave Hangout: uni-mart, oh no wait...i know...the mall!!  (sarcasm is present here...)

-Fave sport(s): volleyball

-Fave Thing to do: "I don't know whata you wanna do?" Hey, when all else fails....EAT!

-My most embarassing moment: UM, you want a list!

-The wackiest thing I did as a kid: Um, i picked my poop out of the toilet once.....oh wait! you said as a kid.....;-)

-Have you ever had your heart broken: yup, i guess i thought i did

-What are you wearing right now: nothin' ;-) wanna see? 

-Are you in a relationship right now: HAHAHAHAHA....and can i just say: HA!

-Pepsi or Coke? Pepsi

-Beach or Snow? Beach

-Rainy or Sunny? Sunny

-Square or Circle? Circle

-Dark or Bright? Dark/Bright...I'll sleep where ever, when ever, in what ever light!!

-Left or Right? right

-Have a bestest friend, if so who? AHHHHH......amanda beth

-Speak another language: ha! no.

-Drive: Shazam!!!!

-Have a car: Shazam!!!!


-Who was the last person you talked to online? it's been forever...

-Who have you known the longest? Parents count? Jen K., Julie, Amanda


-You had a serious conversation? when am i EVER serious?



-What are you doing? redoing some websites (obviously)

-Are you lonely or content? lonely.....but i guess compared to other people i should be happy

-Are you listening to music? no, just the hum of the air thingie in this lab.

-Who is your worst enemy? um... um....I don't have any at the moment.

-Who do you cry to most often? i rarely let people see me cry

-What is your favorite Perfume/Cologne scent? bath and body cocconut! yum! JOOP, for guys

-Favorite subject in school?  Advertising

-Least favorite subject in school?  "Novels of the American West"  (yes, you read that right...)

-Who was the last person that broke your heart?  Luke, I guess (ass!)

-Who is the love of your life? I'll let you know


-Person to dissapoint you?  myself

-Person to brighten up your day? Sadly, no one.

-Person that you thought about? me, from all these damn surveys

-Person  you went to the movies with?  Sadly, myself.

-Person you talked to on the phone? Amanda, yesterday.

-Person you saw?  My roomate, Kiera


-Thought about suicide?  Not for myself.

-Stayed up for 24 hours?  of course!

-Swam in the rain or snow?  rain....can we say: VIRGINIA!

-Gotten drunk?  not lately.

-Smoked?  yeah, you know this already

-Made a prank call?  ahhh...youth.

-Slept all day?  oh the joy in that...

-Been out of the country? nope

-Told a boy/girl you loved them?  Greg, every chance I get.

-If yes, did you mean it?  did i ever say something i didn't mean?

-Gone skinny dipping? nope.....wouldn't want to scare anyone

-Thought you were going crazy?  always.

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